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how will megyn ever recover?
Can someone give be a basic gestalt? I'm assuming Megyn Kelly did an interview with Alex Jones to make him seem like a retard and didn't expect she would be recorded during the pre-interview.
Where is the interview between her and Jones? Not the pre-recording Alex released, I mean the real interview.
the full interview by megyn kelly not out yet
>not out yet
Well why didn't he release it AFTER the inevitable hit-piece she was going to do? This gives her time to rewrite it in a way that makes Jones seem more favourable.
A) she can't exactly spin an interview with a school shooting denier into a positive one or the sponsors will ditch her show and she'll get shitcanned.
B) he's just doing it to get adbux. Preshow bantz posted after the interview would only be interesting to his already established crowd. Say you are leaking the interview early and you get all the left/moderates, nonfans who were going to watch her scold Alex then never watch his content, are now flocking to his site to get a sneak peak and give Alex some.of them adbux.
we're breaking the conditioning raragghghwaaghh
In all my years of knowing about Alex Jones, I never thought I would say that Alex Jones is an American patriot.
Give youtube 5 minutes, they'll pull it off prematurely
She's an easy lover
She'll get a hold on you believe it
Fuck, I was literally listening to that 6 minutes ago. 2spooky
you mean spooky other than the fact it's phil collins?
That's the point. Prevent negative pressure and steal her positive lift. She is shrinking and Alex is growing. Our view of timeline is too small. It will expand shortly.
Wow what a manipulative bitch
This guy was literally a nobody 5 years ago.
What happened? Twitter bots?
>nobody 5 years ago
underage b&
No, because it was a duet with a pavement ape.
What if free love for flower children was to condition a generation for pedophilia?
he was one of the most prominent faces of the y2k bug cult, he's been mainstream since forever
Love how they used this sneaky-looking picture of her in the Youtube video too.
Being this new.
She fucked up, Youtube is also artificially lowering the views on the video.
she's fucked
i bet she doesn't go on tv tonight
that beak
I'm confused over whether she'd peck me with it or pull out her lizard tongue from the hole below first
>while everyone else only had one, Jones had two enchiladas.
She is put out there like bait on a hook. And no one is biting.
She's a perfect emblem for the fake news. Fake blonde with dyed hair, skeletal frame, gaunt and haunted servants.
Their energy is running low.
Alex hired a young news crew and just let them report the news . It made him and his reporters famous.
What the fuck is this place? I just came here from /r/politics to see if there was anything of equal or greater quality, and I come here and I don't see any shit but fucking sexism, racism, and islmophobia. all of you are fucking degenerates. Is this the trash can of the internet? what would drive anyone to come here to be with such trash? this is why all boards should be strictly moderated by those of high moral standards. There is no decency here. What the fuck even. I just can't. I can not.
Also why does this website look like it was made in 1994? do you people really enjoy posting on such outdated shit? if you value your precious anonymity then I would expect that you would try to go somewhere with sophisticated coding and security. this isn't even fucking https.
fuck you guys
Hnngh my cock would set her "right".
>ywn have millie milk as your first nourishing sustenance
why even live?
>Millie will never bend over and spread her ass hole 3.5 inches in front of your face
>Why Live?
5 years ago.....not being more than a pants-shitting pleb in 2001 and onward...
She loves James Alefantis. She's a pedophile protector.
I came here for this post
nah, this isn't the trashcan.
You're looking for /trash/, where you belong.
Like no other and before ya know it you'll be on your knees.
>"Burth musheen! Burth musheen cuming thru! Give me attentshun! Give me attentshun! Isn't is beutiful?????? Its is comparable to like, the Sixteen Chapel n' sheit!
>"Oh wat, u don't like me virtue signaling and putting every aspeck of muh lyfe out there!"
>"Ur just a jeelus neckbeard virgin NEET!" "Dis is biutful!!!"
those are big
she's a cutie pie
What did the schizo say this time?
I'd mill around with Millie, if you know what I mean.
The fucking mad man.
why so serious?
>emric's essentials
>alex jones' middle name is emerick
mild keks
>Aging this badly in her late 20's
Do you think he fucked Megyn?
