The Holocaust

Do you guys actually believe the Holocaust didn't happen? I looked at pictures of a concentration camp called Dachau today, and you can go there and see the gas chambers and the places where they executed people in ditches by firing squads. Believing the Holocaust didn't happen is almost as bad as believing the earth is flat. I can see how you guys are antisemites (pic related), as Jews have played roles in communism. But how does that justify the murder of 6 million Jews, of which most were innocent? Please debate this here, but don't just spam links with massive amounts of info like imgur or that one Holocaust deprogramming course site.

I'll start:
>The lack of stains on the gas chambers can be explained by the fact that it takes more Zyklon B to kill lice than humans.
>The Krege GPR investigation on Treblinka hasn't led to any official reports. They haven't released much evidence for their case.

The only argument that deconstruct all JDIzF is this: if the Holohoax is real why do they punish those that goes against the narrative? Surely you wont censor any studies or arguments against it, no? If it was real I mean.

The Holocaust is so real that you go to prison for questioning it.

I'm for free speech, and I am not offended by your opinions, but their argument is that your beliefs incite hate crimes against Jews and other victims of the Holocaust. Not to mention Holocaust denial/revisionism is often associated with the far right and Neo Nazis

> when will (((you))) learn

I'll learn if you can prove it to me. I'm not denying you guys free speech or anything, I'm encouraging dialogue.

>skepticism incites hate crimes
Then you can't be skeptic of Islamaphobes, they must be correct, otherwise you are inciting every single muslim attack against Europeans.

>Holocaust denial/revisionism is often associated with the far right and Neo Nazis
>implying someone shouldn't be allowed to say something because of their political affiliation

I didn't say I support laws prohibiting your speech. I just said that's the justification people often use for it. I don't think you should be punished for having a different perspective on history

So by that logic you cannot talk about flat earth because the belief against flat earth incite hates crimes against sphere earth and other victims of the heliocentric view. Not to mention the flat earth denial/reviosionism is often associated with NASA and science. or that you cannot talk about interracial relationships because their beliefs incite hate against blacks and other victims of slavery. Not to mention slavery denials/revisionism is often associated with cotton field owners and plantation owners. I can give yu thousands of examples with the exact sa,e wording, one more controversial than the less, and none of them censored to studies or critic, yet critic or say one little number less than the established one and you could face being incarcerated.

The only argument you need to a Holohoax debate is the one I mentioned above, try it and you will start to move mountains.

your analogies are bad but what does it matter? holocaust denial is 100% legal in your country, so what are you crying about?

I didn't say I support those laws. Believe whatever you want. I just said that's the common justification for laws against Holocaust denial.
Do you people actually have arguments against the Holocaust, or can you only bring up laws against denying it? Please use some arguments, because laws against it don't prove it didn't happen.

That's exactly it. It took liberals and communists working together to destroy national socialism. And since WWI was also against the national socialists they realized that they had to do something or WWWIII would be just around the corner. When fighting a superior enemy, dirty tactics must be utilized.

isreal? more like is-real-dumb

Why are you going into WW1 and WW3? What did those have to do with Nazis?

just look up information on google about the Holohoax you (((lazy faggot)))

I do, and I find shit that debunks your arguments. See my first reply

how can anyone believe mickey mouse isn't real? I went to disney land and it was all there

>not an argument

Horrible analogy. This thread is pushing me away from your beliefs



Like I care


So it wasn't six million. But it was still a lot of people. That's still genocide

>proves the only argument you need is one based on studies and censorship
>reeeeee give real arguments dont help the goyim

This is you. The only argument you need to a Holohoax debate is the one I mentioned above, try it and you will start to move mountains, as shown in here perfectly.

Entertainment at auschwitz

A theatre doesn't disprove genocide. Maybe they just used it to keep them from rioting

All "death camps" were found on the soviet side of Europe. Soviets hated the nazis and they also found that the concentration camps were a great opportunity to portray the NS in a worse life than the soviets themselves, who also had concentration camps and displaced various ethnic populations

I'm not saying the holocaust is fake, that's just retarded. I'm saying the
numbers were significantly lower.

As a slav, I expect the jooz to pay us for saving them from the hallofcost!

You are now aware that you know (((precisely))) how many Jews died in WW2, but have no idea how many of your own countrymen died.

