What do you all think about this? I thought the cop was guilty when I saw the video the day it happened. I'm not a BLM supporter or anything, but what the fuck? How the hell did the cop get away in this situation?
Cop that killed Philando Castile Aqcuitted
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fucking officer deserves the chair.
Crip gang member
>Philando Castile
How can a shooting be real, if the person isn't real. Seriously, tough. This is some made up shit from Star Wars.
Diamond "Lavish" Reynolds
i thought the cop was in the wrong too, but obviously kek wills it.
chaos will be brought, and i accept that.
He clearly had a gun in his hand and was about to fling it up or away. The cop has a split second to take action. Turns out the guy was flinging the gun away from himself. But he did have the gun in hand and was making a motion with it. Closed case.
So the jury was made up of cops? Or perhaps you're just stupid and don't understand how our justice system works?
something weird going on with her arm & the gun
>guilty of shooting a nigger
yeah no charges
>" i have a gun"
>reaches behind back
>gets shot
Seemed pretty open and shut to me, user
Because it was a MEXICAN cop that did the shooting.
MSM knows that doesn't fit their narrative obviously.
>tells the officer he has a gun on him
>goes digging around in his back waistband for his wallet without waiting for the officer's instructions
It's a kill or be killed scenario. The officer had to assume he was reaching for the gun.
what? Hahahahaha
>Implying the justice system actually works and isn't an archaic virtue signaling masturbation fest carried over from the Roman empire
Top jej
Exactly, they should be executed for even the most minor of crimes. Once a criminal always a criminal.
>would have relaxed around a black
user, kek is disapoint
check out a show called homicide hunters
not only does the justice system work but its one of the best possible things that white people have preserved
check his flag. It explains it. he a faggot
>implying this isn't another case of lightening the load of niggers on our society
I'm sure he was another good boy who dindu nufin. Nevermind he was a member of the crips
Why don't they just raise their hands and call the officer and tell them that he has a gun in the trunk or wherever he has it?
Why make a move in such cases?
every black person does this handsign crap cause they think it looks gangster
I dont think that necessarily means he is an actual gang member
White girl convicted for words.
Spic acquitted for shooting.
When will the spics admit their privilege?
Hello, sir, do you know why I pulled you over?
To kill you of course.
The Lord Himself shall judge the entire swine heard
The guy was a gang member, he had a gun and he reached for it. End of argument
Where's the streams from the protests
>black gets killed by a cop
>collective "black community" at large shouts that HE DINDU NUFFIN and that DEM COPS IS BE RAYCIS
>jury has blacks on it
>they are forcibly confronted by evidence presented by people who speak in methods other than banjo lip flapping and baboon screeches
>realize that oh shit, maybe the cop actually wasn't a racist
>trial ends in acquittal, all jurors satisfied
>media organizes the "black community" to further outrage despite black jurors holding the opinion that justice has been properly served
I live in MN and I hope to fuck that these niggers try to burn something down tonight. White SWPL faggots will never learn until the message gets shoved down their throat. These people cannot fit within our society. They are useful idiots, political pawns, and a plague on our people.
He was told to get his wallet
What the fuck is this place? I just came here from /r/politics to see if there was anything of equal or greater quality, and I come here and I don't see any shit but fucking sexism, racism, and islmophobia. all of you are fucking degenerates. Is this the trash can of the internet? what would drive anyone to come here to be with such trash? this is why all boards should be strictly moderated by those of high moral standards. There is no decency here. What the fuck even. I just can't. I can not.
Also why does this website look like it was made in 1994? do you people really enjoy posting on such outdated shit? if you value your precious anonymity then I would expect that you would try to go somewhere with sophisticated coding and security. this isn't even fucking https.
fuck you guys
Before he told the cop he had a gun on him.
That's nullified by him saying "I have a gun", he had to wait for the cop to give him new instructions
>He's going all out
At the very least the cop should have been looking at a few years for manslaughter.
I hate it when the other side look wronged - bring back the good ol' days of GOP pols getting shot.
We need the moral high ground - and we only had it for 3 days ffs...
>I have a gun
>Do not reach for the gun
>*reaches for gun*
What else needs to be said here?
>I just came here from /r/politics to see if there was anything of equal or greater quality,
Well then you could have just shoved your own shit in your face.
Remider that nigger got pulled over like 60 times in just a few years. he drove a shitty car not road legal and had no license or insurance. he just couldn't figure out that laws apply to everyone even nigges. Good thing he got good.
Philando the nigger pedo Castille
he deserved to die
I'd give that cop a medal
you get a trophy when you kill 10
This, I just posted in another thread about this, I've been pulled over a few times while CCing legally, never a problem. The only thing that sucks sometimes they call back up. Go 7 over.. ok I was speeding but 3 cruisers and they are all circling me as I sit in the car.. feel kinda embarrassed, as if a ticket isn't bad enough.
I saw it, it was very moving. Castille who perished at only 32 was remembered by his 41 year old mother.
