Where is /ourguy/?
Did the libs finally get to him?
Where is /ourguy/?
Did the libs finally get to him?
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He was chased out for being a pedo remember?
As conservatives we are only accepting of a few things
Pedos are not on that list
Sup Forums is an anti-degeneracy board so who the fuck cares about that faggot?
He is a based gay man who triggers SJW's
Everyone must have a hill they are willing to die one.
Lines they are not willing to cross.
To win with the help of the Devil is no win at all.
And that's Milo.
He's a pedophile. Who supports more pedophilia.
That's something I will not stand for.
I'd rather lose this war than win and usher in a world of pedophiles.
I'd rather lose with my dignity than condone Milo's man-boy loving ways
he got himself
>trying to downplay your own molestation makes you a pedophile
>Some faggot
>our guy
Fuck off Reddit sucm
>Le based X maymay
Get out T_D
He is not /ourguy/ he's a fag and a merchant.
A pedo faggot who goes to underage hollywood sex parties,who loves nigger dick (self decribed ), is not "our guy". Faggots are degenerate shitdicks losers that add nothing to our cause.
Fags need to all die. Hope that fag is dead.
Fuck off, it's leftists that hate pedophilia.
Anyone share sauce on proof that he's a pedo?
He's busy getting a butt injection.
What a lot of these people don't understand is that most faggots are in fact pedophiles. The truth is starting to be exposed now where you see all these gay parents doing degenerate shit with their kids like turning them into trannies before theyre 10 years old, but all out of the closet gays are fucking sick in the head. Their entire identity revolves around dick and they try to push that faggot shit on everyone else.
This country is in serious need of ElectroPence.
Theres nothing wrong with pedophilia. Little girls are the sexiest females, to deny this is to lie and lying is bad.
Bring fags is bad.
He was controlled opposition that reached the end of his usefulness.
T. (((VOX GAY)))
fuck off
I never thought he was useful.
He's a sick kid that needs to get his act together.
If he married the child first then it is not pedophilia !!
Get lost, sodomite
tell that to the church and their love for dem little boys
There were phone messages leaked with him sexting with a teen boy this month.
He's done for good.
typical sheep brainwashed by ((their)) character assassination
keep playing into ((their)) hands
32 is a kid to me.
I have no idea what he's guilty of aside from being obnoxious and as toxic as the things he derides.
>>ur very stuped user polfag
Milo is at E3 right now filming. They wanted to do another Bad Dragon ad, but didn't give the dildo guys enough lead time.
t.friend of someone that works for Milo
Teens are more than old enough to consent. I don't see the problem.
Am I still on the right board
Milo is guilty of not being innocent.
That's true of everyone.
true my Islamic friend
He's been going down the Hollywood Degenerate route
He recently went a liposuction surgery for no real reason aside from the fact that he's just a plastic shallow moron
I have empathy for him but its clear that he's just larping around now making money off of gullible diehard fans and not by any speeches or whatnot
that's a cool gif
Where the fuck have you been?How do you people even defend this faggot degenerate?
That would be page zero news, yet: Literally Nothing.
if "get to him" you mean give him 12 million dollars, fund his bookdeal, and give him a huge platform to control without anyone to answer to?
Yeah, they got to him.
hi mcmullin!
Honestly not defending him, really don't fucking follow too much random shit on the internet. Just curious
>being attracted to a pure innocent child
>ruining that innocence
>being attracted to no breasts and completely undeveloped body
Fuck you,sick degenerate!!! Go into your europoor ,drink some bleach, and go suck that ruassian dick raping your country!!
he needs to fuck off now, he has served his purpose
he used to go on to shows and debate leftists, but these days he just shills his own brand tries to mainstream degenerate behavior with the excuse that it's ok because he's not a liberal
He was never /ourguy/
He's a coal burning kike faggot who belongs in te oven.
You should turn the light down on your projector.
Fuck off pedo lover
That looks like a good bit of fun.
