Thoughts, Sup Forums?
Will other grocers suddenly become the target of paid dindu raids?
Will you shop at these new Amazon foods stores?
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I don't feel right having all of my services come from ONE company, no matter how noble the intent is.
where the fuck does nobility figure in amazon? kek
Perhaps noble is the wrong word, but the rest of the statement still stands.
Now we know why Amazon started the discount prime for food stamps.
I don't eat the organic jew.
i haven't shopped from amzn in like 3 years. Can't stand bezos, can't stand companies that get to bend rules to their advantage over competitors in a rigged market, can't stand web 2.0 west coast and wall street darlings can't stand seeing brick and mortar stores being closed, eventually to be replaced by amazon brick and mortar stores, can't stand washington post, etc
Stock market today.
Amazon: +3.3% to $995.98
Wal-Mart: -6.36% to 74.18
Target: -10.28% to $49.76
Costco: -7.69% to $13.85
Kroger: -13.44% to $21.26
Dollar General: -5.16% to $68.59
SuperValu: -16.22% to $3.15
Sprouts Market: -12% to $19.73
Smart & Final Stores: -14.09% to $9.60
Weis Markets: -7.25% to $47.23
Ingles Markets: -7.71% to $32.30
>Target: -10.28%
i'm not looking forward to amazon arriving in australia. there is a real chance that their jewish bullshit is going to crash our entire economy.
>weis markets -7.25%
tranny phantom you monster
"Big if True"
the whole foods near my office has a taco truck on the roof for some reason
i ate their hot foods bar once it was pretty shit especially for like $11/lb or whatever it was
monopoly breakup time?
wow amazon operating in foreign countries and shipping all their profits back to some centralized tax shielding location sounds fucking abysmal for everyone but jews
Washington won't do shit; they haven't done shit so far - Trump doesn't seem to care, even with WaPo running hitpiece after hitpiece on him
There's no real monopoly though.
when is Amazon going to be considered a monopoly? they've put countless of stores out of business.
isnt there a law against growing too large?
them shipping their profits overseas isn't even my concern, my concern is that by going absolutely fucking mega-kike-mode with the cost cutting they're going to end up destroying australian retail businesses. that's not good, considering like 40% or more of the credit in our economy is based on our retail sector.
we've already got coles and woolies bending farmers over backwards, we don't need amazon having a go.
Sounds like Bezos will learn where everything whole and organic comes from and proceed to subvert them or sell them out to the competition, maybe forcing rules on them if they want to stay in business such as the use of a "safe" new pesticide or diversity quotas.
Just keep an eye on organics and encourage leaks from the upper execs of whole foods.
I can get Amazon Prime with food stamps?
This whole deal was mostly for infrastructure.
amazon locker
package pick up
sell over-priced food
sell services like banking, credit cards, cellphone plans
holee shit this is gonna be good.
Anti trust laws when?
As long as Wal-Mart is around amazon isn't a monopoly.
So we'll eventually have 2 or 3 stores to choose from.
sounds gr8
Will be curious to see if Amazon gets broken up in the future for being a monopoly. Anyone else thinking this?
I don't mind Amazon as long as it keep funding rockets.
Amazon is a part of the big globalist shadow government that hangs over us all.
Bust the trusts. Pretend you're Teddy Roosevelt, Mr. Trump. Get rid of the monopolies so that small businesses can compete and people can be tied to their communities again. Side benefit of reducing the power of asshats like Bezos, Gates, Buffett, Blankfein, Zuckerberg.
Drain the Corporate Swamp as well as the political one. Do it!
Wal mart exists in localities. Amazon might continue to use legal bullshit to duck out of taxation and fees that other retailers continue to be forced to pay. It's an unfair market that benefits a job-killing dickhole
All the shopping will shift to online retail
Amazon will take over the entire market and share it with 1-2 other major retailers
All goods will be stored and shipped from giant warehouses with drones
Small stores will disappear
Every american working a retail job will be be out of a job
This is happening in the next 5-10 years, not 50 years
I dont see it happening.
Retail jobs will die in the future anyways.
I don't understand how some of you guys are calling amazon a monopoly? I can find most products I want to buy on Amazon from multiple different retail stores or online shops, often for cheaper too.
Bezos has to keep expanding, overspending, hooking in investors. If he stops swimming, the whole schemes implodes.
Ayy yo, so youz be sayin i can git sum free delivry and shiet?
Biggest thing to take from this is that Amazon isn't particularly interested in the whole organic foods trend. It's nice but it isn't their primary goal.
What I expect is that they bought Whole Foods for their already built grocery infrastructure. In probably in a couple years, these stores will also serve as hubs for grocery deliveries.
>Dollar general
Amazon can't kill these. They're the only thing keeping my town afloat
Nah there will always be retail, but you'll have the same situation as with Apple in handheld market..
Amazon and Wal Mart take all the profit over margin while smaller companies have to fight over crumbs, and small entrepreneurs can't even enter the market
hoepfully it will will be the beginning of the end for the Amazon bubble, but probably not. Who knows how much money taxpayers have basically handed over to amazon in the form of discounted freight, not paying taxes, etc etc
Good Goy Trump.
i go to farmers markets like zerns and green dragon
good riddance walmart
there was a fertile field that could have been used to grow crops but they built walmart over it
if your town goes down then get a farmers market there
it'll go back up
yep amazon and bezo is the most hypocritical duchebag there is besides mark sugarmountain
All grocery chains worldwide got a big hit on stocks with this announcement.. investors believe that Amazon will crush competition in this field like it has in so many others, but at the same time they had to take on massive debt to do so.. hard to say wtf will happen
Debt? Aren't they offering cash?
