Hey guys I wasn't in Sup Forums since morning, so what happened to the streamer?
Is it really her??
Hey guys I wasn't in Sup Forums since morning, so what happened to the streamer?
Is it really her??
was she wearing that blue shirt in vids from earlier in the night? im emotionally invested in this now
God this is funny. What a whore.
>all those pol insecure retards posting blacked, interracial porn and keep talking about bbc
>women now google what BBC is
>dig into bbc myth
>goes black
good work cucks, you cant contain your nigger dick fetish. can you stop talking about it for a sec on twitter? you look like autistic fucks
twitch tv cam girl 'vanished' and people were trying to find her. claimed to be in a casino, but in reality she was on a cocaine binge fucking a ton of niggers in a hotel room
discord /9RvxBsg
She got le blacked. On camera. In front of the whole world to see and you fucking missed it.
post clip
The 'muh fuggin dik' crotch grab will never not make me laugh
What is blacked is that when your credit score goes down and you have to live under a bridge when your 35 ?
OK? So.... Why does anyone care about this degenerate then?
>my reaction when
And it looks so small for a "" Bbc ""
She went missing at a major convention and everyone thought it was an abduction/human trafficking that fucked up and accidentally grabbed someone sort of well known (popular twitch streamer).
Sup Forums thought it might be a chance to finally catch some pedogate perps, then she got found and it turned out it was nothing.
Then it got revealed that she lied about where she was and she was snorting cocaine while burning the coal for multiple BBC at once.
Typical liberal women.
Who cares about this mudshark whore? She looks like a latina and not even white.
No it isn't her. That's some whore that posted stuff on fetlife years ago.
The damage is done. Even if the rumors aren't true she'll always be known as a basic bitch whore who ignores her career responsibilities. She is desperately doing damage control on twitter right now.
>s-she didn't do it user
I don't have the least idea what's going on in this thread but ((( Zimmer ))) told me all I need to know
someone please post the whole video
Why is she saying her hair is ombre now? Is that her defense it isn't her?
Yeah I noticed the curtains
It doesn't even show the hair in the video
Really the issue is shaming her gives her victim status. People know when they get caught doing shit like this everyone is silently judging them and it will affect them in ways they realize as well as unexpected ways. People just need to get better about lurking and shitposting but it's Summertime so I'm really not surprised it's happening.
Her defense is that it was a mistake and that she's "just human".
Either she set this up or she's taking advantage of this, doesnt matter, you're creating another Zoe Quinn, she is going to cash in and be another megavictim, drop it now and let it go you fools.
I understand. Everyone slips on a few dicks at some point in their life.
Someone post her video where she takes BBC in all her holes. I need to stroke my big muslim cock
that was the only picture I had from the old video. I just tossed cause she looks like a burn victim
>Dympp in ID
Dump the video right now!
oh great I replied to myself
gamergate 2.0
>implying that tranny has been relevant for the past three years.
someone post the full mafuggin video muh diyuk
>Either she set this up or she's taking advantage of this, doesnt matter, you're creating another Zoe Quinn, she is going to cash in and be another megavictim, drop it now and let it go you fools.
This has to be a Social engineering psyop.
Her & the victim network can just false flag for sweet sweet patreon anyway but I definitely agreed. Before the internet everyone knew the town whore was the town whore without blasting it from all the rooftops.
Who is this twat?
Why should I care about this twat?
What the fuck has this got to do with Sup Forums fuck off to Sup Forums nobody ares you wankers
Shut up ahmed.
Go back to fucking your goats
Go white knight somewhere else.
really the days im here 24hrs is nothing but shill crap but days when i sleep some bitch from e3 goes live bbc FUCKING WHAT
wait she admitted to it?
is actually her?
>What the fuck has this got to do with Sup Forums fuck off to Sup Forums nobody ares you wankers
Dude it's everywhere including /WSR/ Work Safe Requests. I can't escape it.
Don't you have a structure fire to protest? You might miss the gibs.