>wake up
>remember I'm 25 years old making $19/h driving a forklift
>when most people are age 25 they're already making 60k-100k, property owners, engaged or already married
Who /loser and failure/ here?
Wake up
I'm at dominos right now as a driver. 25 and in college.
Wrong board you cuck
I'm 26, work as a paramedic, & just got raised to 15/hr. I've also got 30k in student loan debt.
bump. We need to talk about this stuff. Sometimes we need to vent our anxieties and worries. I feel for you op. You're not alone.
assuming you're from the land of the 60% free, I'd say you're doing better than your peers:
>calimexi peasants
>gangbanging kangs
>diversity hires
Fuck it, im gonna eat that Kit kat. Its friday its basically the weekend.
>25 year olds making over $19
Didn't know Starbucks paid six figures.
You're doing better than most people your age, faggot, so stop your whining.
How you liking it, EMT here
Feels good not being a brainlet
Med student, on way to 300k/yr, thanks for your tax dollars fellas.
Just wait for it to come crashing down mate, and when they top themselves you can have a sneaky smirk at their funerals.
Hey man, my sister is 40 making $10 am hour as a security guard :[
It could be worse. Would like to give her some advice on something better to do but I dunno...
>35yrs old
>bachelors degree in accounting
>most I've ever made is 14/hr.
>when most people are age 25 they're already making 60k-100k, property owners, engaged or already married
Lmfao. You must think you're living in 1965 or something. You're not. That's why you're confused. You're actually doing better than most. Trust me.
I'm in my late twenties and just graduated with a worthless liberal arts degree and no job or direction in life.
I thought about just giving up on myself and teaching english in Asia, but I think I would be less ashamed of myself if I were just unemployed.
huh, i figured paramedics made better than that. well lot of long boring weeks right? lot of hours?
>>when most people are age 25 they're already making 60k-100k, property owners, engaged or already married
wat. No they fucking don't.
tfw 25 tfw official old
what ? i tough forklift driving is cool...
>be me
>60k a year driving forklift
>5'7 turbo manlet with nogf
>have nothing to show for it
22 working on a factory line for 10 an hour.
I fear I may never be able to own a home.
If you make it there than you deserve it. Doctors work very hard and have a long road through med school and residency only to start their career in massive debt and are in constant risk of losing their earning potential through lawsuit.
t. An engineer making 135k
25 year neet on it's way into the professional market with a job lined up and no previous experience. What is this hardship you speak of?
Don't compare yourself to others user, we are 7.6 billion people on this planet now. Way to many for society to prosper. Enjoy whatever you can get, it's all based on luck and chance anyway.
Enjoy making 40k working 90 hour weeks as a resident for 3 years.
Half the people at age 25 are still in college mate. You're doing okay.
I'm 24
Got a BS in Geology
Working on my BA in Accounting
working as a pizza delivery driver
>making $19/h driving a forklift
only can dream about money like this is my eastern europe hell hole.
My friend who can barely read or spell made 50k last year as a Trim carpenter and he just turned 21
No they're not
I'm 26, and I work in the oilfield as well as alternative energy. I make about $117 right now after taxes, I have a paid for house, and I'm engaged.
>can't handle money
You fucking nigger. Sort yourself out, that's more than enough money to live on and even have a family if you're not a fucking retard.
This has to be bait. Unless you're only working part time.
Full time 19/h is 760 a week. That's a little less than 3k a month.
MORE than enough to fucking live on you massive fucking cuck.
>Never employed due to mental illness
>BARLEY recovering from Schizophrenia
>life is totally shot to shit
>will probably die alone.
>only hope is that I have some Graphic art skills and can animate and do some other shit,
you will never have it worse than me. MIGHT be able to make enough money to lose my virginity to a thai prostitute by the time im 26
youll never be worse off than me. It always gets worse.
Damn i wish i was making 19$/h i make like 2$/h
>>when most people are age 25 they're already making 60k-100k, property owners, engaged or already married
At the old age of 25 I was sitting in prison for yet another DUI.
At 30 I decided I had enough of my own degeneracy and made a decision to start on a different path.
Never too late user.
>>when most people are age 25 they're already making 60k-100k, property owners
no they're not
that's just what they want you to believe
>when most people are age 25 they're already making 60k-100k, property owners, engaged or already married
25 is still very very young. Young enough to get a useful education and degree.
And no, almost no 25 year old makes 60k-100k. In fact, most people never make 100k. Hang in there and be confident.
nigger fucking where, what do you do in the oil patch? pipe fitter?
Hi leaf.
You make this thread endlessly. If you don't like your job, find a new one. This isn't your blog.
>tfw should have went upstream
Oh well. $90k isn't bad but damn it...
zionist jew here
>22 years old
>make 300k a year thanks to jewish investment fund
life's good when you aren't a goyim
Yarr me jimmies be rustling in these head winds yonder
>he's not a billionaire yet with multiple concubines and his own mansion
No but seriously man you shouldn't be down on yourself, every day on this side of the dirt is a good day.
i love forklift driving, men i am so mad that i wanted to be engineer and wasted on studying stuff.
wish i could be forklift driver at 16 i could have 4 flats instead of one right now.
cost of living differences between polska and the states is huge
and bro, youre making 8zl/hr, thats less than polish min. wage at a shitty restaraurant on the outskirts of some random wioska.
>remember I'm 25 years old
seems like weekends would be pretty busy since people are off work and free to fall off ladders while working on their house or do something dumb and get hurt
Why is everybody in Alberta so successful except me?