>Become the rising star off the back of a Presidential Candidate
>Get into a very public confrontation with him, and he ends up coming off as the bad guy
>jump on that success by milking the shit out of that confrontation, because you think the guy is going to lose
>get set to release a book proclaiming your victory right after he loses
>he fucking wins
>her entire career goes from a rising star, to a laughing stock as she ends up joining the ranks of laughing stocks that lost big time
>try to carry on in Fox, but everyone hates you for stealing everyone's spotlight and by being a shill for the wrong team
>decide to become a shill for the right team
>doing so loses her most of her fans, a majority of whom where nevertrumpers who thought of her as the 'reasonable' right-wing voice
>blunder at the bottom until you are given the chance to interview Putin himself, the leader of the country her handlers say helped push Trump
>come into interview immediately with the hard hitting questions
>only to be laughed at by the entire international community as she comes off as a loony conspiracy theorist
>decides that the only way for people to respect her is to show them a REAL loony conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones
>handlers okay her as they see it as an opportunity to run a hit piece on Alex and undercut the growing alternative media
>she does a perfect hit-interview that makes Alex look like a loon, making her handlers very happy
>until it is revealed that Alex recorded the entire thing
>leaks it to youtube showing her to be making a hit piece
>her entire career is in shambles
Being Kelly is suffering
for you
deep state shills and those who love them
Quite literally he's doing it right now
>conditioning status: broken
anyone else worried that trump has been in office for almost 6 months and we still dont have the advanced life extending technologies? why is he waiting so long to release them?
> guy was literally a nobody 5 years ago
Are fucking underaged are you
watch out he might eat another bowl of chili and forget how much of a fucking retard he is
me to. the most we can do right now user is to keep drinking filtered water and taking our supplements.
trump will release it when the time is right.
Why do those shoulders look so wide?
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
The water filter lunatic is getting desperate. Twitter bots and doctored recordings. Is there anything you retards won't believe?
Basically she interviewed him, and when he saw the teaser for the interview, he realized it was going to be a hit piece, something she promised she wouldn't do, so he released the audio of a pre-interview phone call where they were discussing details.
The title is clickbait, it's not actually the full interview.
That may be, but I don't trust this faggot at all.
Alex Jones has been fucking killing it this last year or two. Was never a big fan until the election.
From TYT, to FAGE yogurt, to Megyn Kelly, this guy is on a rampage. Im fucking loving it.
Keep up the good work Alex!
My brother went to law school in brooklyn and his professor said on the first day of class that she is a HUUUUUGE whore.
He said that she just did a bunch of coke and fucked dudes left and right through law school.
Can anyone guess the teachers name? I'll give you a hint, he also works at fox.
lunatic outpost
for people who are so retarded they got banned from glp
It is simply because he is the most absurd of them all, all these other news organizations are trying to out crazy him and failing
This is Good.
>multiple sources
>still in denial
white knight cuck gonna white night cuck
Sweet thanks
You idiot he was always popular
Tucker Carlson?
Lee Ann McAdoo's massive knockers
find & post
They don't understand the delicate balance of truth, satire, humor and emotion, like he does.
Is Texas, dare I say, /ourstate/?
"Alex Jonestein is just a kike shill.
The fluoride is in the water to prevent cavities, and JFK was killed by a lone gunner. Also, the official 9/11 story is 100% legit. My government is evil enough to ethnically displace me, but not to do any of those things.
Jonestein is just an extremist kook."
- Schlomo Shekelstein.
Leanne " rack of boob" Macadoo.
>I used to think you were a one-dimensional guy
God this bitch is so condescending.
He is truly a master of his craft
I don't even like Alex Jones anymore but I to thank him for redpilling my mom who used to love Megyn Kelly. Now that Alex exposed Megyn for being an attention seeking whore, my mom hates her.
Wait, so you already have Sharia law in your country? Wtf?
The only thing you might be breaking is the curfew, stay away from those kids Alex you lunatic
I had a good laugh from the clip where he is screaming in Piers Morgan's face that he will never take away his guns.
post her tits
get a proper flag
That was a low point in his career IMO. Funny as it was, he totally pushed any fence sitters on the matter away. Looked completely crazy, but hes toned it down these last two years or so and started getting more legit with his tone and the topics hes covered.
Based Phil collins and earth wind and fire guy
So he released a bunch of recordings made before the interview. Where the fuck is the full unedited interview?