Who will fall first?

Who will fall first?

Will their fall wake Evropa up?

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We've already fallen

I'm sorry... I.. too...

I can't even joke about it anymore. Our countries are literally dying. I've used Sup Forums for so long to cope through the use of humor and sarcasm, but... shit's fucked. We're losing our ancestral lands.

I feel ya Sven.

I just wanna wall off London and set it ablaze

Shitposting about other countries isn't even fun anymore.

I'm tired Sweden, I want it all to end.

I don't even want to have kids because my lineage will probably be raped and pillaged and the woman is probably a secret feminist with a money agenda.

i really don t know anymmore, our lifes are fuck


I honestly gonna go full autistic rage adn kill some of those bastards

Muslims will never assimilate into European societies. They may speak the language, but they expect (You) to assimilate to them.


I cant wait to fucking die already

We will sperg out as soon as our economy tanks, but Sweden apparently has the potential to just slowly die.
Or someone just does a coup d'état. Feminist government isn't gonna stop it, that's for sure.

I feel you
I wouldn't personally want to start a family in Sweden, or England for that matter. Possibly somewhere safer and more homogeneous. I don't think you should give up hope completely.

To be fair the Sweden Democrats are now our second biggest party. Hoping that they will be able to affect policy after next election (2018)

Trust me, having offspring isn't worth it. The world is already populated enough. Good goy!

Your white struggles don't concern me. With any luck all western nations will collapse.

slavlands stronk
we'll remove sand/nigger one day even if they are able to speak broken western cuckish

Britain will. I find it hilarious how bongs think that Brexit magically saved their asses.

European nations are finished. The time is right for jolly federalism.

Nigger, without us you'd still be using plates in your lips to attract mates. Shut the fuck up.

Without us you wouldn't be alive.

Where along the line do you guys see Holland falling? We've had no significant terrorist attacks and tensions here seem much lower than in surrounding countries, but we do have a large immigrant population. If Europe does indeed fall, do you think we will be one of the early or one of the late ones?

Bullshit, homie. Europe is the cradle of civilization if you pay attention to da rayciss scientists n' sheeit. Now go shoot Jamal or smoke a other marijuana. Haha


Kek, I'm glad Sup Forums grants me the ability to see what impotency looks like

SD will stop the current trends if they are sincere and the rest of the gov can't block their every move.
To reverse the damage you need someone more "radical" and to elect someone like that a lot of Swedes would have to vote for them, while a coup could be done by a few Generals and a police chief.

Who's going to feed you then nigger?

france or us.

it will not fall, it will just gradually get shittier and shittier until no white people are left

>wake Evropa up
Dumb cunt. "Evropa" is dead.

Africans have instinctive and practical knowledge that will outlast your ego-driven white societies. Our tribal systems and nomadic lifestyles are far more sustainable than your white cyberpunk wet dreams. When the white men kill themselves with nuclear weapons Africans will be the only ones left standing that is if the Asians align themselves with the white man's ridiculous visions.

Nope, you're not an Islamic ethnostate yet.

You're "merely" sinking. They aren't lining you up against a wall, asking you to recite Koranic verse, and shooting those who fail.

Yet. Like they do to Coptics in Egypt or anywhere else jihadists can run rampant.

>the Middle East won't get glassed and the winds carry radiation south
>the nuclear winter or fallout doesn't reduce Africa to starvation, assuming the cutoff of gibmedats doesn't first

This. There's still hope and as long g as you have that they'll keep trying to brainwash you.
Niggers don't have the word cyberpunk in their vocabulary, leaf.

Hey germans here , i have been to koln, dortmund and munchen last week , didn t see many nig nogs or sandniggers , so where are they?

I'm Ethiopian but I live in America. I honestly see African-Americans and whites the same.
We'll fair far better than the white survivors that have never worked with the earth in any meaningful way for centuries.

Burns muslims alive. No blood spilled. God approves.
The common Europeans already know th threat. England was woken, the east never went to sleep. Only 3 countries are shilling hard for muslim cock. Feance wss lost, will you let Germany fall too?