>go to NAIT and get a good job they said
>lol jk faggot you actually need connections and 5 years experience
You aren't too bright. She is going to get preggo and leave you, taking most of your money.
Graduated college (albeit debt free).
Making $14/hr here
Please just end my life
uhmm there is a reddit for this shit ?
Well the 1% of actual emergency calls we get are a reminder of why I thought I'd enjoy this job, but for the other 99% of 911 calls, we're just a Medicaid Taxi for drug seekers, chronic pain, and complete bullshit that we're ultimately paid for.
This one chick from one of our local ghettos literally called 911 for us to take her to the ER for a pregnancy test.
And yeah it all depends on where you're at. Generally the farther north you live, the more you make.
I'm proud of all of you phaggots srs. We're all stuck on this gay earth and goddamn if we aren't all gonna make it brehs.
Press G to join group-hug.
>most people are age 25 they're already making 60k-100k, property owners, engaged or already married
uh, what fucking utopia are you living in
most 20 something's lives are a disaster
i get jobseeker 250 a week
This leaf again.
i wanted OP to feel better about himself senpai
Stop being such a pussy we don't even have those salaries here.
23, in college, work at cash register
Everybody else has an office job. Feel like a failure every day.
stop lying asshole, you can live on 200€ a month in poland fucking kurwas for 10€
>graduate college
You're doing better than me. Gonna be working a low wage job soon.
This is all because of fucking socialism and the jews using goverment to control us.
anonku, przepraszam!
I make 15K$ here faggot, stop crying I would take your easy job if possible
Once the mods ban me again I'll be forced to find a new job out of sheer boredom
anime nigger always gets me
These dickheads piss me off.
In the UK, £10p/h is fairly cushty.
£19p/h would be decent
£20+ is nearly made it
£100+ and your swimming in working class pussy and some middle class on payday weekends.
33, haven't worked in 3 years... feels indifferent man
wait no i take that back, it feels kinda good knowing that niggers aren't living off of my sweat and toil
Enjoy inspecting niggers and spics in a shit hole town.
Dude, you have a real fucked up world view
Jsus dude I'm sorry. Mining and Factory work are my nightmares. That's what motivates me to study. I've seen what years of factory work does to the body and soul. Get out of there as soon as possible. Washing dishes, night guard, everything is better than that.
Switch to country flag before making a post like this retard
You'd struggle to pay rent and survive in Toronto on $19p/hr. I make $45 per hour in Toronto and I spend about half of it on mandatory expenses (food/rent/living).
>when most people are age 25 they're already making 60k-100k
Wrong. Don't be too hard on yourself user. You are YOUNG and you've got a decently solid base. Use you discontent t to motivate you to keep working. You can be tptally happy by 30
19 an hour is more than I've ever made.
I am 33 I have A bachelors in Accounting and another in Economics.
I am over 50k in student debt, and I am working at 13$ an hour in as a line cook.
You are doing way better than most people around your age trust me.
If you become a developer and work from home, you can get Western Europe wages and live like a king in your home country.
stop lying you can live on 250$ a month in russia.
You greatly overestimate the average.
With that said, it does indeed suck to not have a significant other at 25. I'm 26 and really feeling the pressure. I still have a couple of years, but I haven't even taken the first step.
>19 years old
>gave up on college or any other aspirations
>stay at home doing nothing all day
>work at grocery store 2 or 3 days a week
>make just enough to eat every week
>spend all my time on computer outside work
I have no motivation whatsoever to do anything at all. I really don't care, I'm not happy by any means but I'm not miserable, could be much worse. I'll only kill myself if my mom kicks me out because there's no way I could completely provide for myself and I'm not motivated enough to live on my own. I really could give a fuck less about life, rather just chill all day than work hard for a small chance at being successful
If a job can't support you, your wife, your kids, a house and a full fridge then it's not worth it.
That's because you're not intelligent enough to be a CPA.
Nope, youre fine. If you hit 30 though and you still dont own a house or property than youre failing.
>wake up
>be 30
>make 110k
>tf gf dropped me last week cause i didnt want to move in with her
well at least i own 100 ETH coins
What the fuck is going on with the flags?
19 dollars an hour is just 4k shy of 60k you fucking faggot.
And you're making that by doing menial fucking labor anyone could do.
he's not saying you can't, he's saying he cant make 19/hr working in his shitty country
>make 450 euros a MONTH
>about 3k left in savings
>will probably be homeless before 2019
too many laws make it impossible to do anything.
>everything i want to do is illegal
maybe if i left to africa, but then i'd be killed and eaten for my white skin by niggers
oh, OP
>wake up
>remember i'm 30 making 0$ an hour raising my animals (goats, chikin, cows, sheep), no gf, no car, no $, no friends and little to no education.
>when most people my age are making more $$$ are married, have a family, a degree of some sort
yeah, and i don't see things getting better
Why not just join the good ol' US army at this point?
Don't worry man. I've haven't been able to find a decent job since graduating from (((college))) with a bachelors in mass communications. I'm 32 and about to start med school in fall.
Just keep up hope and go to a 2 year college and learn a trade like welder or plumber, just don't get a meme (((degree))) most are fucking worthless.
>eu math
Yearly salary is 2x hourly rate (before taxes).
$19 an hour is $38k a year (before taxes).
$19/h isn't even 40k a year unless you get overtime
oh, and no autismbux, so i live on by the mercy of God and family handouts
250$ here is enough only to pay for the gas/water/electricity/internet and bu food. You don't even have enough for clothes or bus tickets with that money.
I don't know how much he actually works, so I assumed 8 hours.
If he works 6 then he can go eat a fucking dick.
you don't have it that bad