There will be no chimpout unfortunately niggers are too dumb to organize their own civil unrest. It took lots of money and smart whites to help nig nogs destroy Ferguson.
>I just came here from /r/politics
Pretty sure this guy was high when he got pulled over. His thot certainly was anyway. Don't they teach you how to handle being pulled over while CCing when you apply to get your license? I thought you had to take a class.
Yeah the punishment isn't death. The cop doesn't get to be judge, jury and executioner.
6 out of 7 people who are shot in the US survive. Being shot by law enforcement really isn't necessarily a death sentence. Don't be dramatic about things, you sound like a homosexual.
Lel it's coming back on soon right?
this is the most retarded argument ever. And I see it all the time in regards to the nigger shootings that get attention.
The cop didn't execute anything, and he surely didn't shoot the guy because of any broken laws. He reacted in a life threatening situation.
This wasn't punishment.
>Don't be dramatic about things,
>don't be dramatic about being shot
Surely some level of drama, anxiety, or atleast emotional tension is appropriate regarding being shot.
I can't wait to move somewhere that still upholds (informal) sundown laws.
The poster I replied to didn't get shot. Hes talking about a completely detached third party being shot.
Don't conflate things which are unrelated.
his instructor testified in court, that's what fucked it up for the prosecution
So was the cop white? Either way I guess the lesson is, don't have a gun in your hand around cops.
It should be basic logic to open your window and show both your hands when pulled over especially if you're a nog. Get your registration and license out, open the window, and show that both hands are free of a weapon. You don't have to stick them far out, but it will put the cop at ease and make you safer.
Average human reaction time is 0.25s
Therefore the moment the police see you "reaching" for something, or if they can't see your hands at all, they have to preemptively shoot you in case you shoot them, because otherwise they might not be fast enough & might die
Countless police have died in the US due to hesitating to shoot when they should have done
This is where the confusion lies, people in their heads imagine the police wait until the criminal draws a gun and points it at them - but it can't work like that
There needs to be some kind of "reach" law where police can't be prosecuted if they reasonably believed the suspect had a gun within reaching distance and either didn't show their hands when instructed to, or reached for something
Sorry man, you're here for life now.
why are spics so intimidated by nigs
nigger was reaching for a gun
it was a good shoot, like every other one of these hoaxes turns out to be
.. something Yinez, and confirmed Mexican. Whew.
Nice larp you faggot.
Spics are genetic failures. Were you born yesterday?
Would you feel safe with a retard with a gun?
>every black person does this handsign crap cause they think it looks gangster
>I dont think that necessarily means he is an actual gang member
I think you are probably right but there was some interesting theories at the time that some of the language he was using on Twitter or whatever sounded like he was into some human trafficking. I'm sure someone else here saved that stuff.
>he was a lunch lady at age 32
>had a wife? and kids
>was part of a terrorist gang
>pulled over because he looked like a guy who just robbed a store, and had broken tail light
>was high when pulled over
>told the cop he had a gun
>probably was stuttering and fumbling and scared the shit out of the cop with intoxicated black behavior
I'm glad the cop got acquitted but lost his job. Sounds like a fair trade off to me.
i don't feel safe with anyone with a gun but that's beside the point. there's a cultural 'war' type thing bween spics and nigs in america, they separate themselves in school, then the blue collar workplace. it's like the darkest skinned, lowest socioeconomic groups hating on each other instead of working together.
come to think of it, i've seen asians hating other asians too based on what country they're from even though no one else can tell the difference.
I don't think his problem was too much drama or reading too much emotion into a shooting. Shootings are very serious situations that is why lethal force is justified in defense agsinst an unlawful shooting. His problem was he mischaracterized the cops actions as punishing Philando for some crime, when in reality the cop was reacting to a situation in he felt his life was in danger. And after the evidence was presented at trial the jury agreed with the cop that his fear for his life was reasonable.
Backing the cop means you are a faggot against the 2nd amendment.
How do bootlickers justify this shooting without saying nigger?
ETA on chimpout?
What a waste of digits black lives don't even matter.
EEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Say what you want, but the facts are this
>Guy had a job
>Told the cops he was carrying
>Shot in cold blood, by some lunatic who didnt know what he was doing
Philando Castile was a law abiding citizen and his killer walks free.....If all you want are "good black americans" well one was killed and you racist white pricks didn't do anything about it but laugh.....may god condemn this devil
It's far from boot licking, this dude was a felon, meaning he can't have a gun, or get a carry permit. He had a fire arm, reached for it. What's a cop to do? Wait till he gets shot to return the favor?
top b8
Don't be a habitual criminal, and calmly obey commands when pulled over.
Black people simply don't know how to listen when told something.
The cop didn't sentence him to death, he acted when he felt threatened. Quit being so outraged.
