explain this shit.
Explain this shit
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ISIS constantly and brutally fights countries that are almost 100% Muslim.
>inb4 bait
ISIS hates us because they believe we are heretics. That western society has gone against Allah and his teachings, and that the only solution is to destroy the west. They will say that we hate Islam and its teachings, no matter how "open" and 'accepting" we are, because of the intrinsic beliefs of western society that they see as direct opposition to their lifestyle. not because of increased support for stronger immigration laws.
liberals are children infantilized by the media
Hate is sometimes justified. If you don't like it, too bad, you'll get shot too.
based Egypt
das rite!
shit analysis
>one of the justifications of hitler harming jews is telling recruits that the "germans hate jews" so the only way to combat such propaganda is to not hate. to hate is to justify the existance of nazis.
i mean the opposite
Fuckin smuggies were the best thing ever to grace this board
>Isis hates non-muslims
>Isis beheads non-muslims
Yes, we hate the fucking muslims.
Solution is...
A, Deportation
B, Gas
Isn't the picture talking about the justification of ISIS existence?
>sad that people hate you
>fix that by killing random civilians
Well appeasement in the face of a determined enemy will only lead to your destruction.
The lead up to ww2 is filled with examples of countries being nice to hitler in the hopes to keep him happy. History is repeating now with the mud hordes.
How about muslims stop being so loathsome instead?
If I hate someone, and they bomb or kill someone in my home because I hate them, it's not going to stop me from hating them.
to hate is to justify their existence.
well i hate them. and honestly why should you not hate this nap violating religion?
There is no justification to the existence of ISIS. But to call the muslim religion as inherently violent is blatantly incorrect.
it's even simpler than that
Muslims are just retarded
they just can't fathom the idea someone wouldn't want to live by theire doctrines this train of thought is not tangable for them
i hope they get glased soon
if you kill your enemy's they win
they want to kill US you faggot.
Bet the cuck who wrote this have never been in the army nor faught for anything he believes in.
are you trying to tell me a religion that legalises rape and wants everyone to follow it and to kill those who oppose it is not violent?
There are sects that do not believe in harming other people. Of course sharia law is wrong. But people put it all into one group like it's supposed to be accurate. It's like looking at the USA and thinking everyone talks like they're from Alabama. It's far from the truth.
Muslims can be muslims for all I care, but in Denmark you're a christian or you can fuck off.
>ISIS hate us for our beliefs
Sound familiar? Yeah.
A decade ago
>Al Qaeda hate us for our freedom
Same bullshit. ISIS are just mercenaries, they're just following orders and collecting pay.
ofc there individual "muslims" who dont follow islams teaching. these muslims however are by definition not muslims. the people who follow islam are muslims and they should be hated,
If you kill your enemies they win
The muslim religion is not a religion of hate. In fact it used to be a religion of acceptance. It has been demonized and warped to be a different ideology. Actual muslims do not support Sharia law and do not accept doctrines of violence and backward thinking. To disallow religion is to be the opposite of what the USA was founded on.
i was at a club and met a muslim man who looked upset.
he didn't drink etc
told him my wish for him in the new year was to find happiness.
he smiled and teared up and said why would you say that to a stranger?
told him
>le plur
he liked the concept
not saying he was a terrorist
not saying he was planning something dumb
but on a basic level sometimes a compliment
makes someones day.
you know just a basic decent human gesture.
but what do i know?
I like this.
Put your geolocation back on you fucking leaf
When you are at war, war is the only solution.
When you caused the war, you should stop the war.
You would think that too if you have sub 90 IQ. It's just really hard not to hate idiots.
How so? Explain yourself in a constructive way.
And yet ISIS won't attack Israel.
Very Strange!
Defense is key. Not offense. We kill innocent people all the time in Muslim countries effectively creating more radicals than we destroy. So when does the killing stop?
I'm talking about the leftist who wrote that horrible statement. They hate europeans, and they are racists.