I get that laws make you suspicious, but please prove it didn't happen based on actual evidence, not the way people in the 21st century are behaving about it.


obvious troll is obvious


Still millions of people. If like a million died at Auschwitz, that still leaves all the other camps, ghettoes, and mass graves


So what? Jews make up a tiny percent of the population. Who cares if they boycott German goods?

>What did WW1 have to do with Nazis?

The actual evidence of being censored is everywhere, go look on Europe, this is the only law in the whole west that prohibits the study and critic of the holohoax. The only argument you need to a Holohoax debate is the one I mentioned above, try it and you will start to move mountains

You might be one of the dumbest people on this site. Not even on this board, but this site. Congratulations.


Most convincing arguments to me personally:

all of the US inspected "death camps" turned out to be work camps. The only death camps were remaining were inaccessible to the relatively open west for decades. This leads to a second problem of how people would have had to have been killed and bodies disposed of in an impossibly fast manner.

ever fluctuating numbers. And the fact that other supposed victims are often forgotten.

laws against denying it. Everything else, especially when it comes to non-Jews is up for debate, inquest and outright slander. This should be too. Protecting it with force is a huge red flag that something is amiss.

The accounts, embellished to absurdity, as well as the accounts of survivors who missed thier date with death for reasons that make zero sense. (E.g. Sick that day)

I am of the opinion that the camps were run similar to all the other camps various forces were running during the war. That yes, problem prisoners were executed, but max executions were not the norm. Disease and starvation killed the vast majority of those who did die and the number is an order of magnitude lower than what we have been taught.

They gassed thousands of Jews at a time. They could shoot thousands of Jews in one day. It probably wasn't six million but it was still high

>your beliefs incite hate crimes against Jews
Achtung! Jude!

If the Holocaust was a "hoax" where did the 5-6 million Jews go?

There is literally census and population data from both before and after the war that shows the European Jewish population decreasing by 6+ million.

>muh israel

No, the population of Israel was only about 800,000 when it was founded

>go look on Europe
is this even a real person typing this crap or some kind of bot? bla bla move mountains

I don't think you actually have an argument that large amounts of Jews didn't die. I already presented some of my arguments. All you're saying is that it's illegal to deny it, which doesn't necessarily mean it didn't happen

Burden of proof is on you

Nice rebuttal, 10/10

Yes most don't even know who of their own family was killed in ww2 let alone ww1. Me included. Lots of stories.
For example former Kanzler Helmut Kohl died today. His wife surrvived the war but had a background story like so many people. The knowlege about the own suffering is replaced by something that does not remember gypsies nor communists, only the chosen ones matter.
There was also the killing of people born with disabilities. But it is all depended on what the media pushes. If I go to a bookstore in Germany or the Netherlands it is all about one topic. Everything one sided.
When we got grades in school it was about writing emotionally self repeating about the chosen ones. If you just did cite the facts without emotional drama you got a bad degree in history. Pathetic


That tiny percent owns/runs the majority of large companies, banks, and governments. That's where the problem come in.

There are plenty of rants by various performers about how the Jews control the entertainment industry. Michael Jackson, Mel Gibson, Patrice O'Niel, and others have given a lot of insight over the years. Even some Jews drop subtle and not so subtle hints now and then, Sandler, Sneider and Savage to name an alliterated threesome.

>US inspected death camps
The Eastern front was less populated. They probably deported them east so nobody would see the murders occurring

>numbers fluctuating
That's just because we find out more as time goes on

I've already discussed this, I personally believe you deserve free speech

>fake accounts
The people with the made up stories are probably the loudest and get their voices heard. They could've seen terrible things that messed up their minds

See 1 million is less large than 6, or in some cases Jews are saying over 20 million died

If a country began hating your people, smashing and looting their stores, and identified them with stars on their chests, would you boycott them as well? The boycott was justified

Fake image

Virtually imposible.
After (((they))) were found lying so many times. Can you really blame us for saying is fake?

>justify murder
But there was no murder, Shoa didnt happen.

I admit that it might not have been six million

Please elaborate

Also, hoping for the Aussie who has the whole "testimonies" collection to show up.

The Holocaust is the most well-documented genocide in history. That's why there's no debate among any actual historians or academics.

Holocaust denial is basically We Wuz Kangs for white nationalists. Meaning you'd have to be an absolute fucking retard to believe it.

