what podcasts does pol like?
Helicopter Mom
The Fatherland
Ben Shapiro show
Distorted View
The California Report
Latino USA
Among The Lilies
what podcasts does pol like?
Helicopter Mom
The Fatherland
Ben Shapiro show
Distorted View
The California Report
Latino USA
Among The Lilies
Other urls found in this thread:
paul rogan
Radio Free Northwest
Paranormies Present: The Ahnenerbe Hour
Styxhexenhammer666 Audio Show
The Western Front
No agenda
WTF is the deal with most popular American podcasts being liberal/gay/shitskins with extremely feminine voices and often speech impediments on top?
I can't stand listen to most of the popular ones for more than 10 seconds. There is nothing more infuriating on God's good earth than American libspeech.
henpecked by teachers telling to to use a soft sissy voice
Goyfire: New and Views Without the Jews. The most redpilled podcast you'll ever hear:
Radio Aryan
Ben Shapir
Andrew Klavan
Thulean Perspective
(In no particular order)
The daily shoah (inb4 8gag shills with infographics of how Mike Enoch was circumcised by a rabbi and how Sven is a furfag)
This American Life
NPR Science Friday
Chapo Trap House
None. Podcasts are for faggots.
Then why would you give a fucking feminine chink, who can't differentiate between the letter R and the letter L, a job where his only task is to talk?
How many actual Americans with pleasant, normal voices did this diversity hire jump in front of?
I'm talking about stuff like these
JRE, True Geordie, TGMS.
not a single one
podcasts are for layabouts
Sexy file name, idfpai
Besides some of the ones already mentioned, Fox From The West and Pod Caste
i would let her take a dump on me then freeze it with liquid nitrogen then turn it into a strap-on and let her do me in the ass with it
In the morning
shes prolly vegan, and that shit doesnt come out solid
The Daily Shoah
Fash the Nation
The Crypto Report
Red Ice
Anything with Anglin or weev as a guest
I listen to podcasts where the (((alt-right))) get exposed as a bunch of literal faggots.
No Agenda
The Higherside Chat
Our Big Dumb Mouths
Stop listening to Jews or Blacks
come on buddy
Greetings, shitizen! In the morning!
Train by day, Joe Rogan Podcast at night. All day
is that what the average woman is doing in the military ?
who else /art bell/?
Joe Rogan Experience
Tell Em Steve Dave
Mysterious Universe
Daily shoah
Fash the nation
John Batchelor show
as a yank who was shitposting in my previous post but is familiar with this sort of thing, people with masculine voices and perspectives go into the conservative talk radio sphere where no thoughts are able to be conveyed lucidly because every 5 minutes of airtime leads to another commercial break. the only place where you can have long and uninterrupted monologues and discussion was historically on public radio which easily translated to the podcast world and the only people who would appear on public radio are whisper-voiced shitlibs crying about womens' rights in burma and shit.
i used to listen to NPR all the time and the only vaguely masculine sounding voices i've ever heard on there came from Car Talk. it was an amusing show where people would call in with all the problems they experience with their 25 year old junkyard cars but the hosts would dick around the whole show with elementary school toilet humor. the hosts were the exact archetype of NPR hosts as well, boston area college professors and shit which was really suspicious that they were larping as regular blue collar guys.
i guess some comedians have decent podcasts, i've heard people on here say bill burr's monday morning podcast is pretty good. burr is pretty cucked politically but he has an honest perspective on things from what i've heard.
What do you listen to when your driving? Coon tunes I'll bet, fucking nigger loving pleb
I wonder who's behind this post...
I watch listen to:
Gavin McInnes show
Anthony Cumia show
Jim Norton and Sam Roberts
Bennington Show
Tucker Carlson Tonight
He has a podcast? Coast to Coast AM died when he left.
>Stop listening to Jews
he did in 2015 or something until his family was threatened by the jews.
Sirius , usually Chill Channel.
The occasional Joe Rogan podcast
Louder with Crowder
Tri-force podcast.
>Anything with Anglin or weev as a guest
man back in 2012 or 2013 before anglin was huge he used to go on this internet radio show called truth militia, that was some good fucking shit i miss those guys a lot
I'm gonna go fuck my boy!
ben hogan
The Plebian Podcast.
I'm still bummed they decided to stop with it right when I started getting interested in the more neoreaction right.
Alex Jones
yeah he came back in like 2014 to do a show on siriusxm which lasted three weeks or so then abruptly ended, then he had a show for a few months on his own self-created dark matter radio network and did the same thing and stopped after a few weeks... i don't remember all of the details but didn't his son get molested as a child then murdered as an adult or something? god damn art bell is the comfiest radio ever.
bluepilled as fuck
No agenda podcast
Coast to Coast is awful with Noory but it's still comfy to listen to at 3 in the morning
>Tucker Carlson Tonight
You have to go back
Nah man, I just like listening to good shit, not some two bit autist droning on about white supremacy, I can think for myself, don't need to sacrifice quality for someone jerking off my beliefs.
