What is the penalty for this, does anyone know?
What is the penalty for this, does anyone know?
Who is this bitch?
6 month prison followed by 6 month probation
Pussy pass: a slap (light) on the wrist and she has to pinky swear she'll never do it again
Look at level six on the sentencing grid here and it will show ranges given on her record or what the severity of the offense is.
Looks like a minimum of 9 years?
Nice, she'll be almost 30 when she gets out, with a criminal record.
She just went from a rich northeastern white girl and all the dating prospects that offers, to no sex cept with black lesbians for 9 years, then having to settle for a nigger or white trash/beta white man when she gets out.
Fucking glorious.
w e w
What happened to young white girls being let off crimes, Sup Forums?
Why was she encouraging him to kill himself in the first place?
>tfw faggots don't understand that telling themselves to kill themselves ends in manslaughter charges now in common law
She should've gotten away with it, now everyone else has to suffer for this stupidity.
so people would feel sorry for her, that her boyfriend died. fuckin psychopath
She should appeal on First Amendment grounds.
Can I go to prison if I tell anons to kys? Fuck
no. she knew he was going to kill himself, failed to alert anyone, repeatedly encouraged him to do so, listened over the phone as he died and did nothing. absolutely deserves to go to jail. now kys.
>go on campaign to antagonize and document thousands until they tell you to kill yourself
>once you finally feel your shitstorm is big enough, release documents and do it
>thousands of innocent people you baited go to jail
Nine years, are you fucking with me?
Call to action isn't protected speech.
>implying women even like sex
>implying she isn't going to be released on probation after 2 years
>implying she won't still be at least an 8/10 after she gets out of jail
>implying rich chads aren't going to be fucking her left and right
>implying she won't still have the easy life even after all of this
Only if your Jewish like her and the judge is an anti Semitic Nazi fuck.
Good thing she painted her eyebrows on in the shape of concern today...
>why are roasties cunts?
Are you new here?
wow she has an absolute shit lawyer
On this season of Orange is the New Blacked:
her crying got me hard.
She deserves to be executed or jailed for life honestly.
If you stalk and mentally abuse unstable people you deserve to be punished.
>hey user you should rob a bank
>*robs bank*
Suicide is illegal even helping someone commit suicide carries charges
It's a slippery slope m8.
Just wait, if this shit isn't appealed it won't be long before more gray-area cases are called guilty.
convicted as youth
she'll never learn, no, she'll wear these few months behind bars as a badge of honor. She'll continue to do these vile things because she just doesnt value human life. Classical psychopath.
And they are letting her with a slap on a wrist.
haha good one
pipe down pencil dickholy fuck i hope she gets beat up and turned out in jail what a vile cunt
>thinking a 'KYS' is now illegal
Nah nigga, she REPEATEDLY told him to kill himself. For months she called him a coward for not killing himself. He got out of the truck while killing himself and she told him to GET BACK IN.
THATS why she's going to jail, dumbass leaf.
Anybody else think her lawyer took on the case pro bono so he could regularly fuck her? He seems to be holding her awfully close the entire time. Watch the full 20 minute one, he doesn't let go of her once.
exactly - dummies are actually cheering the further demolition of free speech
0/10 troll. Fuck off back to plebbit leaf.
doesn't matter what she said - it wasn't bullying and she was, alone, having to handle a whiny suicider for months on end
>it's now common law for a specific case that the person must be told to kill themselves 4+ times in order to be convicted of manslaughter
checks out
You're fucking retarded.
First amendment does not cover instructions/calls to action. This is not a new ruling, this was set a long time ago.
I like your flag tho user, pic related, it's my cup.
The ultimate punishment for western women is a lifetime ban from all social media.
Calls to action are not protected under the first amendment you dumbass leaf.
This is not a new legal ruling, it was set a LONG time ago.
Kindly educate yourself before posting, don't you have some refugees to welcome??
>could have told someone
>could have called SH
>could have blocked his number and ignored him
Fuck off kike
Oy vey its anudda shoah
I can't agree with this verdict, it just reinforces the left's narrative that words can be violent and cause physical harm and should be. The guy had a choice just like everyone else.
*should be illegal
>Woahhhhh why am I going to jail?!
>they didn't HAVE to hand it over!
>they had a choice not to hand it over!
You're a fucking retard
Let's hope nobody ever stalks one of your children for months on end bullying them into suicide.
Just kidding, fake ass keyboard warrior strongmen like you will never have children.
>faggot kills himself
>girls life ruined
I love happy endings
wow wtf
She was fed up with the suicidal maniac. I can relate to her.
>Conrad wanted to kill himself
>she lovingly supports her boyfriend in his decision
>now she is guilty for murder
Wha the fug
THIS, narcissists the lot of them.
Not the same situation and you know it. Your example implies a threat of violence if the person doesn't comply. What she did might have been terrible morally but she didn't kill him, he killed himself. She wasn't his guardian or keeper and isn't responsible for his mental well-being, that should have been the job of the parents and they did nothing to separate the two. Bottom line is she's guilty of hurting fefe's and that's it.
fuck off wikipedia lawyer faggot doesn't matter if a precedent was set long ago it violates the word and spirit of the first amendment.
