Trust women

>trust women

She cheat her bf...

Other urls found in this thread:

BBC is a powerful drug OP.

I don't care about Twitch faggots.


>bothering with roasties when you have this

>those nails

I hope to hear from the husband about this fucking drama.

Hope the dude is alright, realizing his wife was a complete degenerate incapable of having a normal marriage.

get an asian or latina woman. they hate niggers



What is a twitch?


Literally who

>white women
Jewesses are the only way for white men

I want a white woman who hates niggers though. Where do I find one?

I don't get it?

I'm literally not surprised she cheated on her boyfriend/husband whoever the fuck he is to her. The dude is buttfuck ugly as shit and she's hot, like what the fuck do you think is gonna happen. The pathetic nigger even does the #wcw of her on Twitter. Can't get anymore cringe than that.





Typical twitch whore


E-celeb, pasta:

bitch was supposed to go to an E3 event betas got worried because she disappeared, pol autism found out she was in a crackwhore motel in a shaddy part of town cucking her husband.

the bitch took the potatophone of two nigger whores (one of them even tried to hide their face when she moved the camera towards them) to tell her beta orbiters to stop doing a reddit crusade to find her.

They thought she has been kidnapped since her husband tried to contact her by phone and she didn't reply for 24h.

you can't!

Can confirm on the Latina woman part. I met one that is even more racist than myself. It's a true sight to behold.


>tfw no qt jewish gf

Don't say that

She's saying on twitter she posted receipts proving where she was, is that true?


find me a cute jewess and ill fight for israel, don't and i'll have to settle for an italian/spanish/mexican woman

Go talk to one and ask her about her opinion on niggers betafag. I've bonded with a few like this.

Stop making shit up Sup Forums. There's no evidence of her cheating.

What the fuck is this place? I just came here from /r/politics to see if there was anything of equal or greater quality, and I come here and I don't see any shit but fucking sexism, racism, and islmophobia. all of you are fucking degenerates. Is this the trash can of the internet? what would drive anyone to come here to be with such trash? this is why all boards should be strictly moderated by those of high moral standards. There is no decency here. What the fuck even. I just can't. I can not.

Also why does this website look like it was made in 1994? do you people really enjoy posting on such outdated shit? if you value your precious anonymity then I would expect that you would try to go somewhere with sophisticated coding and security. this isn't even fucking https.

fuck you guys

never heard of this ewhore

ive never met a white girl with brown eyes and brown hair who wasnt fucked in the head or a sexual degenerate

My black brothers need to stop being race traitors and continue the superior bloodline of the first humans to exist.

>that massive fucking shekel sniffer
You're better than that Poland

Nigger, look at the kind of guy she cucked.
This is her husband that kept trying to call her.

I would cuck him too.

She posted a receipt from 12 noon at a Casino, doesn't explain where she was the rest of the day.

Cool, now go back


this pasta would have been more believable if you didn't say degenerates, that's like the quintessential Sup Forums insult

Nice copypasta

enjoy your (You)s


Idk, I just want to cum on a big, jewish nose.

>Also why does this website look like it was made in 1994?
>not running custom styles

she fucked PK Suban ?

thanks for the tip

That unironic post is garbage. I do not give a shit about this at all.

ok but what's her name?

I knew this girl and her boyfriend before they got together when I was involved in the eSports scene. There was this huge drama thing with her at some event a year ago, too, where she broke down and wanted to kill herself. She know she is getting trolled by Sup Forums on Twitter and is responding to everything anyway. She just wants attention. Stop giving it to her.


Any day



/r/sandersforpresident here

It's good to see a fellow redditor here, XD Xp

I too, am shocked at the abhorrent literal racism by the users here.

Don't worry though I reported the site and it should be down soon.

Another great victory for Reddit and the LGBT community

those diamond asshole buttplugs are so retarded, glad to see that most camwhores stopped using them half a year ago. i want to see a nude ass, i want to see a nude asshole and pussy from behind. i don't want to see a giant diamond stretching out your asshole, you stupid whore. it doesn't look "pretty" or "sexy".

OPs whore IS azn


hi my names brian! and if anything ill be in the kitchen :-)

just another mudshark
I once saw a nigger beating his white wife
I laughed at that bitch and shouted
"dumb cunt, that is what you get"
of course I didn't help her
never help a feminist or a mudshark

Yep same experience. Colombian girl who calls dindus monkeys in public.

>Jewesses ar-

thanks senpai

so did she really cheat on her bf?

i still dont undertand how this is politics...

fucking nupol...

fucking fake, everyone knows it's lgbtqqaait

e hot


Whenever a woman gets exposed to a BBC like mine they abandon all their loyalities just for the opportunity to be pleasured like their "man" can never do. That's just the way it is.

She was photographed with one of the two nigger "whores" the previous day.

he's posting porn



Sooo.... she didn't ACTUALLY cheat on her boyfriend then. At least not with niggers

I don't think so. Probably not. He's a weak middle-age faggot trying to make it in eSports, sure. But I don't think she actually fucked anyone else. It's possible.. She's really fucked up and trying to hold it together to be a Twitch personality and involved in eSports, but at events she always gets alcohol in her and causes massive amounts of drama. She has a ton of beta orbiters, and I'm kinda surprised he nailed her. They initially got together because he told his HotS team at the time he thought she looked like Natalie Portman (lol).

regardless, this doesn't belong in Sup Forums and the only proof she fucked nignogs is manufactured cuck mentality coming from Sup Forums. the guy in one of the pics that has the negress in the video is the same guy they all drove to the event with. sage this shit

this ewhore gets around 5k for 3 hours on cam to put it in, don't think she's going to stop

Both those black dudes are manlets and the male on the right has a tiny ass pecker poking out.

Pick BWC and be congruent, we don't need porn and shitty rap music to make us good lovers

I don't know. This was so stupid. She's now posting receipts from a casino too. I believe her.

fine, heres youre (((You)))

Look at the receipt, it's from 12 pm noon

You might want to rethink that

>5k for 3 hours

Why did this trap cut her penis off? Penis makes it better

>missing for 24h
>skips work stuff all day
>emerges in a sleezy motel on the wrong side of town
>shows $60 receipt dated at midnight for a casino far away from motel
>"I believe her."


Well apparently she will be getting bank statements with the times on them. If she really did nothing wrong it will show that women get extra positive attention for nothing but also hate for nothing.

correction: receipt dated at NOON

She would need to have been gambling for 15 hours.

Look at the poor motherfucker.
He had no chance from the beginning.

Honestly some people were just made to be into this sort of stuff, he should take it as a champ and just get her into an open relationship or put her into the hotwifing scene you know?

I mean man… what are you, some kind of newfag or something?

Pic related

This. She did this for attention and you're all giving it to her. She didn't get blacked. Her and her boyfriend are both worthless piece and of shit.

i'm telling you, pretty much this exact same thing happened like last year at one big event and she didn't fuck anyone.

There was this whole thing about her getting in a fight with some other Twitch whore after getting drunk. Then she disappeared, had a breakdown and wanted to kill herself. She ended up in the hospital. She probably went to score some coke, getting more fucked up along the way, but there's no proof she actually fucked nignogs. That entire narrative is completely manufactured by cucks from Sup Forums. She's an attention whore with fucked up problems, and you're happily obliging her. That's why she's retweeting everything.


He's already in an open relationship, he just doesn't know it

keep asking myself the black dude on his left is PK subban a hockey player or his copycat

>she didn't fuck anyone

Lol you are so naive

drop the "looking for better quality", the "degenerates" and the "I can't" parts and you got yourself some mighty good pasta