Joe Rogan Experience is the final redpill
No Agenda
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Dan Carlin's Common Sense
Joe Rogan (except the MMA shows)
Henry & Heidi (Henry Rollins)
This Week In Science
Joe Rogan
When I can/remember to:
The Doug Stanhope Podcast
Tangentially Speaking With Dr. Christopher Ryan
Still Untitled: the Adam Savage Podcast
Penn's Sunday School (sometimes)
Kevin Pollak's Chat Show
Hollywood BabbleOn
Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast
Really bored:
The Nerdist
Jay Mohr
Ari Shaffir's Skeptic Tank
The Hireside Chats
I listen to podcasts when I'm working out, cleaning, at work, while commuting, and while working on shit. I hate most TV shows, so podcasts are my TV.
Opie and Anthony bootlegs
Nick Dipaolo
Steven Crowder
Andrew Klavan
Jim Florentine's Comedy Metal Midgets
N-nice flag desu
Remember that the reason the Jew seeks to undermine Western Culture and values is that they as a group are more degenerate than any other and seek to bring all of humanity down to their level.
tfw I paid $40 for a sirius radio just for art bell
he fucking jewed me
>You have to go back
>Train by day, Joe Rogan Podcast at night. All day
I think this is the "special" forces division
>not listening to fellow Sup Forumsacks podcasts
>that flag
>those god-tier shows that've thoroughly discredited far left fiscal policy
>This Sad-Ass American Pussy Life
Get the fuk outta here with that shit
the official one of course
Radical Agenda
Stefan molyneux/freedomainradio
Occasional Joe Rogan (although he flip flops so hard its cringey)
Occasional Alex Jones show (sometimes pretty cringey as well)
Louder with Crowder (very cringey, but entertaining)
Styx (king of cringe)
Hard to find conservatives that arent obsessed with israel and based black guys though
Fuck off fucking Jew.
The Drunken Peasants...until I started browsing Sup Forums
Oh, god, an O&A superfan. All that shit stopped being funny years ago. And Florentine? That fucking hack? Really?
The Big 3 Podcast, must watch Windy City Heat first though. youtu.be
Dr.Richard wolf:
Economic update
Global capitalism
market place
California report
Science friday
Radio lab if its on something interesting
this american life
If I am driving I will turn on NPR, but I cant handle listening to any author interviews or random fluffy pieces.
BBC is pretty good too if you can sit through all the footie scores.
>WTF is the deal with most popular American podcasts being liberal/gay/shitskins with extremely feminine voices and often speech impediments on top?
because (((they))) have the highest verbal IQ and have thus become the most successful creators of all forms of media
I forgot intelligence squared debates. and fresh air.
Joe rogan and your moms house podcast. But I tend to skip the mma episodes on jre.
> helicopter mom
I don't listen to podcasts much anymore but I always liked Fash Britannia.
Sven is a furfag?
waking up
uhh yeah dude
bone zone
roderick on the line
your kickstarter sucks
never not funny
financial independence podcast
norm macdonald (RIP)
ben carson
Holt shit I'm dying
Do you also find Mr Roberts ridiculously smug and a terrible interviewer?
I only listen because he gets amazing guests and is smart enough to have a decent conversation with them. However, he himself is a total buffoon outside of economics.
I know being a conservative requires specific personality traits, but sometimes he is like a caricature.
TACS, WOW were you a pest back in the day. Ant and Gav are the shit. I'm sure Sup Forums hates them both. Gavin because he's muh degenerate and Ant because I think he used to be a reddit guy. From the sounds of their shows here lately I really thing they have been spending time here. Little Yimmy has made me damn near wreck driving down the road before from laughing so hard. Young Sam Roberts is getting better but I liked him more as a top tier shit mixer on O&A. Bennington is in a league of his own. You did miss one tho, Weird Medicine with Dr. Steve.
My parents always played that movie when I was a kid. I didnt understand it. I was like 10. They also played big lebowski too, that was great.
What is podcast?
Tom Woods Show
Podcasts are for e-celeb glorification.
The Dana White Psychedelic Experience
>didn't his son get molested as a child then murdered as an adult or something?
why do the worst things happen to the best people?
someone talking into a microphone, and you listen to them.
Gavin is on Sup Forums 24/7 I'm sure of it. Been an O&A fan since they were on WAAF. Ant needs to get jimmy on the network already
Laura Ingraham Show. Your healthy radio addiction!
Sayer - God tier
HP lovecraft literary podcast - God tier
Ellis and John (xfm) - God tier
Unexplained (way better than Lore yet Lore seems more popular, dunno how) - Also God tier.
Fight me.
>walk the plank
>weimerica weekly
>myth of the 20th century
>thermidor mag podcast
>the weekly sweat
>the Poz button
>jocko wilnik
>the mothership connection
THIS has to be satire.
I really just do not find "sexy" dances to be sexy. Am I gay?
Every podcast I've ever listened to has been complete shit as well as all of the e-celebs that this board circlejerks about. The only Jewtubers I like are Reviewbra and that SteveMRE guy that eats 70 year old MREs.
>Ant and Gav are the shit. I'm sure Sup Forums hates them both.
Gavin's antics can be a bit insufferable at times. Not everybody feels like wading through that shit in order to get to his salient, insightful points.
Surely, you can understand why some people might turn away upon hearing how he gets aroused by the smell of his squaw wife's shitty asshole.
But I don't think ANYONE on Sup Forums hates Anthony Cumia. Maybe a few of the super-committed christfags might, when he flippantly mentions that he loves abortion. Other than that, I have never seen and don't really expect to see a single post on Sup Forums against Ant.