Because the cop had a reason to be suspicious. He thought Philando looked like a robber from a recent corner store robbery, and looking at the picture he sure as hell did. It turned out it wasn't him, but that was reason enough to be suspicious. The cop said he thought Philandering reached for his gun, he may have very well been reaching for his wallet, but given the circumstances a reasonable person could have made thathe assumption. This was a tragedy, a series of events that were somewhat out of the hands of either individual. We can't fully blame either person for how these events turned out, and we can't blame the officer for not being a mind reader, or not having the brain processing power of the world's fastest supercomputer so that he can make the best possible decision in every circumstance with mere seconds to make that decision under enormous pressure and the threat of possibly being attacked. We shouldn't punish humans for showing their humanity, and that's what this was, as horrific as that outcome may have been. If there were any evidence of malice on the part of the officer, I might feel differently, but there isn't, so I think this outcome is okay. I feel for the woman and this man's family, but it is what it is.
Minnesota is overrun by ISIS to care about this right?
Anyone have the video?
Dude was high so who knows just how high he seemed to the cop. He may have been wasted out of his mind so it's not surprising to me that his behavior caused the cop to think his own life was in danger.
That's how I can justify this. High dude claims he has a gun and a cop may or may not do the right thing. Killing the armed high man was not correct, but not worth being convicted over.
There was a joke buried in the post, so not a waste of quads.
>come to think of it, i've seen asians hating other asians too based on what country they're from even though no one else can tell the difference.
Kek sounds just like Sup Forums debating over white people in Europe. I like the national pride though.
>i have no idea how the justice system works
just shut the fuck up, if its bait good job
>all these posts claiming the death was justified because he stated he had a gun while complying with orders
You're supposed to inform the officer you have CC, you idiots. Not telling them that is a death sentence if they find a gun on you before they realize you're a legal carrier. Don't get this twisted up due to the reddit tier "we hate niggers" nonsense.
The cop chimped out and should have been punished for manslaughter and failure to properly do his job. He should have scanned the vehicle before pulling it over and have already known he was CC before even proceeding. Baring that, given Philando pulled over and parked his car, he should have first told the driver why they were pulled over, and then have asked the driver if he had anything on his person when first approaching the car, thus giving a proper avenue to disclose CC or anything else. Asking for driving license and registration comes after that, and for him to open up with that line when a CC holder is supposed to inform police of their status is absolutely gross negligence on the part of the officer.
This was clearly a case of negligent manslaughter and the punishment should have been akin to what is received when one person kills another while driving under the influence or the like. Only to be relieved of duty is ridiculous and it sets a precedent where legal gun owners can be killed by cops who are negligent in their duty.
Kys please.
in sjw terms, it's called being a smart black man that is a great upstanding citizen, that has had a rough hand in life
Most shooting in the last year have been justified, I consider this and Eric Garner a rare case where they were killed unlawfully. Everybody should be concerned about these regardless of race
>What do you all think about this?
I don't care for black "people", so I don't care about his death.
I'm white, and it's been made clear to me that I'm an enemy to all blacks. If blacks want me to give a shit they need to return to the drawing board when it comes to their activism, because it's done nothing but push me away. Fuck them.
Gr8 b8, m8. I rel8, str8 appreci8, and congratul8. I r8 this b8 an 8/8. Plz no h8, I'm str8 ir8. Cr8 more, can't w8. We should convers8, I won't ber8, my number is 8888888, ask for N8. No calls l8 or out of st8. If on a d8, ask K8 to loc8. Even with a full pl8, I always have time to communic8 so don't hesit8. dont forget to medit8 and particip8 and masturb8 to allevi8 your ability to tabul8 the f8. We should meet up m8 and convers8 on how we can cre8 more gr8 b8, I'm sure everyone would appreci8, no h8. I don't mean to defl8 your hopes, but its hard to dict8 where the b8 will rel8 and we may end up with out being appreci8d, I'm sure you can rel8. We can cre8 b8 like alexander the gr8, stretch posts longer than the Nile's str8s. We'll be the captains of b8, Sup Forums our first m8s the growth r8 will spread to reddit and like real est8 and be a flow r8 of gr8 b8, like a blind d8 we'll coll8, meet me upst8 where we can convers8, or ice sk8 or lose w8 infl8 our hot air baloons and fly, tail g8. We could land in Kuw8, eat a soup pl8 followed by a dessert pl8 the payment r8 won't be too ir8 and hopefully our currency won't defl8. We'll head to the Israeli-St8, taker over like Herod the gr8 and b8 the jewish masses, 8 million, m8. We could interrel8 communism, thought it's past it's maturity d8, a department of st8, volunteer st8. reduce the infant mortality r8, all in the name of making gr8 b8 m8.
ayoo hook me up with that livestream family
Any riots planned? It's Friday and I'd like to stay up late and watch niggers riot while having a bottle of wine with my wife.
Is Kev from NoThiefs coming back?
>I thought the cop was guilty when I saw the video the day it happened.
Shut the fuck up retard that Facebook video just showed the aftermath, not the actual shooting
>muh based grandma
t. Sup Forums 2016