What's so wrong about race-mixing? I see no problem with having kids with a reasonably attractive, red-pilled black chick. Also, if you date outside your race there's less of a risk of genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis. Not trolling, am Christian white male.
What's so wrong about race-mixing? I see no problem with having kids with a reasonably attractive...
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The IQ of the kids will be in the middle of the parents. That means that for example white people's potential is lost when they race-mix.
Additionally there is a higher divorce race in mixed-race marriages.
Seriously, do you believe that black woman can be attractive? I doubt that even progressive leftists thinks so, they may think they should but the feel like thought-criminals.
Anyway, being black is correlated with low IQ. Even if you find one from top tier, your offspring will be more likely to be retarded.
Remember that skin color is our only difference
Yeah, but that's if we both lie in the exact middle of the Bell Curve, this is assuming she would have approx. the same intelligence.
>all people from one race have the same iq
Because IQ will go down if you race mix with the wrong race. Physical traits that are negative will also pass on to the child. There are also health problems that are more prevalent in certain races and your child will be afflicted. There is also beauty and physical features that will be passed on or eliminated.
Race mixing will be bad not for you but rather for your children.
black girls are the final redpill
Controlled for all other factors including religion and race, only virginity affects the divorce rate
Really oodles your noodle
The bell curve is different for races. The peak of a white curve is higher than the peak of a black curve.
Your children, especially sons, will struggle for an identity. Your sons won't understand you or your world and you will be unable to guide them because you will have no experience in the struggles they will face which are unique to the other half of their racial identity. You won't understand the very different temperaments, desires, mannerisms, strengths and weaknesses that they have which come from that other family which evolved so far from yours, This goes for any father of mixed race children.
They will never fully belong, not with your spouses family and not with yours, and even at home things will be odd as they try to understand exactly who they are.
But hey, your lust got satisfied. Good on ya!
the hottest thing about that picture is the clothing.
+bad shop on breasts and airbrushed cellulite
would not bang / 10
read again
I know, but this is assuming I'm at the middle of the white bell curve and she's in the upper percentages of the black bell curve
It's true, my three siblings and I have exactly the same IQ
Silly talk - two intelligent people (black/white) are most likely making intelligent babies. Furthermore, making babies is a gamble, no matter who you're breeding with.
I dont know but dont mix with Finnish people. This race is gross
By Race Mixing you literally are Ruining a Multi Thousand Year Bloodline that brought you to this point, if respecting your heritage isn't enough of a reason not too than just understand your kids will regress to the mean and be Ghetto Blasters and in and out of Prison.
>The IQ of the kids will be in the middle of the parents.
Bullshit. The african IQ is 70, and the black american IQ is 85, yet, american blacks on average only have about 20-23 european admixture which is not enough to produce such a boost in IQ pts. Stop peddling misinformation.
niggers aren't human
Wow, I had no idea that this was a thing, it's stuff like this that makes me want to date outside of my race
as long as the sperm can fertilize the egg anything goes
good luck finding that needle in the haystack. also if your kids need an organ transplant then they'll be looking for another needle in a haystack.
Extinction of the races user, not just yours.
The point is to lower the odds of that gamble, not intentionally increase them. Leaving your children with unnecessary physical and emotional damage is a horrible thing to do for the sake of (diversity/virtue signalling/getting laid).
Black chicks tend to be high maintenance because they need perms all the time to have straight hair. I'd probably bust huge nuts way up in a black girl if I could find a nice one with no tattoos. Well maybe not "way" up in there but as far as I could reasonably buss
>Strawman the post
>tfw no black gf
>Population of 7 billion
Wow humans are so genetically fragile!!
Still, the Finns are the most intelligent nation in Europe.
Hmmm let's think about it
Have a smart cuckold son
Or a dumbass alpha son...
Really makes you think...
Remember, once you go black, you'll be a single mother.
>anything goes
Like children?
Ew and/or yuck!
your kids are fucked.
t. mixed
>what's wrong with having low IQ mudshit children who look nothing like you, and have a higher propensity to violence, as well as lower impulse control?
Literally mental illness.
>Also, if you date outside your race there's less of a risk of genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis
Wrong. There's plenty of genetic diversity within Eurol populations to avoid inbreeding. If you're comparing diseases common among different ethnicities, the ones present in blacks are far worse than whites, and their life expectency is ~7 years lower than whites, mostly for this reason. From a pro-science, pro-reason standpoint, there's literally no good reason to reproduce with a black person, if any comparable white opportunity exists.
Once you go black, you'll have happy relationship
You raise a cunt for a child.
They grow up in clashing, mixed cultures and think they are above everyone.
When in reality they are less of a person for being mixed.
and there are major genetic mutations that can occur. (pictured)
Your "facts" are wrong. Though I admit, I fully support you being with a black woman.
Just for the sake of being snowflake with sophisticated taste, that plebeians can't understand?
yeah thats why einstein was a genius and his siblings were retarded monkeys.