She was a 17 year old and had no concept of 'tell somebody' from af ucking chat dialogue.
Jesus you're a cuck
>Kindly educate yourself before posting, don't you have some refugees to welcome??
I'm taking Canadian business law faggot. There's no reason for me to educate myself with your laws when I don't plan to move to nigger country. At least in faggot chink country we don't have money thirsty niggers shooting on the streets all day.
kill yourself you dumb fucking fucking leaf
Drink bleach
Well, it doesn't show that she discouraged his suicide thought in the beginning. But she should've broke up with that faggot instead
muh freedumz
he wanted to kill himself but pussed out
she used her looks aka her pussy to make him do it
she was just done with his im going to kill myself shit
she took it far and he obbeyed finnally
family sues her
Careful americlap, you don't want to get tried for manslaughter.
I wasn't the one that chose this faggot flag either, so fuck off.
>killing yourself while you're getting pussy
Wish I would've gotten my hands on her first. If she pulled that shit with me, I'd fuck her anal.
I wonder how this will (a?)effect places like social media or here. I see bunches of posters telling others to "kys" And our ips have been archived just in case someone commits a crime...easier to track down.
If I tell another user to kys and he does, am I going to be arrested now?
Awwww, poor little guy got called out for knowing fuck all. It's ok little fella, no need to be so upset.
It's the law faggot, cry some more.
It would be fine if it was a civil suit but this was a criminal case. Morally and emotionally I think she's getting what she deserves but I can't agree justice was correct here legally. We're supposed to be a nation of laws, not a nation of men.
It's manslaughter... 5 years max, so she'll probably just get probation or maybe a couple months in prison at the most.
>Awwww, poor little guy got called out for knowing fuck all. It's ok little fella, no need to be so upset.
>3+ shekels have been donated into your account
Here's another donation.
>single comment of 'KYS'
>months of mental abuse
>months of encouragement to kill self
>telling him to get back in the truck to finish the job
Getting the same punishment as an armed robbery.
What ever happened to personal responsibility. Why is everything someone else's fault. Newsflash, he committed suicide, it is his own damn fault.
It almost reads like a thread on Sup Forums
>everyone who disagrees with me is a shill
I know you're upset because you got called out, but it's ok, no one expected anything from a leaf anyway....
Last (you) you're gonna get, step up your game, you're not very good at this. (Unless ofc you're not trolling, and that would be beyond pathetic....)
>telling some one to suicide can put you in jail
fucking lifer faggots. like you dont have better shit to do than worry about one faggot who killed himself of his own volition
1 extra shekel for you
You are an utter retard and should literally kill yourself.
The situation in that case was special he obviously was emotionally dependent on her. Since she KNEW, that her words would have influence on him she can be found guilty.
I do not even think threatening another user with violence or death is punishable since you do not know who you are talking to which does not make it a defined threat.l
There's precedent, now.
>depressed poster is told to kill himself by multiple anons for months
>last straw user tells him to kys on one of his really bad days and he does
I don't think you have a deep though process in your head, bruh
It will be appealed.
ok more important what is her punishment ?what does she deserve?
As a cute girl who's good at theatrical crying, her chances of spending more than half a year in prison are pretty much nil.
lmao at the "love you" at the end
Because she was judged by the criteria of morals in what should have an impartial legal system. How can be guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter if she wasn't there and he physically hurt himself? I have an issue with the courts picking and choosing whichever charge they think fits the crime, if you want to punish people for the act she committed then draft a new law and run it through the legislation system like you're supposed do.
Already lost that battle
It's raining shekels itt
She should kill herself
>Tonight? Love you.
God damn that's some cold shit.
Change your flag you fucking retard, NOW!
What the fuck does it even matter? She got off so light that she would have served her time before her case was even heard.
i want to fuck her tho
She is on Prozac and has attempted suicide before , try and keep up
This is so true, However, you have no shot I called dibs.
she WAS ANorexic and and i want to fuck her
watch the video the lady in the orange jacket, um no bail in custody because shes a felon know
Privilege only goes so far. If it was a man talking a woman into killing herself this would have been an event.
Not going to happen, I already claimed her.
Hopefully there is someway something can happen that I do not have to provide her free room and board for the next 5 years.
Have you ever dealt with a suicidal person before? They hold you hostage with their death threats all the time to manipulate you into going along with anything they want just to stop them from killing themselves.
Eventually you get tired of it and you want to start calling them on their bullshit but fear of this exact scenario holds you back. I don't blame her at all, dude made his choice she didn't force him.
This right here. You can have speech but not a call to something actually happening if they happening is illegal.
Still not the same faggot. That single 'kys' would be your only input to the situation.
KNOWING he's depressed. AIDING in his depression for months. Telling him to kill him self REPEATEDLY. Telling him to get BACK INSIDE the truck. Was her input.
If you think they are in anyway similar there's no point in discussing this further, you're a mongaloid.