Highly active Antifa. Ask me anything.
Highly active Antifa. Ask me anything
Other urls found in this thread:
Why does your skin looks like shit ?
are you a paki?
Why can't you flip your image before posting it?
That isn't how timestamps work you fucking idiot
And what's the point on contracting your arms if you don't have any muscles ?
where do u live, loser?
Are you pro-gay rights and pro-freespeech? If so explain concisely how you support these two social issues.
Have you considered going ghost?
Do you even lift?
why are you so bitter?
How old were you when you first realised you were a faggot?
Estrogen bloat bro
Were you loved as a child?
Yes and no
How does it feel to be a brainwashed soros puppet
>denies being a paki
self-hating paki detected
How often do you treat yourself to a bit of the old cock-and-bum fun?
Why are you gay and pathetic?
Are you an Antifa?
>highly active
zero vascularity
Do you realize that, by definition, you are actually a NAZI?
How much you getting paid to insurgent?
Dude weed lmao
Are you crossing your arms to try and flatten out your biceps?
You don't look very active fatso
why are you still a virgin?
do you think hitler was a nazi?
pic related
Lose weight fatty
Are you actually going to answer questions? Quit the yes/no bullshit
How you doin bby
Because he's inbred.
>pro gay rights but not pro free speech
You're a horrible troll.
Sage and hide.
Why exactly do you guys believe immoral and violent acts will overthrow a perceived immoral and violent system?
Do you actually care about social change; or are you just ghouls excited by the possibility of bloodshed, hoping the later will breath some semblance of meaning into you pathetic lives?
he doesn't have the brain power
Do you know what fascism means?
Your entire ideology is suicidal. Why don't you save us all the trouble and kill yourself now?
What made you become a liberal?
How much you getting paid?
Do you like traps and is that why you are highly active with antifa?
Your best friends are crypto Nazis we planted to spy on you
Does it bother you that you're funded by a former Nazi collaborator that helped Hitler's death squads hunt down and kill Jews?
You seem very very cute. I want you to hug me with your stronk arms
You look like a fucking wimp. No wonder you're ANTIFA.
>united kuckdom
Not relevant
don't be a larping queer, lad. buck up, now. the brown people don't need your protection from anything.
swimming in an extraextra medium shirt with no arm development whatsoever
^^^This again!
Useful idiot.
are you making fart sounds with your right hand?
whats going on there?
He might be one of the paid ones, which really legitimizes him /s
Fellow Brit here. Where are you from, London? I used to live in London.
Why are you an antifa? Since you look non-white, I'm guessing that's the reason? You want to fight right-wing white people for control of society?
If you guys win and communism rises can we at least kill all the degenerate gays?
Why do you wear the mask?
Are you a communist?
From the number of toothbrushes, I assume you're still living with your parents.
How's that useless degree, student debt, and potentially career ruining involvement in a domestic terror organisation treating you?
Will you actually answer to our questions?
When were diagnosed with autism?
When will you go back to the shithole you/your ancestors fled from?
lol u left the GPS chords in the exif data fool
let's dox this fag
Why the fuck is Antifa in Bongland?
How come there are fascist symbols literally everywhere in American society, (ie: the fasci) yet you people only just now make a big deal about it, and at the same time don't speak out about the symbols of fascism we see everyday and have seen our whole lives
GTFO of my country you fucking parasite with you shite fucking fisherman hat
I bet you're a right posho too. Either that or a degenerate benefits claimer. No in between.
Which one is it faggot?
What's your fucking endgame? Get bummed by Abdul?
Why identify with the most faggoty group on this planet?
Yeah I get a paypal transfer from Soros every time I go to protest, and from jewish-owned banks too
See above
I'm not fat
I'm White. Not from London but I go there frequently for protests.
If you are against fascism, why haven't you fought against the nazis in the Ukraine?
-do you actually believe all the antifa propaganda or are you just going with the flow
-do you realize you and your comrades are a joke to most people
-why don't you people have a sense of humour
Why the fuck are you trying to bring about the demise of your own people? what are you going to do when fellow whitey that you're fighting against gets replaced by much more barbaric brown fascists who will actually oppress women and homos for real? are you going to convert? will it make you proud that that will be the society you helped create for your grandkids?
To all of you calling me DYEL:
lol nice gyno and muffin top fattie
Seeing people unironically praising castro after he died leads me to believe there is a chance
What do you think of this video?
Do they look the same or not?
Antifa is everywhere, unfortunately.
lol, Fatfuck.
At least our Antifas are thin Gays with Rastas
Are the three other people living there antifa too?
Why do you agree that jews allowed to have literal natsoc state in Israel, but whites can never be allowed any ethnostate?
Suckable tits/10
Prepare your boypucci
This is just a faggot, who's posting some football hooligan's selfies. Sage and move on.
plz be in london
The bath toys really complete the picture
You should have lurked more, my man.
Do you have anything to actually say? Are you smart enough to form sentences, and express coherent thoughts? Why would you start an AMA and just grunt out yes/no answers to every question? Are you a literal idiot?
Because it feels good. These are selfish people, user.
10/10 nice bait. Seriously though, you have 14.5" arms, 20% bf, gyno and might be 5'10, probably 5'9 tho. Kys
Jesus Christ. If you're active antifa member then I have nothing to worry about. Your ass couldn't run a mile even if it meant winning.
Antifa was a European thing you fucking clapper.
For you
Lmao dude you're skinnyfat. Do some cardio m8 the bicep curl machine will be there when you get back.
OP identified.
how old is your wife's son?
>pic from a toilete
kek also kys
What is gyno?
When are you moving out of your mum's house.
good job lad Sup Forums laps this shit up
What does dick taste like? Do you swallow?
OP what is the purpose of your visit to pol. What to you expect to get from this? If you're interested in Information that will help you realise how terribly retarded the antifa movement is.. how you're literally fighting for the interests of the multi billionaire, globalists and that you're low level, poorly thought through, emotionally charged 'protesting' is doing far more damage to the greater good of man kind than anything you believe you're fighting.. then we can probably help you with some knowledge bombs that may achieve that..
But I just think you're a larping faggot or worse..a very unintelligent, closed minded, group think influenced, lefty redditard
Holy shit this has to be a troll!!