Chimpout inbound St Paul
This cop was guilty as fuck. He said he went into "tunnel vision" when the suspect calmly explained he was armed and licensed. Panicked and shot him dead. This cop should hang.
Niggers should behave more like humans and less like apes and learn to comply with police.
>black guy steals shit
>APB on said black guy
>cop walks up and black has gun
>black shot
This kind of thing is why the 2nd amendment should be repealed.
Ooh I want double chimpouts in London and the USA to kick off rahowa.
The cop is hispanic
i agree user, sometimes chimps deserve it for being stupid but this guy did literally nothing wrong, and even had a c&c for his gun
This is why we need tougher gun laws.
Usually I support cops, but this was literally unjustified killing.
This Yanez spic needs to be lynched
>complies completely
>murdered for having a completely legal use of his 2nd amendment rights
>lel niggers
Thought the cop was asian? Oh well, chimpouts are fun no matter what.
So are the nigs going to riot? I haven't seen a good chimpout in a long while.
Cop was in the complete wrong and should be guilty of neglagent homicide at a minimum. But I don't if this story is real or not without a more credible news source. CNN is to be as trusted as the Enquirer
you have to go back
Holy fuck. Was this the one where the guy follow procedures for the concealed carry? And after she asks why did you do that and he says I dont know?
He should at least get some kind of manslaughter.
This is actually worth a chipout.
Fuck, the gun community should be pissed about this.
Hispanics are white when the shoot black people, did you miss what happened to Zimmerman
>CNN is to be as trusted as the Enquirer
Good point. OP find a real source.
he didn't follow procedure though, that's why the cop walked
>2nd Amendment
>Law Enforcement
Pick one.
>Jeronimo Yanez
>Jeronimo Yanez
>Jeronimo Yanez
>Jeronimo Yanez
>Jeronimo Yanez
>Jeronimo Yanez
Agreed. This give BLM garbage credibility. They can always cite it now whereas before, everything they cited was a nig nogging.
There was a video. He follow procedures for concealed carry. The cop shot him for reaching slowly for his wallet. No gun visible I dont even think he hands were on the right side of his body for it.
No he is white hispanic.
Ignore the Native American first name and Hispanic last name. If at night you could see more than just his teeth and eyes then he white
It's almost as if they want rioting and police shootings to give them an excuse to put the boot down.
For once I'm proud of my state
He looked Asian but I cant remember how grainy video was. That name is Hispanic though.
Do we have the right shooting? That pics looks like a mirror screen shot of it.
Thank god the cop was Mexican.
But there's only one solution to all of this: Robocop.
This should be common knowledge by now. The race of an individual/group changes entirely based on the narrative being pushed. Hispanics and Asians are always considered white in cases such as this.
The nigger said "I have a gun" and reached for it. Lawful carry or not, you don't reach for anything without telling a cop you're doing it first.
Could this be the usual false flag to start a civil war?
Murrica has a tradition on that regard.
I will have to look up the video. I thought he spoke calmly and got shot for slowly reaching for his wallet.
Is the case where the guy said
>Ay yo officer I got a permit for this gun
You need to treat cops like landmines. You have to handle them very delicately.
Current procedure is to keep your hands outside of the vehicle and say something like
>Hello officer, I have a conceal carry permit and a firearm in the car, how would you like to disarm me?
Or some shit.
This guy was like
>I gotta gun lemme show you
>I will have to look up the video. I thought he spoke calmly and got shot for slowly reaching for his wallet.
He did.
Man, I remember this. This is a fucking nightmare and how they could find him not guilty is beyond me. He should've called for backup if he found himself unable to handle the situation, but then he shouldn't be a fucking cop to begin with, I mean it's the US of A where you always have to expect someone is legally carrying.
so you going to disarm the police now?
i agree we should be allowed to shoot leafs on sight
shitpost self-defense
to be fair, this is one of the few times a chimpout might actually be warranted. That officer was ridiculously in the wrong
>get pulled over
>hands on wheel, speaking calmly
>"Good afternoon officer. Before we begin I just want to inform you, as according to my 2nd amendment rights, I currently have a concealed firearm on my possession."
