Why does Sup Forums like this movie so much? It's about people from different cultures coming together and finding common ground.
Why does Sup Forums like this movie so much...
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Orcs are niggers
no niggers
Becouse it's they mystical land of the white race defending themselves from niggers or orcs.
Men of the west unite to defeat the hordes of the east.
>It's about people from different [western] cultures coming together and finding common ground [against invaders from the east]
good dudes - white
bad dudes - black and arab-like
women know their place and are very feminine
men are hard workers and tough warriors
It's an utopia you nigger OP
There was some gay ass undertones in the trilogy. Especially 3 return of the king.
White people from the west defeat savages from the east
OP is just retarded.
This movies great. OP is just faggot. #Notallorcs
this much is undeniable. its so gay its hard to watch. what was peter jackson thinking?
All the good guys are white. Orcs are basically niggers.
>It's about people from different cultures coming together
all of them are white, though. they unite to defeat the teeming shitskin hordes (orcs, goblins, trolls etc) and their corrupted white race-traitor allies (easterlings, wildmen)
Deep down that's what we want, but we don't want to be forced to do it by (((globalist elitists))) by rather by voluntary association based on merits and founded by a mutual respect for respective a cultures, which can only come from having pride in your ancestry
it reminds me of how Africa should have been nigger-free and must be fixed immediately
The second biggest continent in the world is assraped because of the fucking niggers who are just bipedal animals
it's actually , white getting together against the niggers.
I think Sup Forums just likes it because they view minorities as the forces of Sauron. And Sauron is probably George Soros to Sup Forums.
>It's about people from different cultures coming together and finding common ground.
So Sup Forums then.
The world will be one nation one day, but 1 it cannot be forced, it must be a natural process and 2. the cultures merging must be compatible not put 7th century death cult pedo worshipers in modern day Europe
Because elves are CUTE
Its literally about NOT doing something you faggots are obsessed with doing.
Muuh dick
People from different cultures implying the Anglos, The French, the Germans, and so on, coming together to defend the west.
The bad people are literally black people from the eastern countries. Orcs basically are niggers, and the other, evil eastern people are arabs.
Men of the west who live separately from another in their independent mono-ethnic societies uniting to kick back the swarthy hordes from the southwest. What's not to love?
It's about the white cultures with similar beliefs coming together to defeat the invading horde of browns who can't relate to white cultures on a basic level
From the south east.
Implying every race shouldn't come together and gas the kikes
It's an allegory about white Europeans and the Elven East Asians coming together to fight against the masses of the darkness. The masses of the darkness are the races and ethnicities of people who have embraced ignorance and purposeful stupidity just to have an easy life under the rule of someone or something who keeps them fed, clothed, and drunk.
This triggers the Sup Forums.
This, exactly.
Though some white seem different. Some are tall with blonde hair, other are short with dark hair. Some have green eyes, some have blue eyes, some have brown eyes. At the end of the day they represent western civilization. And they stop those who want to take it over from the east.
Not so fast.
It was only 12 or so years ago these movies were released and winning Oscars and universal praise. If they came out today everyone and their brother would be screaming bloody murder about the "lack of diversity" and they'd get like 60% on rotten tomatoes because every jew reviewer would be talking about how uncomfortable and insensitive it is.
How did things go so wrong in only one decade?
Because its based on and gives life to a very good universe despite being not that great on its own
>It's about people from different cultures coming together and finding common ground.
Just lime whites (men) and Asians ( elves) and dwarves (Ramza Kadryov) shoud unite against orcs (niggers) southrons (arabs) and Saruman,Sauron and Morgoths (Satanic Jews).
Space adventure had been replaced by fantasy. Magic over scince in the west. NBIC convergence is coming to you. Stay strong comrade.
Digits confirm
it's about white people coming together
and killing swarms of niggers and mudslimes
what is not to like about that
literally all of them have slav names
Tolkien pls
>Men of the west unite
Pretty cringe tbqh
>slav names
Get the fuck outta here. Slavs are noble orcs.
Because, no matter its sins, it's not the Hobbit.
t. vladimir son of boromir
Aragorn is a fucking race traitor. Passed the best female for an elf.
The hell is this? Russian Muslims preparing for war?
Isn't Aragorn part elf or something?
I don't even remember these scenes...
>be me
>owner of the prancing pony in bree
>finest inn and watering hole west of lorien
>rent room to a ranger and a bunch of manlets from the shire
>black riders break in and cut my mattresses to pieces
>few months go by and get back on my feet
>orcs burn my inn to the ground
>breexit when?!
HE is a spy. Non east.
Fuck your zionist Tolkien.
Did he seriously do a wrestling move to take that orc out?
>the Asians are presented as infinitely more wise and pure, also live forever basically
>the Europeans are presented as petulant and greedy
Wow fuck tolkien
Was thinking the same thing... they seem like parodies
Nah, he's a Numenorean. An ancient super race of Men that had drastically increased lifespans.
They might have had elven blood in them at the start, but I don't remember. Either way, he wasn't half elf.
He's forefathers had a drop of elf blood because his line originates with Elros, son of Eärendil, who is basically a spaceman carrying a star (Silmaril) on his forehead to this day and sailing around.
Eärendil's sons were given a chance to pick whether they want to be human or elvish, and Elros chose to be a mortal and then became the first King in the West (Númenor). The other is Elrond, the dad of the elf Aragorn married.
But Aragorn is more human than they were because so much time has passed and they mixed with regular humans in Middle-Earth, so the amounts of elf blood were diminished. He still lived for 210 years before he died, though. He's almost 100 in the movie.
Didn't most of them came back to their original homes at the end?
Also, the "star" on Eärendil's brow is actually Venus.
Yes, precisely. They left their cozy homes, rallied men, fought for the independence of their homelands from foreign invaders, and then fucked off back home when it was over.
They're on the DVDs.
they are all white cultures.
the one with the headbutt is the Hobbit. it was garbage, you probably didn't see it.
Aragon isn't actually human.
>All of them have slave names
>can only name 4
Come on man. Are you just ignoring Denethor, Aragorn Elassar, Isildur, Elendil, Arathorn, and literally every other person from Gondor.
Different European cultures and one jew coming together to fight the coons, dunecoons and doubloons.
Get it right next time.
Pretty much
hi, Blagomir son of Butimir, how is Minas Tirith the ''White'' City of Belgrade these days?
ur drunk schlomo.
The Lord of The Rings is basically European lore with Christian undertone, is the definitive book on the collective unconscious of Western civilization.
Also, there hasn't been a single divorce or case of infidelity in the whole history of Middle Earth . There was only one elf who remarried and he had to ask for permission to the the king of all Gods.
Círdan is the best elf. He hung around through every age
C'mon, they were all pretty fucking useless except for Rohan and them spoopy ghosts.
>elves are east asian
>implying those subhuman soulless gooks are wise, one with nature, beautiful or anything remotely elvish
false. They are slavs.
>beautiful women
>backwards compared to Western Euros
>look like euros but not quite
>great warriors
>live in mostly forested areas