Sweden is 1/8 the size of Germany

No matter how it goes in our coming election or even if we started a national socialst revolution, there is no going back. They have made sure that there is no going back.

I feel empty and dead but i will continue on and attempt to made something out of this, perhaps out of the ashes we could rise but for now we have fallen.

Why you don't simply shut up and return to your hut? Oh no, you live like a parasite in a Western country

The irony about all this is the fact that without the hated western society to support them their own parasitic lifestyle will end.
Ultimately, they will cannibalize themselves.

I bet those huts hurt real bad huh Mario?

Return to your country Atsu. Oh no, there is a communist regime and i have to work. So why i can't go to a civilized country and live behind the others?
Stupid bitch

Sorry to tell you guys. But Germany has fallen too.
We passed the Point of no return.

Good night dark night is coming

Islamic Takeover(by force & outbreeding) & the EU Army is in Europe's future.

Archives: archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Then when someone complain about me MUH RACISM

>replying twice

Yeah, without doubt you would survive with your "tribal systems and nomadic lifestyles". And the white man would suffer through centuries of radioactive hell and even more centuries of rebuilding and in the end you would STILL do your tribal and nomadic thing. Because you literally cannot create, you can only ever destroy.

>tfw surrounded

Like i said before MUH RACISM MUH FASCISM. When the italians were in Ethiopia they builds roads and school. Then the africans take over and now your country is one of the poorest in the world

All of Europe is dying. Its the mudslimes, They need to leave. Or else Europe is lost. Even the east is not safe it will just get infected a bit later.

See you soon

Have kids, don't let your line or your people die out. If it's so bad over there, come here. We still have bastions of whiteness, we can regroup, we can recover.

Outlast ? I doubt this. You are a nigger you do not understand that life is constantly changing. Europe changed the world forever with Science. We have all the ressource and technology you have nothing. Your life style is not sustainable because we are sustaining it. The explosion in numbers comes from the west feeding them for free. You will never be able to sustain yourselfs. Our numbers are small. And getting smaller by the day. If someone is unsustainable its africa.

I reckon it will occour first in one of the southern states before Sweden or Germany. Watch Turkey. When Turkey goes tits up, either due to the Kurdish fighters finishing up in Syria and moving north En Mass or Erdogan overreaching, the resulting shitstorm will be seismic.

Its not just about how fucked the country is, its about how fucked and how desperate they are. Sweden and Germany are fucked but the people are not yet desperate.

Migration proportion in pic related.
Germany has still a base to operate on when shit will hit the fan.

Why is it that France is never in these threads? Belgium? Britain?

What's your obession with Sweden and Germany? France is literally still in martial law and the UK has sharia courts

We fucking despise you, Sweden. That's why, we hate for everything you stand at the moment.

>Africa is full of farmers

There are nations in Africa already down to hunting mice for food. What makes you think after a lovely dose of radioactive fallout that Africa will be any better off?


Reminder to everyone: Sup Forums is a place of extremes. Autists don't deal well with nuance and feel more comfortable placing everything in clearly defined categories. It's not as bad as this board might make you believe after spending some time here.

>Nigger logic.
He doesn't understand that he will be a slave aswell.


Yes, but the neo liberal bullshit are destroying us

Your fucking Angela Murker and toying with the smaller nations.

True, but it's far from too late. Our societies are so strong that thus far, however bad things may seem from what you read here, people are generally not very concerned. Once we start to have real consequences that actually challenge our strong societies, we will fix the shit fast. These little jihadi attacks are like ants biting a lion.

Germany won't "fall" for a long time.
It has a very robust economy. Left-leaning countries will collapse quicker, France for example: they are extremely socialist and their whole system depends on contribution.

France increased their tax recently, this generation and the next will France ever be free then it is apartheid shithole.