Fuck! Im not into nigresses but i would lick her asshole
divorce rates are high if the male is white. FACT
Hey Op just saying that if you think racemixing is okay you should be hanged. IQ points will lower, and blacks are fucking ugly user. Want a ugly looking nigger in your house?
What black genetic diseases are there that would be present in a mixed-race kid?
half castes hate their white fathers
Don't lower your standards just because you want to have sex. Work hard to improve yourself and find someone who is an investment into the future.
She should take the tape off her mouth then.
Uhh divorce rates are high across the board.
I would blast unspeakable amounts of cum into that woman. Not marry her though Christ, could you imagine thanksgiving dinner with the grandparents?
>nappy hair
>hair is colured to look more western
Is the feeling in your "the feels when" a feeling of disgust? Because thats what my feeling was!
This thread every fuckin day.
Asshole licking is against my religious beliefs. I see what you mean but I'm trying to become less of a degenerate
Are you gay?
IQ is a meme.
Abos literally look like fucking Gorillas. How the fuck are they considered human?
>> could chose any flag and you chose the republican one.
For you. (OP) racemixing is fine fine. Nothing of value will be lost: you are obviously retarded.
>not prolific plageurist
There is nothing wrong with racemixing as long as you're breeding with someone that has good genetic attributes.
Yes you are trolling you dumb nigger loving faggot.
So if I don't want to fuck a girl with burned looking vagina and nappy vag hair, and black skin ...I'm "Gay"?
All my life I've gotten along with black females better than white. I am not really into them but they are just more enjoyable people than white females.
Modern White females are absolutely hopeless for somebody like myself. Why bother when there are hot black girls that act white?
This argument gets destroyed on the individual level. There are niggers that are smarter than whites, you fucking moron.
That thing looks atrocious. God black skin is just ugly. It seriously looks like a horse
Black women are basically trannies.
>IQ of kids will be in the middle of the parents
If that's true, then why am I smarter than both of my parents? Also how are most geniuses born then? Most didn't have genius parents.
because blacks are animals dumb fuck
My problem with it is primarily aesthetic.
Go fuck black chicks then, just don't get mad when we won't follow you.
And who the hell wears a cross like that
IQ is the most important thing. We should all make our daughters fuck Stephen Hawkings
Two responses for two picks.
First negroids have an exceptional high amount of STDs/STIs among them and most dont know it because they are usually not very clean.
Also I would like for my kids to be intelligent. Pic related.
>inb4 haha but you're not intelligent
As long as you're pumping out stupid low IQ halfbreed kids with them it's ok.
If you see no problem with it why are you trying to justify your view to Sup Forums
the lowest divorce rate is between a white male and black female, actually. They are the most stable relationships. But the converse (black man and white female) is a high divorce rate because so many other white females crave the BBC so the husband isnt loyal.
It's only ok if they're asian (the good ones)
That's assuming quite a bit.
Is that photo supposed to magically make me want to fuck Black women?
Why do you fucking weirdos post them all day here?
Cool - I'm going to name my 10 children after your digits, bros
>Oh look, it's this thread again
I won't lie...that's a good-looking negress. I might fuck it but I'd never breed with it. Pic related.
God you newfags are insufferable. Go watch some Jared Taylor, for god's sake.
Having a child with black woman as a white man is a big no-no. Your kids will always identify with blacks and black culture and will hate you
Once again, looks like an ugly horse
>pure white
>South korea
>even whiter
The point can be made without lying through your teeth.
Make the top 10-15 yellow and the trend will still be obvious.
You sound like an insecure faggot who couldn't raise a proud son of any race.
she is unattractive. body too fat (although i guess normal by US standard), face still plain after obvious plastic surgery. to each their tho.
>They are just contrarian trolls, they are aware that even negros don't likes their females.
>sierra leone's average iq is 91
this is BS
That's gross. The other one was ok...from the back
>no chocolate slave to let me degrade and call her a nigger
Feels bad man.
Idk, I fine somme negresses pretty attractive. But I would never make babies with them tho
Secondly, I work hard to be a high tear male.
Exercise, read books, high grades (A's & B's) play instrument, socialize alot and so on. I'm not going to waste that on "muh gibmedats".
All that is going to an equaly hard working woman who will be a good mom.
Also white women are more attractive in general (pic related) and will produce better offspring, I'm a logical kind of man. What makes evolutionary sense is what I am sticking too because I have a tendency to develop connections easier with these types of women.
or they might become dennis rodman and hate you while becoming a basketball HOFer, friend of eddie vedder, and a future nobel peace prize winner
>Equatorial Guinea Equatorial Guinea :59
literary retardation
Struggle for identity?
Dude youre posting to the angriest white power board on the net where whites scream all day about their role in society
Nothing, if you fuck upwards.
For blacks getting your shitty African genes mixed with some European genes is a good goal. You're fucking-up the gene pool literally and figuratively. You're going to get a kid taller, stronger, better looking, and smarter than yourself. Maybe not faster but hey.
If you're white and fuck some sub-Saharan apenig your child is going to be worse than you in all those categories.