Why are people saying the new Assassins Creed game is "We Wuz" propaganda? Look at the face shape and nose bridge of the main character, how does this character look like a sub-saharan? A tanned + naturally dark semite is what this looks like.
WE WUZ KANGZ: a rebuttal
*smacks lips profusely*
*pulls up sagging pants*
*tilts head*
*sells crack*
*commits gang-related crime*
*chants black lives matter*
*smacks lips aggressively*
Good post
All jokes aside, you are right. Ironically the latest entry in the most social justicey franchise in gaming, revealed at the most social justicey E3 ever, is one of the only games that doesn't feature a prominent black or woman character, rather features a historically accurate berber main character.
This tbqh. However they have really fucking dropped the ball with this game's setting. I mean yeah okay, it will win them lots of diversity points, but will it translate to sales? Assassins Creed has been progressing, not regressing through time. And if there was to be a regression, could they not have placed it feudal Japan, either during the Sengoku or during the end of the Edo period.
Basically Ninja's. Who wouldn't want AC to be in a setting with Ninja's? It would be the rejuvenation that this series needs.
Not this we wuz shite.
It's reminding me a bit of the first one (my favorite one). It looks good, or rather, not that bad.
looks like faran tahir, the baddy from iron man
Your points are pretty spot on. I think Ubisoft will catch on to this soon enough.
The first one will always probably be the most relevant, seeing as the assassins actually existed during that time.
character is actually aryan by origin and adopted by the jews if you read the lore more carefully
plz explain
Because of the company that made it.
Another point is a large portion of gamers would have a great deal of interest in that setting. In fact I guarantee that it would pull in gamers who had no previous interest in the series.
Not unlike how Black Flag had a wider appeal due to its piracy and naval battles.
>believing this game is based on real history
mods pls ban op
He looks like perfect south Egyptian
He's white by burger standards.
>*smacks lips aggressively*
well a minor point is that his voice is very African, but more importantly:
Sup Forums has been completely outmaneuvered here and on Sup Forums, leftists have been false flagging about this , the new wolfenstein & far cry, and too many fell for the bait and went along with it, making you all look like morons.
Mah nigga, though Nubians aren't necessarily berber.
They are a race of their own, but they aren't exactly niggers, nor they act like one, we have some Nubian libyans here, and they never chimpout like sub-saharan refugees.
I don't really care about it 2bh. Assasins creed games bored me. But that is pretty funny.
No, actually, most Libyans for example speak like that, he speaks like any middle-eastern sand nigger.
1. Assassin's Creed has already gone backwards in time. They went from the American Revolution back to the Golden Age of Piracy.
2. No one wants a ninja Assassin's Creed except for edgy kids like you. The fans don't want it, the developed don't want to make it, and if you want to play as a ninja play one of the dozens of ninja games out there.
only ac games i played were 1 and 2 and dont even remember if i finished 2 but i would probably illegally download and play a ninja ac. not gonna lie.