Why can't the Young Turks just say that we have better genes?

Why can't the Young Turks just say that we have better genes?


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If you're posting on Sup Forums, you don't have good genes


I'm just here to guide people.

all you have is oil, arctic saudi arabia.

>the best countries are the most white

really makes you think

Ana is a legit alky. I bet Cenk hit it when she was drunk, something both of them would consider rape.

I've never heard of this before. What does this do exactly?

Why did they name themselves after kikes LARPing as Turks again?
Their namesakes literally genocided millions as the kikes always do when they get a hold.

How can they openly deny it being ethnically homogeneous? Holy fuck.

The Young Donmeh

>cunt speaking about Norway: some say the country is great because they're ethnically homogeneous, NO IT ISN'T!" - They're actually becoming less and less ethnically homogeneous.

Yes and it's creating more and more problems you dumb cunt

young turks did nothing wrong. stop making up shit islandnigger.

Norway's 100% white though

i want to fuck her so badly...

>look at those kikes
Yeah they din' du nuthin

its full of kurds. their retarded government keeps giving pkk militants asylum to protect them from evil turks.

he literally just told you.


Yes, exactly.

And when there are lots of problems in the future (which there will be)

They will say "ah look at Norway, a white country, full of problems like any other country... see? White ppl are no better"

Wait and see.

Those are filthy fucking kikes, you stupid blind stinking roach.

Young Turks = Jewish - Revolution in Turkey

Norway is paradise. Because it has oil. Will collapse any day, not real progressivism!

Venezuela is paradise. Because it has oil. Will collapse any day, not real progressivism!

Sweden used to be paradise, not any more :( I wonder why. Progressive mindset has fucked us over, but now we are no longer real progressivism!

Progressive are just aids

they were pioneers of turkish nationalism which is antisemitic to some extent but there were jews in empire. founder of israel is ex-ottoman officer fought in ww1.

>"it's because its ethincally homogenous, no it's not!"

yes it is you stupid gook bitch, like 80% of somalis are on welfare

the girl in the image, not the video you idiot.