Only idiots don't support gun control. Guns are the leading cause of death in America because of criminals using the guns. And yes I heard the argument "oh but if u outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns". That's stupid, you could argue nukes should be legal since if you ban nukes only criminals will have nukes. If you ban guns a criminal won't be able to get one since not everyone has access to the black market. The video illustrates how the Columbine shooters despite being underage were easily able to get access to guns due to America's lax gun policies.
Only Idiots Don't Support Gun Control
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America has more guns than people, it's just not feasible.
The problem is cities being total cess pits since that is where all the crime is.
Lincoln confiscated guns, why couldn't Obama?
Only idiots blame objects and not the system that creates brain damaged individuals.
Just testing the new flags, not really a Kekistani
>unhinged retards in possession of a tool created by an advanced mind are the leading cause of death
>brain damaged individual
What system? The Columbine shooters were bullied into doing what they did. Bullying has always existed in fact even Spartans had it. The thing is they didn't have guns.
>You are breaking the law to commit crime
>Now you will not break the law
Commmie logic, i forgot that they are using Dialectical materialism.
Goes along well with the liberal platform of holding no one accountable for their actions
fuck off shill
>Comparing the Civil War to 2017
What the fuck point are you even making here
There are always retards, if you take away the gun they can't rampage
Bombs and knives are easy to use
criminals don't have nukes because they can't afford them unlike illegal guns dumbfuck, saged amd hidden
How does it feel to be such a pussy. Did you get that way because your dad breastfed you?
Only idiots don't support niggers control. Niggers are the leading cause of death in America.
You can't fault all gun owners for the faults of a few.
Dude, if they make it illegal to own guns then all gun businesses will be shut down and the nutjobs will have nowhere to buy it from
Enjoy ban
It's not hard, just have everyone turn in their guns and if they don't they go to jail, have regular house searches and a snitchline. It worked in the 1920s and FDR's gold seizure.
Bombs are illegal and you can't mass murder with a knife since everyone will run away.
Having a high-risk associated with the platform = Higher price. Illegal activitiy = higher risk idiot. Enjoy your ban,
A third of gun violence is murder, the rest being suicide. Of that third, 80% is gang related violence....and I shouldnt own a gun because I follow the laws? Having strict gun laws has seemed to help chicago chanhe much.
Faggot. The police and military are on our side. You'll be swinging from a lamppost when that day comes.
>needing a gun to feel powerful
You're a massive pussy
I'm not, it's just gun owners pose a higher risk to society.
You're really gonna be feeling that European love when crazy fucks just start running people over and stabbing them. Are you going to ban cars after?
Fucking horrible argument. Come back again with something worth arguing
>Oh no, legal business will shut down, but will be illegal instead
>I am so retarded, help me
Go away.
Honestly you seem like a retarded nutjob, and I don't feel safe with you having access to cars or any other kind of death bringing object.
Guns are still very legal in Chicago idiot, it's literally in the constitution that guns can't be banned. They just don't let two year olds use them. And murder/suicide should be stopped
1. Military doesn't make the laws, they follow orders from Washington
2. Military and police are Republicans, they believe in freedom of speech and wouldn't hang someone for expressing an opinion
3. There will never ever be a coup in America.
Yeah but liberals also claim trangenders are the most bullied, but you dont see them shooting up a school
>something doesnt make sense
Cars are being addressed with remote shutdown software, besides cars actually are needed in modern society. Guns serve no purpose.
You're shit at arguing.
>illegal business
>literally can't advertize since the government won't let them
>no one knows about it
>therefor no one buys it
MORON, literal moron
You say that OP, but its way easier than you think for criminals to get guns illegaly. Plus its our second amendment right that has saved many hard working citizens from assholes who want to practice home invasions. Not everybody is fortunate to live in the good part of town or in a suburb. So yeah we the people need our constitutional right because too many assholes walking around. Some white supremacist killed two veterans for defending a woman of middle eastern descent. What we need is a better system that prevents the mentally unstable to buy guns and crackdown on the black market.
>If you take away the gun
You'll leave innocent people defenseless against retards who bought guns on the black market.
I don't have a car or gun
Actually most bullying is done to just regular normies since transgenders/autists are protected by the school admin. Since it looks really bad for those groups to be bullied.
I know about every ilegal business in my country. They are advertized very good, better than mcdonalds.
This is actually a very reasonable post. I think if you do have guns legal you should have to buy them face to face so no moron can buy them online and have them delivered annoymously and you need a mental health check.
>black market
Just cause 2 was a game bro. But in all honestly it's a meme. It's not like there's some huge network selling illegal guns and stuff, a few assholes maybe able to get some but no mass scale of them.
You own something that can be used as a weapon and have hands. I would rather you just be put in jail since I feel you are mentally unhinged and a threat to society.
In my entire life i've never seen any illegal thing in my life besides an 20 year old with alcohol.
have you never bought drugs or any other illicit contraband from the black market?
people know guns exist. therefore, were they illegal, people would look for them. Some of those people will know where to find them. They take those guns and sell it to the people who don't know where to find them.