"The Nazis only killed jews because they thought the jews hated germans". Who thinks like that?
that isn't what that means. For when people recruit new people for ISIS, the justification is logical as "the west hates Muslims." So to hate a Muslim only justifies the incorrect point of ISIS.
I know the white man's burden
aka to give every miserable creature the feeling they is something worth.
fuck this shit if they can not adapt to hell with them.
It doesn't matter how it started at this point because they are killing civilians on our side. There is only one retribution for that.
But Islam is a death cult.
Due to the US foreign policy is why we have the problem we see today. It started under Carter to create a forced peace between Palestine and Jerusalem. It was a noble effort, but short-sighted. For Palestinians did not like the Jews and vice versa for a thousand years.
It only got worse when we began bombing for the sake of economic wealth. Have you ever stopped to think maybe it is us who is the bad guy?
I mean, ISIS is aweful but I believe it is the product of our own horrible foreign policy that spawned what we know today as Islam.
My hate for terrorists is justified. ISIS is almost exactly the same as the Nazi SS. Just take away proper military training. They are/were both willing to sacrifice their lives for their twisted beliefs.
>if you hate us that means that we can rightfully bomb you and rape your daughters, and if you continue to hate us after we bomb you and rape your daughters, we'll do it all over again until you finally start to love us.
>Have you ever stopped to think maybe it is us who is the bad guy?
Us??!?! Who the fuck are you talking about? It's YOU
>Terrorists care whether you hate them or not
The only thing they care about is that they hate you
How about killing you for violating the NAP? That would solve many problems.
>What is kosher.
>Nobody forces kosher. It only serves as a sales method when you see a (u) on the package.
>Not all Muslims believe in Shariah law.
>Assuming you can't make your own community that welcomes that quality of life.
>Forcing people to separate even though it is by choice they choose to congregate together.
>Ethiopia is used as a statistic for hair-trigger rioting when the reality is due to food deprivation and a myriad of political issues.
>All these countries are being used as a statistic to find correlation even though the statistic is entirely anecdotal with no actual proof of anything.
>Assuming the majority would ever become Muslim despite their own power.
>Assume anyone would allow that.
>Somalia is 100% Muslim.
>Saudi Arabia is 100% Muslim.
Nice fucking garbage bro.
>if I deny everything without bringing any arguments then I win
Islam is cancer. I challenge you to tell me how importing Islam will benefit me an any way.
the picture does not nor do I support ISIS in any way. ISIS is a horrible regime bent on killing people which is the opposite of my NAP meme beliefs.
We are fighting ISIS to fuel justification of war. It is why we don't go into Nigeria and take out Boko Haram even though they are even more violent than ISIS.
I think you are wrong
Islam is the reason for ISIS, if you know the history of the Middle East then you show that every 4-5 generations a radicalization takes place.
And that has very simple reasons
Generation 1 = lives openly, does not stick to the Koran
Generation 2 = seeks new lifestyles in other cultures
Generation 3 = gets an identity crisis, "looks for its roots, goes back to the Koran, begins with inbreeding
Generation 4 = society becomes unstable, radicalization, jihad
Generation 5 = jihad, genocide, total destruction
Generation 1 =
The Islamic cycle
Islamics, particularly those who are refugees are often educated individuals who only want to reintegrate into society. Being that they are educated, who is to say a Muslim does not have the potential to create business in your country?
or we can just kill the people telling them that, because we have the right to hate them, they DO NOT have the right to kill us.
>don't hate muslims
>isis tells them that we hate muslims
>muslims kill west
how is not hating muslims again going to stop ISIS from telling muslims that we hate them? holy shit fucking retarded ass liberals want to die LMAO
Whites can create businesses in my country. Why do I have to bring someone across the world to do it? Why can't they start a business in an Islamic nation?
Again, I challenge you to give me a benefit of importing Islam.
