USA is a country so sad that the white losers pretend that this is funny and they are cuckold cool
Also, why only the whites have racial cuckold pornography, commercials, movies, staged tv shows, staged videos and these things made against themselves? Why the other race of men don't try to pretend to be "loser" pretending that is fun or confident, behave like this?
This is results of years of USA doing racial cuckold pornography, media, race baiting, news, shit against white men to try to remove your sexual market, promote white men as some sort of cuckold losers for niggers, while the white male does nothing than their neutral porn and everything?
Why the white males are so castrated in american shit industries that they are forbident to produce racial cuckold porn, media, staged tv shows in same way who is manipulated for racial fantasy of niggers against white men, who is used by anti-white male
WHY USA is a disgusting country who everything is shit owned by Democrats
And the democrats in the media, porn industry, everything for years tried to racially trashing white men, relate white men with cuckold race, sexual garbage, demonized men, and in the same time in USA celebrate white women with niggers and boycott white men with
Why USA is a cuckold depressive anti-white male
shithole who have
huge cumulation of
anti-white male shilling
while they produce these neutral garbage with
white women
to be non-treatening and don't racially demoralize niggers, other race of men
Why whites don't have racial sexual scenes, don't produce cuckold pornography against other race of men, is not praised
It's a humiliaton and
sad have
this cuckold USA
Since 2005
White losers are sidekicks in porn, used as cuckolds in porn of niggers, forced to fuck only white women pornstars who were the only race who produced everything against men of own race, years of american racial cuckold tv shows, staged tv shows, staged videos