>10 seconds of silence
>Officer: "Oh.. shit, what have I done?!"
>one year later
>"all charges dropped."
Problem is that isn't what you're supposed to do. Every single concealed carry training video I've seen says that after you tell the cop you are carrying you need to keep your hands on the wheel and wait for further instructions.
Philando by contrast, tells the cop he has a gun then reaches in his pocket. A stupid mistake, probably because he was high, but enough to justify the cop pulling the trigger.
>black on spic war
why should i care
My instructor said don't even say so. When you hand them your registration, hand them your gun license, too.
He said that if you said I have a gun or anything, cop won't care if you say you have a license. They will pull out their firearm and, if you're black, shoot you.
Because the dumb spic is now portrayed as a white male on the MSM.
get ready white boys
Eat shit nigger
I do remember that I was taught to say nothing and hand them my CC card when I hand them my ID.
I cant find a fucking video that starts before the guy already shot still looking.
Which is why the defense made sure to get Philandos CC instructor to testify and explain how Philando fucked up
Get ready to once again have negros as property?
As a black guy with a CCL I wonder how my next interaction with the police will go.
In some ways I wonder if the dude would have been better off not telling the officer that he was (legally) carrying.
My understanding was that your CCL status is pulled down by the cop's computers when they run your plates or ID. Not sure if that's accurate though.
>he didn't follow procedure though
In what way?
That's what they do in bongistan
there's no video of the shooting itself, just the girlfriend videoing afterwards
Anyone defending the cop is an enemy of the 2nd amendment.
>tfw season 4 of Chimpout is about to begin
Can't wait for Nogs @ Nite.
Then he's obviously Filipino. C'mon man.
Sure, but anyone who basically announces to a cop "BTW I AM LEGALLY CARRYING A FIREARM RIGHT NOW" is not a person who poses a risk. No one would announce that they're carrying a gun prior to drawing it order to off a cop.
I thought we had one at one point maybe I am imagining it. Cause I remember her screaming why did you do that and the cop saying idk quietly. Might be mixing shootings.
Like I said I was told say nothing and hand him my CC card when I hand him my ID. But its a bit fucked up you cant expect a cop to know and not panic.
>As a black guy with a CCL
My god man, do you have a death wish?
How about we make it so not every fucking retarded piece of shit racist high school dropout "qualified" to be a police offer after 15 minutes of gun instruction
As a million posts have said. When a cop asks for your license and registration or whatever tell them "Officer, I have a carry permit and there is a weapon in the vehicle, how would you like to proceed." and then you follow instructions.
The same
Hope there will be a good live stream in a few hours. Let the world burn and recreate civilization.
>The generals are coming back
Wrong, retard.
They will never learn. What they're going to learn instead is how much of a hero they are to the rest of the nigger community for getting shot.
>sheeeeit all I have to do is get shot so y'all can destroy your own community like the rioting feral pack of chimps that you are?
>say no more
Now obviously nobody wants to get shot. But nigger obviously do not want to act civil. Why should we treat them differently or expect anything different? Fuck niggers
>high school dropout
>15 minutes of gun instruction
Not a single thing you think is true. You must be a nigger.
Well I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't:
>be unarmed
>need cops to defend you
>cops might still shoot you when they respond to your call
>be armed
>don't need cops to defend you
>cops might shoot you for (legally) carrying the gun you possess so you don't have to call them up
What it comes down to is: it doesn't fucking matter. I could be unarmed and still get killed. At the root of the problem is we don't hold cops accountable for their fuckups and treat them like a protected class.
Eliminate that problem and I won't need a gun. Eliminate that problem and it won't matter if I have one.
Well, he is right to a point, if have a gun pointed at you by a spic of negro with an IQ of at best 80 then you just can't assume you are going to be safe if you comply.
How do white hispanics keep getting away with it?
who are the real problem in St. Paul.
Oh fuck.
Definite chimpout inbound.
I'm no fan of a niggers but this cop did straight up wax that nigger. He told him to get his wallet then shot him lol
That's going to be the new gold standard for shooting blacks
He was illegally concealed carrying and reached near the gun after the cop told him to keep his hands out of his pockets.
