Tick. Tock.
Tick. Tock
Don't take any migrants!!!
Now I ain't gonna ask you again, Poland. We can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way. Come on out, nice and easy and introduce your daughter to my migrant friends here.
or else?
Stay strong Poland. You know what you're doing.
So far we never occupied Paris, heh.
Just saying.
I'm warning you slavs...
You either take the immigrants, or we break your economy with sanctions AND you also get immigrants.
No gibs, on which the polish economy it's based on
Just wait them out, IMO
>Plunger niggers take their prescribed amount of diversity.
>Put them in nice safe camps to protect them from racists.
>Give them no gibs me dats.
>Don't alow cute polish girls in camps for them to get sexual emergency'ed on.
>Put camp next to Buss/Train station that only takes passengers to Berlin
>One way door out of camp and no exits on the train station.
How'd I do?
Poland take them in and put them in cages on a 500 calorie a day diet and make them work 18 hour manual work days digging trenches and raking leafs and shit like that to the point where they want to leave, is that a legal loophole or is that breaking the 4th reichs rules?
They've delayed the deadline like 5 times now lmao
Based poles
But this time THEY REALLY MEAN IT!
>EU already in danger of falling apart
>"Now seems like a great time to threaten our countries for not accepting refugees that don't seem to ever culturally assimilate"
This shitshow is going to implode very soon
How do people support this at all? Forcing independent nations to take in massive numbers of demographic altering refuges with no stated reason. Thank God somebody's resisting.
Fuck that, I'd donate money to the Poles for standing up to the EU
@EU, don't let your butt fall out (brexit)
I am also with Poland, and all other Slavic nations!
V4 has to realise that taking in immigrants is the European way.
Also, it has been a long time coming, but the next Crusade needs to begin and soon.
Polish aren't orthodox
Poland should put them up in Auschwitz. Make it so inhospitable they want to go back.
Oh man, I can't wait for him to get shit on good and proper and to see the media try to make him clean by licking the shit off of him, then going back to sucking his dick like they've been doing ever since it was clear that Fillon wouldn't have a proper chance.
Ponald, the refugee ponland