1. Leader of Jewish community openly admitted to have lied about initial number of victims for "public grief". From 11 million jews it went down to 6. It just keeps going down every year.
2. A quick gestalt is in the image I just posted. Takes 3 mins tops.

I asked people not to spam stuff. Hopefully he thoroughly makes a few points and allows dialogue instead of throwing tons of info at his opponent and declaring victory. I've seen people on both sides do that before

(((()))) spotted

you have 0 knowledge on the subject, you are no in position to "admit" it might not have been six million. lol

The holocoaster happened, it was just exaggerated in it's death toll by at least tenfold

That's what I was thinking, you can just type in 'orders to exterminate Jews' on Google and find all sorts of stuff. These people just dance around the words 'Vernichtung' and similar words

There is also literally census and population data from before the war that shows the claims of how many Jews were in Europe was a big fat lie.

Fake Jews(Zionists) allowed any remaining real Jews and Christians to be sacrificed in the war, so they could secure Palestine for themselves.
How come everyone on both sides of this issue neglects to mention this? Why is it just one end or the other of an extreme, when you discuss this issue? A hoax is just like a false flag. Just because of the name it doesn't mean that no one was killed. It doesn't imply that everything should not be believed about it, but that all aspects and details of it need to be scrutinized and analyzed because they are suspicious and do not fit. Truth, when it is not being deliberately hidden or sprinkled with lies, does not fear investigation.

Can we be exactly certain it was six million? I don't doubt there was genocide, but it's possible the number is off a bit

>Most well documented event in history.
So well documented is illegal to document it again.

Here is that 9 you missed

To find out who rules over you just simply find out who you are not allow to criticize, The only argument you need to a Holohoax debate is the one I mentioned above, try it and you will start to move mountains

Numbers going down doesn't mean it didn't happen. People always use those declining death toll infographics but that doesn't mean it didn't happen

>a bit
5 million is not a bit

Does someone know the name of the dutch guy that was put into "revenge camp" after ww2 because they mistook him as german? He wrote a book about it but I am not able to find it.

Don't be a smartass, you know what I was trying to say

I've hardly budged, pal. Please respond to the points I made at the beginning

>The Eastern front was less populated. They probably deported them east so nobody would see the murders occurring

Let's assume that true, how did they manage it in with an efficiency that we can't even match today.

Run the math yourself and figure out how many people they would have to kill at each of these camps and how fast they would have to destroy the bodies.

Hard mode: there aren't any mass graves, which do exist for other atrocities. So the bodies would have to be destroyed.

>That's just because we find out more as time goes on

While that's a possible explanation, my question would be: why as everyone we learn points to it being less likely to have been a crazy high number of people, was the number continued to rise.

And going back to my first point, the official number I was taught in school was 11-12 million people died in those camps. 6 million Jews and 5-6 million others.

>I've already discussed this, I personally believe you deserve free speech

Don't you see the conflict there though?
We know damn well banning things makes it more desired, why risk a Streisand effect? Because there's no substance.

>They could've seen terrible things that messed up their minds
Lots of people saw lots of horrible things in lots of camps all over the world in that war. No one in the Japanese camps missed out on being killed because they were sick. No one in the Japanese camps talks about roller coasters of death. I'll give you masterbation machines though, japs might have done that in China.

Find me one document authorizing the use of genocide. In fact supposing the narrative is official wouldn't there be an insane amount of zyklon b being produced and requisitioned yet that doesn't exist either. Now let's take the actual figure of 6 million which has been revised lower at every camp yet it's still 6 million. Now let's look at the haavara agreement, the Jews could and were encouraged to leave and still retaining their wealth. Pretty sadistic of those ebil Nazis. Now let's look at the fact the only death camps were in Russian territory, highly suspicious. Now let's take a look at what gave rise to the Nazis and the legitimate greviance German people had aganist the communists. Now let's take a look at something being so true that questioning it is a crime. Now let's take a look at there being more evidence it didn't happen than it did. Now let's take a look that the allies had to torture confessions out of the remaining Nazi figureheads. And finally if it's so verifiable why can nobody debunk all the evidence that it didn't happen. Seems like it'd be easy yet here we are in current year and less and less evidence holds up to the test of time supporting the official narrative.
>also fuck it, why should I care even if Nazis killed kikes in my grandpappys day. he fought to free them anyway so fuck off