Gonna get dusted 10 times out of 10 in this scenario.
can't they like appeal for the case to be revisited or something, go to a higher ranking court or anything of that like ?
All cops are white to blacks
People like you will always find a reason why the cop was in the right. People like you will always find a hindsight-20/20 "well if he had just done this or not done this maybe things would have gone differently."
My takeaway from this (and other situations like this) is that if I interact with a police officer for ANY reason, I might end up dead and the cop may or may not be held accountable in that case. All of the shoulda-coulda-wouldas you can contrive won't change that reality for me.
white hispanic*
I'm blinded by these pure European genes
must be half-German half-Swedish
t. community college brainlet
Good luck getting a job as a cop without a degree or military experience, usually both.
Police jobs pay a lot in Burgerland, and are usually pretty competitive.
>caring about another dead nigger
No, the root of the problem is niggers acting like niggers. If the not nigger black people would rise up and start calling niggers niggers, then maybe niggers would stop acting like fucking niggers.
This cop should've never been a cop.
He can't stop and think for one second. baka. not even black
Milo should go to speak so antifa shows up and gets the white privilege beat out of them.
Did you even see the video you bootlicking stormfag, not every negro is bad, just... a lot.
It's not hindsight, it is literally CC 101. If you're going to take the responsibility of arming yourself, you need to know how the system works concerning that decision.
Some of you guys all alright. Don't go to North America tonight.
You are bluntly admitting he was in the wrong and you are scared of police because you are going to do something that makes an officer feel in danger to a point he uses a force multiplier on you.
Also I'm FAR from a fan of the cops before you try to put words in my mouth.
Been in enough situations armed around the police to know how to behave and capt nig nog did just the wrong thing, or right thing if you want to be come a 9mm pin cushion.
Probably won't even be a chimpout because the shooting was actually unjustified.
interesting that they didn't include "spic browned skinned" in the headline.
I guess that only sells when its whites that we should blame/hate
Dude I am bulgarian a country famous for having alot of hispanics in it and I am telling you that man is 100% white. I have literally never seen a whiter man in my life. There are dozens if not millions upon billions of pics of aryan nazis on this paper folding mongolian site and probably all of them are all more hispanic than this man. You can see the white privilage on his face. You cannot tell where this mans neck ends and white button up shirt begins.
so how big will the chimpout get if cosby is found guilty too?
A happening in my state. Anyone think it's a little odd this verdict was given on a Friday afternoon, in the middle of June where it's going to be nice as shit out? I'm thinking this was planned out this way.
Black Lives Matter isn't protesting white-on-black crime in a general sense, they're protesting the lack of legal culpability and accountability in cases like the one this thread concerns.
It doesn't matter how rare such an event is or if it's dwarfed by black-on-black crime. Even a singular instance of such an injustice is a horrible precedent to set.
If a black criminal assaults or kills me, he will go to prison when he gets caught. Even if it's statistically more likely for me to be killed by another black person, the state isn't implicitly condoning that act and will punish the offender.
Now we just need to apply this logic to law enforcement. (But we probably never will.)
I don't even really followed BLM but come the fuck on.
oh nice.. maybe we'll have a midnight chimpout. My bday is tomorrow so a happening would be a perfect present from kek!
Now's the time to release the RWDS. Don't let them destroy another city.
I'm so happy right now -- I just bought $100 worth of groceries and 2 new monitors for happenings. I will not be going anywhere the entire weekend. Also, I am naked.
here's a thought...
don't attract a cops attention...
this will greatly reduce your chance of being shot by a cop
criminal morons get no sympathy
The cop was in the right, the system works. There is no "systemic" issue. Niggers just need to fucking stop being niggers.
Incase everyone forgot, the video of the shooting only starts after he was actually shot. All the "evidence" he was following the rules just comes directly from the girlfriend in the car.
Fun facts:
>he was a felon and was not legally allowed to carry
>he told the cop he had a gun and reached down right after in the area of the gun
>girl was starting the BLM bullshit train before her boyfriends heart even stopped
>video emerged of the guy and his girlfriend smoking weed in the same car with their child
Nothing of value was lost.