Do you find that my statement was aggressive?
The point is the inherent potential. Certainly from an economic perspective you can understand that a person creates value. IF there is no potential for someone to suck off of a government system it is impossible for that person to become useless and a burden to that country.
They should just proper kick it off. Like full on try to invade and attack. Get it on and start it and force us to defend ourselves then once we've killed them all here, we can then march on them in their own lands and annihilation ensues. Give the west a reason to do it. We are waiting.
that would justify a defense. But I just think we should be thinking of it kind of how we looked at the 'commies' being a huge problem and they would kill us all when they were just as scared of us at the end...
But they have lower IQ's, diametrically opposed value systems, and hatred for Non-Muslims. They're also on higher amounts of public money.
Importing a thousand murderous welfare leaches so potentially one can get a job or start a business is a horrible deal for me.
Can you explain this issue in practical terms instead of falling back to your ideology? Can you speak outside of that ideology at all?
>one of the justifications of women harming rapists is telling girls that the "rapists hate women" so the only way to combat such propaganda is to not hate. to hate is to justify the existence of rapists.
I find social welfare on a government level to be wrong and allows for people to become complacent in being reliant to the state in order to exist. Only when the opportunity of advantage is not there is when people get creative. Keep in mind Muslims were the highest civilizations a long time ago, and due to their dogma caused the downfall. There is some serious potential there and I believe that.
Except they weren't. You need to read more history. All of their "achievements" came from enslaving/extorting other cultures. Their religions is totalitarian. You will either be forced to fight that religion or be forcibly converted. It's ok that you're speaking out of ignorance of Islam itself and I suggest that you read more about it.
>what are the crusades.
Again, you're very ignorant. 1500 years of murder and slavery.
The number one, top of the list reason pretty much every single terrorist has given as their justification for the war against the West is our acceptance of homosexuality. By the logic in the OP, to accept LGBT is to justify the existence of ISIS.
How could this woman get a Nobelpreis at all
Obviously written by the CIA.
Or retards who really believe that
another way is to completely annihilate the enemy
I do hate them, the world would clearly be a better place without them. I wish there were no Muslims.
>One of the justifications of Nazis harming Russia is telling recruits that "Bolshevism kills people and is bad." So the only way to combat such propaganda is to not have Bolshevism. To have Bolshevism is to justify the existence of ISIS.
maemaes aside it's illogical to hate Islam, truly it is more masculine than say Christianity
>another way?
the only way
>the west hates muslims.
>better kill them
maybe that's why we don't like them?
That is an assumption though.
Do you have any proof that ISIS is getting muslims to join by telling them that the west hates them? Also what about the countries that are not at war with muslim countries but are having problems with ISIS?
Seems to me a better recruiting tool would be to say that the west is weak and dieing (they dont even fight back as we bomb their children!) come get welfare and make babies to take over their culture, take over the western world!
Dumb women are in charge and this is how they think. It's why battered woman syndrome exists.
>I just need to try to be better and he won't hit me next time. Its my own fault.
Fundamentally flawed logic
They will say you hate them regardless of you actually hating them.
When we finish the job.
Then why are 90% of them on welfare?
Anyone retarded enough to use the crusades to justify muslim behavior today seriously belongs in a mental institution.
Holy shit that's on point right there.
shit argument
the west is like that beta kid in high school who thinks the guy on the backseat will stop slapping his neck if he just ignores him and pretend he didn't feel a thing
ISIS has repeatedly released manifestos and each time they have stated that unless the rest of the world converts to their flavor of Islam, they'll keep killing. It doesn't matter if we make every day Muslim appreciation day, if you're not a practicing Muslim they will still want to kill you.
Because 10% are in prison.
Bullshit. The west is that short wimpy kid that always followed around the top bully kissing his ass and exalting his name, the bully being muslims and niggers.
They need to read the prince.
> Muslim violence is really our fault
Nice meme