Also, I'm sure criminal gunsmithing would arise out of the really large organized crime groups (i.e. cartels)
>they wouldn't hang someone for their opinion
Good thing im not military or police.
ITT: Sup Forums speaks with a teenager new to four chins.
Bring back Snacks.
I've never seen drugs ever in my life
>city with so.e of the strictest gun control is also the most violent city in the US
Your a fucking retard and if you want gun control go move to Europe you faggot. America is a gun freedom country
>causation is correlation
It was already the most violent before putting in their shitty gun control. My parents live in Canada and there are no guns and no crime there.
Ask the prairie dogs how they feel after I get done flinging 500 rounds/day down range. I usually kill about 300/day. It's beautiful.
So when Jamal breaks into your house, what do you plan to protect yourself with? A negro high on drugs isn't gonna settle with words.
those aren't mutually exclusive fears
Obviously, you've never been to the deep web. I advise you to stay out of it, as well. It's not hard to get guns illegally. Banning guns would have the same effect as banning marijuana and other substances. It would only increase their value, and therefore raise the incentive to funnel guns illegally into the US.
On top of this, banning guns would have no affect whatsoever on the homicide rates, it would simply prevent people from being killed in a certain way. So essentially, when you support gun control, you're saying that it's okay to kill people, just not with a gun.
Also the constitution is a thing, bitch.
Sorry but i don't want to move to Europe.
I hate every single poster that's responding to this obvious shill.
Sage goes in all fields, kys
cause you are retarded
Drugs are ilegal, but addicts are everywhere. SOMETHING IS NOT WORKING, HM, WE NEED TO BAN DRUGS HARDER!
Thank you. Ending online purchase is definitely a big start. Yeah I know the black market aint like some underground bazaar lol. I'm speaking of it in the same way organs are sold among connected assholes who don't use the deep web.
>The deep web
It's a scam, they take your money and run BTW
>. Banning guns would have the same effect as banning marijuana and other substances.
Yeah and you don't see guys walking into stores with drugs and shit
>On top of this, banning guns would have no affect whatsoever on the homicide rates, it would simply prevent people from being killed in a certain way. So essentially, when you support gun control, you're saying that it's okay to kill people, just not with a gun.
Ummm no sweetie,.
He's not a shill, just new as of today. :)
Enjoy your ban, pls tell me you have cancer
>addicts are everywhere
Ummm no there not. The media focuses on them so they look like they are but do you actually know someone who has done drugs?
>Lowering "gun crime" doesn't lower violent crime
>Mass shootings aren't the most common form of gun crime
>Whites are disproportionately represented in violent crime in general but especially in mass shootings
>Black men represent 6% of the population but 54% of all homicides
You'll never end violence but the systems that push for multiculturalism, open immigration, equality of outcome, and a welfare state leads to the creation of entire classes of violent people.
there is no evidence the columbine shooters were bullied, in fact sources suggest that Dylan Klebold was liked by many
The black market thing wasn't to you it was to that other guy. You made a very great post and i agree with the online thing
You know what else could prevent the bottom panel? Another gun
Is the argument that kids shouldn't have access to guns, and only adults should be able to buy them, because kids are more likely to commit violent crime than adults? I don't get the point.
Every fucking day when i walk out to the street i can see at least 1 addict. Minimum.
You can find drugdealers contact (skype,viber etc) on every corner of the street. Easy.
Cops are covering them for %. So much for government "business". When government ban something - only government can work "legaly" in that field.
how about you make like a tree and fuck off traitor?
Yes let's disarm everybody cuz crazees.
How about enforcing current gun laws, holy shit.
>Ummm no there not
You dumb piece of shit, have you even seen the outside of your dingy house?
Only idiots want to disarm the populace and leave the people open to tyranny. Only a moron thinks guns are the leading cause of death in America.
criminals ARE the only ones with nukes, do you honestly believe the US government is anything more than a glorified mafia? I'm not going to address anything else about your garbage post though because this is obviously a shitty bait thread.
Without a welfare state people would starve
It's literally in their journey. Eric said he hated how he was never invited anywhere since they said he was weird.
>It's a scam
>You don't see guys walking into stores with drugs and shit
That's because they keep that shit in their pockets. If I were to buy a gun illegally and walk around with it, I would have it hidden underneath my clothes.
>Ummm no sweetie
Not even an argument. And it also implies that you support the drug war which is an irresponsible waste of taxpayer money and wildly ineffective at achieving its goal.
>bottom scenario
5 people killed because it was in a "gun-free zone" and no one had protection, good chance the shooter got their gun illegally.
>top scenario
forced to take in refugees and live in constant fear of terrorist attacks, no gun to protect yourself with and if you speak up against it you go to jail.
well they arent hard to find
> do you honestly believe the US government is anything more than a glorified mafia?
You're a shit troll. Enjoy your ban
I have unlike you moron. No one does drugs besides a few mental nutcases. This isn't a 1980s dystopic movie.
Nukes aren't the same as guns. What you have is a nigger problem
My point is banning stuff works. There are no more drug addicts besides the few nutcases in the inner cities.