Then how do you know it happen?
No technology capable of anything close to what (((historians))) claim to have happened.
No actual proofs to conclude that there was even a substantial number of jews to make a thing like the Holocaust happen.
No way to prove that the Holocaust happened because, surprise, if you want to investigate to defend the position of the Holocaust happening is illegal too.
Absurd inventions proven time and time again to be false such as zyklon b used to exterminate Jews.
Immediate extermination of Nazi generals and high figures after WW2 but curious selection of specific German soldiers and Commanders to testify.
Oh, did you knew that Russian installed a oven in Auschwitz after the war ended? Or that Auchwitz had a fucking official soccer team and a pool.
Why? Because the mass extermination of jews is a li3 so no one in this side of the planet asks. "Why were we fighting with the communists?" But instead, "Hell yeah, we beat those level Nazis!"
Americans fucked history up, and now you suffer the consequences.


>I know very little of the historical facts of WW2 and the holocaust, and I never bothered to research for rebuttals of the infographics I found on Sup Forums

Why are there no actual historians who questions the holocaust?

Why are the only people who think the holocaust didn't happen trailer trash bloggers with no credentials or degrees in modern European history?

The phrase itself, 'Holocaust Denial', was cooked up and pushed by some Park Ave marketing kikes to make anyone who questions the official narrative look like a fucking loon.

Nobody 'denies' bad shit happened to the Jews back then. Bad shit happened to everybody. Gassings definitely occurred at Auschwitz, verifiably in the 'little red' and 'little white' houses which barely garner a mention. The issue people take is the scale at which these atrocities occurred.

What really sealed the deal for me to become skeptical with the official narrative was understanding what the British did at Bletchley Park. The allies had cracked Enigma and we were decoding official messages relayed from the camps to Berlin throughout the war. The death tolls are included in these communications, and while still atrocities, are orders of magnitude lower than what is required for the official number to be true. The Germans had no reason whatsoever to lie in these communications with Berlin.

All that happens after the boycott though. The stars weren't even a thing until 1939.

In march the Jews began their boycott of Germany, in April the Nazis asked Germans to boycott Jewish shops in retaliation.

Holocaust is a meme t b h. I guess I could concede that there were some nazi scientists conducting crude experiments on non germans to advance they german race. I could see the motivation there. US conducts fucked up shit all the time on its own people. Look at how they gave poor blacks sphyllis, or created the unibomber through LSD experiments and other MKULTRA shit. Typhus and allied bombing led to more deaths than the nazis imo. Sure the nazis put them in camps in the first place but Hitler need the jews out of positions of power ASAP because of the corruption they were spreading in Germany through usury, film and other degenerate (((modernist))) literature and artwork. Hitler mostly used jews for labour during the war or deported them.

tldr Hitler didnt do anything that the US didnt do like placing japs in concentration camps or conducting experiments on people.

>chimney built by the russians post liberation
>gas chamber had no chimney at liberation
>gas chamber had ill fitting wooden doors

Considering germany was a military machine and the destruction of the jews was, so we are told, top of their agenda, they were pretty fucking shit at actually doing it.

Explain to me how rational skepticism incites hate. The emotional incite hate not the rational. Get out of here with your fear mongering.

Responded to wrong post weeeeeee

There have been many actual historians who question the holocaust.
They're all shunned from academia and have their credentials revoked after the fact.

It's illegal to question the holocaust, faggot. It's a shame it didn't happen

>Why are there no actual historians who questions the holocaust?

Yeah why? There are actual historians who question EVERYTHING else. Including things that happened just a decade or so ago. Just not this one event. Meditate on that.

This. It doesnt make any sense. Eisenhower genocided 2 million german POWs by simply starving them.
Because they dont want their careers ruined? Search up Robert Faurrison.

Its all good nigga

Prove it happened then, pictures means nothing about what happened before and after

There is a teapot orbiting Saturn at this very moment. Prove me wrong.

>Bletchley Park
Additionally the decryption work put all of the cargo manifests for every camp into the hands of the British.

So called death camps received the same amount of Zyklon - B that work camps used to delouse clothing. None of so called death camps received enough coke to cremate the huge sum of bodies that were supposedly reduced to ash.