Don't listen to that cuckservative
Basically some leftist news outlet (WSJ I believe) deceptively edited clips of Milo talking about his childhood Priest sexual encounters on Drunken Peasants and Joe Rogan Podcast. It went viral and he quit Breitbart and Simon & Schuster cancelled his book deal (for which he is now suing for $12 million). Lately he's just been degenerating more and more (recently got liposuction surgery) and is just hanging around Hollywood lefty types. He's just becoming more and more shallow and losing his substance.
Pick one.
Doing book signings and shit I would imagine.
Tell your CIA friends I said "Hi", and to remember that all posts by this IP are and always have been satire.
I'm right here Sup Forums
this. there is no such thing as a "based" sodomite
Thanks for not being a dumbass and actually answering my question
Fuck off pedo lover.Degenerate defender.
lol you look nothing like milo
>lies lies lies tell me sweet little lies
>I'd rather lose this war than win and usher in a world of pedophiles.
>I'd rather lose with my dignity than condone Milo's man-boy loving ways
Don't say dumb shit like this. It is a christcuck/cuckservative mindset. The only thing morally right in this life is victory and the only thing morally wrong is defeat.
We should be willing to do anything and everything to win.
That said.....Fucking little boys in the ass and associating with people who do it or at least excuse it, will not help us win. In fact degeneracy is exactly what is making us lose. Never in any point of our history have we been in a better position in terms of our wealth, our military strength, etc and yet we are closer than ever to defeat. This is because we have embraced degeneracy.
He's pretty based desu
he specifically talked about fucking 14 year olds and going to hollywood parties where there were kids in a sex dungeon and doing nothing about it then he went against everything he ever preached about and made a video saying WAHHHHH I WAS MOLESTED I'M ACTUALLY THE VICTIM HERE, i'm glad the faggot is fucking through
Daww, is the cuckservative salty?
>sees flag
Seems very legit desu.
CP/Pedo material is the only thing your country produces, right?
Pick one
Stop lying. He went further than that and you know it.
leftists are trying to promote pedophilia hence italianpiegate
So you should have no problems finding a link to him saying that, right?
you're a fucking degenerate, gas self pls
He was will never be, and was never, /ourguy/. Only complete manchildren and actual children straight out of Reddit thought that.
Glad the Russians are going to erase the stain that is Ukraine off the map eventually. Hows it feel to live in a country full of degenerate refugees, none of which are Ukrainian as there is no such thing?
Our guy?? This dipshit defends pedophiles. End of story.
He's using a proxy lol he could be anywhere
He's not /ourguy/ you enormous libertarian cuck.
No he doesnt you weak minded retard
People here used to like him back before he blew up. He was much less flamboyant and used to btfo feminists on tv.
He got more faggy and obnoxious and exploded in popularity. We all kind of had more than enough of him.
Shush, the narrative must be protected at all costs.
he is not our guy, he's a flamboyant faggot with a corruption fetish
get out and never come back
OP is literally a faggot
Gays are degenerated... They don't reproduce and show no interest in making a healthy society. Even Milo has now deep values...
>Muh free speech
>Muh triggered twats
>Muh priest giving me D
Milo can go fuck himself... He has no clue about culture and race. He's just a professional attention whore.
still actin a fag
Just let me shout at walls you bastard
Sup Forums takes the b8 on the character assassination. Guy isn't a pedo. He said he was the victim of pedophilia from a priest, if you could imagine that.
They're all gone. The right is evil.
Tucker is the only semi-respectable one on that list desu.
Is bisexuality the master race?
I don't care if he got molested/raped as a child...
Yes it's sad... But it's no excuse in anyway... Then we also can make excuses for Muslims raping our women because they are traumatized by having no culture.
>retards who don't know what VPNs are
>hurr durr degenerate
Fuck off. Or have something to say besides buzzwords.
Nice Bait
Not bait. I don't respect neocon cucks. Tucker is kind of a faggot too but at least he's consistent.
>Implying that he uses VPN
Why you even justifying yourself?
Testing out his new ass with a number of black dudes
I am not excusing him for anything.
Someone doesn't know the history of consent laws. Your opinion is literally less than a century old. Out of thousands.