Fun fact - Whole Foods founder is a right-winger that created the most beloved brand of pretentious lefties.
Definitely ain't noble. However, they want to make money. If they do that AND you get cheaper goods, I see no problem. This has the added bonus of fucking over Walmart.
Hold up, Amazon doesn't have that kind of money.
They did it for the locations, to expand their Amazon Fresh grocery delivery.
>amazon can't even make money
>buy another dying company
I just made a thread on this a few hours ago and it got archived. Why?
at this point in time its pretty much Amazon going pants on head retarded to combat Walmart on every front.
>let's fuck over Walmart by helping create a super Walmart to kill it.
Amazon makes a fuck ton of money selling software and online services to companies. Their retail sales are a tiny fraction of their profits.
Bezos is not a jew.
He got his stepdad's name when his mom remarried.
Whole Foods is expensive as Hell. Walmart is cheap as Hell.
Why has no one killed Wal-Mart yet? Because they have not played the cheap food and products game the same way that WM has.
You can't kill the discount foods market by playing the premium foods game. Their direct competition will be Kroger and other stores that dabble in expensive fine food. The outcome of that fight remains to be seen.
This is a tactical move from amazon, the idea to it, they want to implement in the near future options where you just go into a store, get scanned at the entrance, roam the store buy stuff, and just exist without having to wait in line or scan the products, you get billed once you exist the store thru the same scanner.
I expect them doing this with whole foods
Once Liberal Amazon has started raping and pillaging middle America, Trump will attack the Bezos monopoly. Trump reelection guaranteed.
Cash recieved from loans, they don't have that much capital on hand..
Never ever.
Fuck Jeff Bezos but this is going to be great. No cashiers. Just go in, grab your shit and go. It'll get rung up and put on your amazon account.
So long, sassy $15 nigger cashiers! Hello quick and easy shopping. Finally these tech moguls do something beneficial for society again. It's been a while.
Wholes food is overpriced and quality is not very good, I think Amazon made a mistake.
Yeah I'm sure eliminating 2/3 of all grocery jobs won't have any sort of impact on the economy
They have the best fuji apples on the market.
The best value for money in food is from the Asian markets, cheap and fresh.
remidner that this baldhead is the owner and founder of wapost (aka shilary central), and is an advocate for antinationalism
I hate working for Amazon primarily because of Bezos
This. Better go to Lidl or Aldi. They are really good : )
How does this affect Trader Joes?
Oh boy, if that ain't a greaseless ass raping.
>amazon buys whole foods
Great. Already crappy customer service is about to get worse.
This is the future: Companies that actually employ people getting bought the fuck out by companies that employ robots (and some very sad managers and very sad box-handlers).
why do you need assistance at a grocery store?
You mean, "Whole Paycheck"?
Fucking place is extortionate.
He needs opinion on which organic soy milk to get.
Whole Foods hot food/soups/salad bar is a huge rip off. Actually almost everything in that store is a huge rip off. Trader Joe's has far better deals on organic foods.
Gotta greentext that shit to indicate sarcasm cuh!
Just don't trust the meat section unless you actually see the slaughtering.
>not investing in supplementary subsistence gardens
And if it was cerified fair trade
I know of one like that are you in Plymouth Meeting PA ?
>Whole Foods hot food/soups/salad bar is a huge rip off
Really? During the winter I always get soup, apple, bread, and ice tea and the bill comes out to $9. Seems pretty reasonable when everywhere else is the same and in some cases(Balducci) a couple of dollars more.
>Just don't trust the meat section unless you actually see the slaughtering.
Nah, you just need to know how to pick meat.
Fucking hell, now Amazon is buying Blockbuster.
sounds about right
shopping at Whole Foods is virtue signalling and elitism at its most basic
>i don't mind paying a little more because blah blah blah
some of there stuff is admittedly good, but the shoppers keep me away
plus too expensive to use as everyday market, so i treat it like a Trader Joe's anyway
In all seriousness, they should buy Best Buy and use the stores as their warehouses where they ship to local neighborhoods and sell stuff/showoff.
What a capital idea.
Friendly reminder that Amazon is trying to take over the world.
I grocery shop at Hy-Vee, so I'm good.
>I just now realized that "the other white meat" was a marketing campaign to sell the shittiest of pork.
No, but if you have an EBT card, you can get a discount on the monthly cost of Amazon Prime (they don't allow you to buy the less expensive annual Prime membership at discount). You can't use EBT to pay for anything on Amazon... yet. There is a trial project run by a few grocery stores where you can use EBT for curbside pickup but Amazon Fresh isn't one of them. The only EBT delivery I'm aware of is Schwann's but you must be disabled in order to use EBT for it.
The discount on Prime monthly membership for EBT users is really no different than offering a discount to other groups such as students, new mothers, AARP members, etc. It's a way for Amazon to get new customers they usually wouldn't be able to.
Target has been a bit of a slow motion train wreck for the last couple of years:
>their groceries are more expensive than Wal-Merchant
>the fiasco that was the Canadian Experiment
>failed to pick up any market share from the continued implosion of Sears/K-Mart
Time for Shopko to make a massive US resurgence.
All that shit you listed is cheap as fuck at any other store, you limp faggot
I for one welcome our jewish overlords.
Amazon collects sales taxes in a much larger number of states now that they've expanded their number of warehouses in order to be able to offer same day and two hour deliveries.
lol this pic is funny as hell.