What do you think about India, Sup Forums?
India and China are supposed to become the new superpower in 3-4 years. Are you happy about this? No more news about americanos/blacks/yurpoors/russkis.
What do you think about India, Sup Forums?
India and China are supposed to become the new superpower in 3-4 years. Are you happy about this? No more news about americanos/blacks/yurpoors/russkis.
>western countries trade their everything for cheap kike entertainment
>fast forward 201X, white people are now the faggiest, most brainwashed retards on earth
its only natural that non cucked nations start to catch up
Indians are the second more disgusting "Human beings" after ape-face niggers.
Their skin color, smell, annoying accent and traditions (Poo in the street, drink cow piss, eat with their bare hands food in the ground). The mere fact of thinking about indians its revolts my stomach
I welcome it, send more indian qt's to populate this cumskin/shitskin infested planet
They are also really cocky for some reason
This is some top bantz
these are not indians
it's not bantz tho, the west is going to be overtaken by some other ethnic entity in due time, whether they be east asian, south american, south east asian, or indian. White mans time is done tbhqh famalam.
savage 95lb incline bench supersetted with brutal 35lb flyes. also this is why you wash down every piece of equipment before you use it, even if it looks like nobody has touched it in a while.
He's talking about the image, not whatever faggot shit you're on about.
They can be as ripped as they want. White women will never date/fuck them. Indian men are the least desirable for women.
>american education
learn to read my son
why you shit on the streets?
buncha fuckin faggots
cock sucking niggers
You seriously need to unfuck yourself.
you seriously need to kill yourself
I'm going to leave some zyklon outside your nigger flat, remember to take deeps breaths if your retarded nigger brain can remember directions that long.
are you entering delusions again? fair enough I'll leave you to it.
this, Indians are the masterrace.
my boy appreciates indo-european heritage
>Implying Indian is an ethnicity
Indians have the same problem the Chinese do, no creativity. No matter how many people you shit out, if you can't innovate you can't lead.
Better watch out for India, it will have a space program by 2020
>no creativity
please, no one has once backed this ridiculous meme up kekovic
>No creativity
Coming from the fag who's ancestor's used fucking lines to do math like ingrates.
pussies got nothing on the real indo-europeans; we made you..... WE WUZ
>We will find your street and shit in it.
Hahaha, dude you can't sucker punch me with comedy like that. No fair hahaha.
China, yes. India is largely a western meme.
There are a ton in my dept at my uni and they're all retarded, they come here to get masters degrees but their bachelors are useless so they have to relearn it all here and they cut corners.
they cut corners because your tertiary education is ancap tier, if not russia tier corruption levels. Money gets your most things in the US of A
>lmao amerifat thinks his education system is based purely on merit
>they cut corners.
top kek
that's how your retarded president got his degree nigger
Keep larping faggot
>tuff cumskin shows flag thinking it means anything
civilizations rise and fall my young cumskinian, yours is one of the faster ones that will be thrown into the abyss of history
In the 90s they were saying Japan would be the new superpower within 5 years.
Didn't happen to Japan, not gonna happen to India or China
says the non state at this point, are you british, paki or muzzie by now? so diverse I can't tell!