I really hope so. But when i saw the fact of colony and Erdogan who say to the turkish "make five children, the europe is ours", i feel really angry

All you've said was retarded, nigger.
Leeches can is survive with a host.

Im glad im hightailing it outta here to toothpaste land

If all the money being thrown in these countries were actually thrown in Europe, we would've actually had so much shit done.

They can make 10 children. The fact remains that we have the power to do something about it at any point we choose. We are simply more capable and more advanced, even if we were a minority we could handle it. There is no way the native population will ever accept completele replacement, even if it is done democratically through increasing immigrant votes.

We've actually got a lot of shit done in Europe. Where is the large hadron collider? Where is the best infrastructure in the world? Where are the countries with the highest human development index? We can handle anything thrown at us, don't be cynical and don't be scared.

The last result in France, Austria and Netherlands aren't so positive. I mean, why we europeans can't simply put a large part of them out of our country. The only who remains will be the hard workers and the true refugees

Also quite a bit of that is from Spätaussiedlers, no?
(Ethnic Germans who came back after the USSR fell).

fuck the Turks, but
Africans are the true roaches

We will do so when we actually feel threatened or otherwise pressured. The fact that we haven't is just a result of our confidence, in my opinion. And I feel that confidence isn't misplaced. We know what war is. WW2 saw a level of destruction not even remotely close to what we are witnessing now. We simply aren't phased yet.

The turks have less children with each generation
but the Yugoslavian ones and Polish ones went higher and higher with each generation. A kraut actually posted statistics.

You know what mate? This little conversation has improved a lot my mood. Thanks. I will wait anxiety the next election

Our cynicism is just making our lives less pleasant and it's unnecessary. We live in the most comfy continent in the world and our peoples know how to handle themselves in modern civilization. We created it.

But we have to stay aware of the events that are occuring

The thing is with this is that the same poison is doing damage to the jews in Israel. The reason they have high fertility is because of the orthodox jews and the muslims.
So remember this, THE JEWS THAT HATE US they are playing 5D chess, Israel is a sacrificial nation they want the world.

Don't be so fatalistic faggot. You have a beautiful country with beautiful women. Take that shit back

Of course, but I think if you look at a global average, Europeans are probably at the very top in terms if awareness of current events.
Your first sentence is a little messed up and I don't quite understand what you are saying. If you're saying that we aren't reproducing enough, I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. I think overpopulation is going to be the main problem of the future and being small in numbers might actually be a good thing. Africa's population is growing like crazy, and it's doing them more harm than good.

Out of all non-whites, Africans especially won't be the last standing. If anything, they'll probably go extinct either by disease because of their tendency to eat bushmeat, or literally eat themselves to the point they are stretched thin because they don't understand how agriculture works, nor do they even have the capacity for hunting and gathering anymore, because they've been coddled to hell and back.

Basically what I am saying is that the (normal)Jews are slowly losing aswell to the Muslims.

Let them both fall, once they do, it will be an easy landgrab for the rest of us

As in: the (normal) jews are losing to muslims, as orchestrated by the elite zionist jews? How so? I don't see (normal) jews losing very hard to be honest. Israel still seems like a pretty comfy place for them. The muslims haven't been able to do a lot of damage to Israel, and most muslim countries don't even try, neither does ISIS and Israel is perfectly comfortable with that. The muslims are mainly fighting themselves.

Well, on this i have to disagree with you. I think that europe should reach the replace rate (2.1 children for woman)

I agree. But I think we shouldn't all go and have 6 children to counter Erdogan's 5.

>implying finland needs more useless icebox

So what we shold do to counter erdogan's five children?

They went from 75% to 74.8% and they are expected to get some form of refugees aswell.
France had 20~30 mil at 19~20th century.
When you guys went on a colonizing spree you had around 10 mil people or even less.

time for 4th reich?

even Pewdipie called sweden a crime ridden dystopia

Our nationalist party has between 20-25% support, contending as largest party. Germany´s nationalist party is a literal JUST. Draw your own conclusions.


germany first. it's way worse than sweden rn