/NARg/ North American Republic general

Are you tired of hearing other languages other than English while waiting in the line at the grocery store? Aren't you tired of not being able to get a job because of all the niggers and mud colored races taking entry level jobs from young white men? Forcing white men to enlist into the military that is getting "more diverse" with every passing year. Shipping them off to fight for Israel and fight Abdul in his home. Are you not tired of seeing black and brown faces on the tube and seeing all this politically correct bullshit at the theatre? If so then don't think there is no way to change it because there is.

I challenge all White people to gather what little courage we have left and make the same journey our ancestors did and Come Home. Our ancestors packed up all their belongings in a wagon, loaded the whole family up and headed westward with NO guarantee that they would even make it to the west coast. It took them weeks and even months but it will only take you a few days. The Pacific Northwest is the last bastion of hope for white people on the North American continent. Come Home and live next door to your own People, not next door to Juan and Jamal. Wouldn't it be great to walk down the street at night and not have to worry about seeing any black or brown faces, to not worry about being robbed or murdered just because you are white?

Come Home to Oregon, Idaho or Washington.
All you have to do is say to yourself "I don't have to deal with all this." and pack the car, truck or SUV.

All you have to do is get in your vehicle and start driving.
All you have to do is Come Home!

Hail Victory, Comrades!



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I am a faggot for spreading the message of a white homeland?

nice strawman faggot

There are many Hispanics around here, it is by no means a bastion. However we are not as enriched as everywhere else so eh

t. Northwest Oregon

I recently went on a trip, and had the misfortune of spending a few days in Seattle.

If Seattle is any indication, Washington is a lost cause

stop running, cowards

Been to Olympia and Seattle.. What will you do about those two liberal hell holes?

Obviously any major city is going to have a mob of niggers and spics but I guarantee it is not as bad as alot of other major metropolitan areas.

the rest of washington isn't too bad besides the methy areas. Seattle is a degenerate hellhole though

Once the Republic is established it will be hard to clean out but once the word gets out and other white people see that jobs are opening up because all the spics and niggers are leaving it will become easier.

Moving from Arizona to Oregon in about a month so I'll see you guys soon!

What other options do they have?

White reservations now, keep the undesirables out.

The time to stand and fight came and went. It is impossible to take back all of the US of A.

Have you already contacted someone from the party and made plans? We don't want anyone left out in the cold.

I would like to live in either Washington or Oregon but Seattle and Portland are hotbeds for craziness akin to Berkeley or SF

No thanks, I'll stick with Utah. Good luck though.

We have settlements that are across those two states. It is recommended to make a scouting trip first and hook up with a representative. They can show you around.

I probably will when I get there but right now I prefer to stay user. Going with my wife and her friend and we're going to be very busy finding a new place, etc.

I'm starting to think you trying, quite terribly, to honeypot "nazis"

We obviously can not force anyone to make the trip Home but just know this that eventually even your little neighborhood will get culturally enriched.


You can think what you want but all I am doing is spreading the message of the Homeland.

I am moving to washington in 2 months


>let's make a Nazi community in turbo liberal states with Seattle, Portland, Olympia retards

>west coast
>shares boarder with commiefornia
>not even white
Sounds like fucking hell. Where I live is significantly whiter. Maine, West Virginia, Iowa, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Kentucky and North Dakota are all well over 90%. Washington is below 70% ffs

wa is the worst state in the country. no way they'll ever be 1488.

Glad to hear.

Both of those are part of the proposed Homeland.

Once a bunch of racially aware whites start moving into theses states then eventually it will go 14/88.

Montana is part of the future republic.
Places like Portland/Seattle have weak faggot libs and baby boomers who will be absolutely irrelevant when SHTF.

The nonwhites you're talking about are mostly Asian and Mexican and can easily be shipped out.

Obviously, there can be more than one white republic so Maine and WV are great areas if you live near them, but strategically speaking the NW is the most obvious region for settlement for hundreds of reasons.

Except racially aware whites are already in these states, but the only race they care about are blacks, browns, and yellows.
There's a higher chance that WA/OR/BC will become a Chinese colony before a white-ethno anything. Someone in one of these threads told me SeaTac was becoming more white with black moving out. What they failed to realize is that if they do move out all they do is go a little further south in the state.
What they also failed to realize is that JBLM is pumping in every nigger and spic that joins the army into WA, and there's not much you can do about that. What's worse is that once they're here they bring their families and settle them in the surrounding area.
It's fun to discuss as an idea, but otherwise there's not ever going to be much substance to it.

There exists a way and a means to accomplish a white ethnostate but whites don't want it yet. Eventually the wheels are going to fall off of the wagon and the gibsmedats will come to and end. Then the great reckoning will come. The NWF if the only organization with a real plan of action. So larp as a pirate all you want, you don't even own a boat, right?

t. NVA Kriegsmarine

>there's not ever going to be much substance to it.

That is where you are wrong. Once the Republic declares it is an entity and the Feds have no authority here we start pushing all the niggers, spics and other degenerates out. Read the book The Brigade. It will show you some of the solutions.

i live in it and it's a sjw infested piece of shit

So you have first hand knowledge of it. Now if there was an organisation in your state if not in your very city, that is actually working towards something, would you not want to join them to make it a better place? Not only for you but also for your children.

Bumping for the Homeland.

Why not just the northern front? Northern Midwest is whiter than the west coast. Oregon and Washington don't seem like they belong

The land is amazing, the people who currently inhabit it are not (in certain areas)

Hmm if only there was a solution to this problem

...a final solution...

Quite a visually unimpressive flag

aren't oregon and washington cucked?
the last bastion of whites would be northern new england desu

I do love washington state though, would move there gladly

Nope, Wa and Or are cucked only in the cities and then mostly in the downtown areas and a few other places. Otherwise it's totally awesome.