Honestly if i wanted drugs i would have no clue where to go.
You're very sheltered.
Oh ok. Shit I guess we'd have to write our local politicians to get this to start but everybody is lazy as hell and find it easier to stand with others with a sign having a sentence at most on it in marker lol...sigh
The Euroretards are using trucks.
>Cars are being addressed with remote shutdown software, besides cars actually are needed in modern society. Guns serve no purpose.
Not true. No unauthorised civilian NEEDS to own a car. The money spent on police fighting CAR crime could be spent on public transport infrastructure. America has a car problem.
>banning stuff works
Why don't you do some research on The Prohibition? And the drug war itself? Hell, why don't you go outside and talk to people for a change?
>No one does drugs besides a few mental nutcases
There is over 20 million people in the US with a drug addiction. That's a lot of fucking people user.
You cant have a gun shipped to your door in the US unless youre a federally authorized gun salesman. All online purchases still require background checks.
But why am I shocked you idiots dont actually know the laws you want to change
>Ban guns
Thank you for flagging yourself appropriately, OP.
You don't know enough about the subject you are trying to be an authority on. Confirmed appropriate flag.
Protip faggot. In any city were there are multiple urban gangs there is a large amount of guns on the black market that are specifically for the purpose of being a "throwaway" gun. Before one of these guns are thrown away, they will be involved in multiple killings, home invasions, armed robberies, etc, and then those guns get sent through the black market to a group of people who will disassemble those guns, reassemble them as frankenstein-guns, and then put them right back out on the black market.
On the contrary to your argument, banning guns makes guns far more lucrative and a necessity for criminals because they will know that they are the only ones with guns in such an environment.
gb2 lurking
yeah, trust the government, goy. they know what's best for you. The Soviet Union knew that certain death in the gulags was best for several hundred thousand people.
This thread is ridiculous. Even the provided image is ridiculous - It clearly spells out that the issue isn't with guns but with the toxic mentality the current public breeds in the US.
Why do you think it is that the United States has the highest amount of domestic shootings? It isn't because of the gun-rich environment, it's because some phenomena in your country is creating a strain of people deranged enough to see reason in suicidal assaults against their fellow men. Instead of making a band-aid solution to the problem, why can't you just try and treat the issue at its source - The society that breeds these people. SJW nonsense, degeneracy, poorly-aimed public pressure and ill social norms are your true enemy. Guns are just a boogeyman used by people whom can't or care not to handle a problem for real.
You might as well outlaw hardware stores and possession of sugar if you truly went by your logic. Therefore, you and your people disgust me.
Also, hasn't it occurred to you that most of the recent terror attacks didn't even use guns? 9/11 was pulled off without any guns. Unless you're a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist who understands basic physics like us and believe that it was conducted by the government and not by sand niggers. And if that's the case, why would want only the government to have guns if they do shit like that to us?
Leave your house for once. No one does drugs, the 1920s were highly exaggerated for Hollywood effect. Most people aren't criminals
I don't like sitting next to people on a bus tho.
A.I controlled trucks are the solutin
Never met a drug user in my life.
>Without a welfare state people would starve
With welfare state they murder
>inmates without guns get guns from law enforcement
>inmates kill two officers with their own guns
>inmates try to steal a car
>inmates detained by legal gun owner until police arrive
>op btfo
>not really a kekistani
>proceeds to democrat
Never met a Democratic Party member too
Does this mean they don't exist?
>Guns are the leading cause of death in America because of criminals using the guns.
>Most people aren't criminals
wrong again
There are so many unnecessary laws in the USA that the average American commits roughly three felonies every day.
And even if most people weren't criminals, why do you want us to be defenseless against those who are?
Did you watch the video? IDIOT
>USSR argument
Totally not an idiot
Luckily I live in Texas where individuals can have private firearm transactions for cash with no paperwork.
Got me a fine recent make German 45 from a guy in a truck stop. Bought it for cash.
Gun control would bring huge and disruptive changes to my state. Lots of us will vote against it and against anybody who supports it.
if you're gonna go against the constitution by banning guns then why not go against it again by enslaving negros? If you care so much about a safe world, you would be up for it considering all the crimes they commit.
nukes should be legal.
I don't support gun control because it's immoral. A gun is someone's property, so unless they use it in a violent act that is not self defense (or hunting, if you count that as violent), you aren't morally justified in restricting their ability to buy and own a gun.
You are taking the bait hook, line, and sinker. The guy isn't even trying to argue. If you refute his claim there are no drug addicts with statistics, he just says he's never seen a drug user in his life and it's all hollywoof. It's just low effort bait for maximum (You)'s.
>I don't like sitting next to people on a bus tho
Fucking bourgeois scum, your personal vehicle is wasteful and unnecessary. Ride the bus like the rest of the proletariat, or else go to gulag.
>I don't like sitting next to people on a bus tho.
Pfft typical toxic masculinity
You think you need a big noisy dirty polluting car just because you don't like sitting next to people? For all I know you could snap at any minute and run people over with that
You have no right to bear vehicles. Deal with it.