So how long is this gonna last?
So how long is this gonna last?
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About ten minutes before the "Real" Muslims bomb the fuck out of it
And I would approve
tfw it's a government psyop to lure all the potential terrorists into coming out of the woodwork so they can be caught
It's kind of like opening up a battered women's shelter to abusive men. Gotta love equality.
Hopefully this. People who support the integration of "the good ones" need to go back to plebbit td.
>Today's news, Tragedy at new mosque
>Gay man reported dead after attack
>No one could have predicted this
I'd be surprised as fuck if it lasted more than a year. At the very least, other Muslims are going to attack and protest it but the MSM will keep that information hidden/ignored as best as they can.
Motive still unclear, but has absolutely nothing to do with Islam.
Gonna be a blast no doubt...
A lot of disgusting hate in here, I can't believe you people. Those fags DESERVE to be bombed for shaming Allah.
>Seyran Ates' vision of a liberal mosque where all Muslims can pray together — women and men, Sunni and Shiite, straight and gay
Grand opening? Grand closing!
if Germany manages to infect Muslims with liberal bullshit I'll be impressed ngl
This is a good thing, actually. Hope it's a success and that all mosques turn into these abominations.
The mudshits will finally become as cucked as christians.
>German engineering is a myt-
>how long is this gonna last?
i dont know but trump will be blamed if it doesnt work
Is it bad that I thought Sweden was going to do this first instead
They can't be that stupid. Just can't be.
How far will they go before the useful idiots realize they have been played with a flawed ideology in order to destroy their country and people?
And how many of them are useful idiots compared to actually knowing that they are committing genocide of the european people?
2 Words.... Charlie Hebdo
Does anyone really think this shit will float? Them shitskins killed people for drawing their perfect example. They're gonna Jihadirape the entire continent when this fucker opens
this shit will be a burning shithole in a few days lol
See you guys at the opening.
A den of degeneracy, to be sure.
But give em some credit: they've got to have balls to pray there. Practically asking for it.
Does Allah get embarrassed?
Serious question, on the 2% chance you're not trolling.
>liberal mosque
Probably this kek
But chances are they'll keep targeting christians and go after these ppl last
Why are non Muslims doing this shit? They don't know anything about Islam but they insist on making omissions and edits to the entire religion.
this, it's a honeypot
>inb4 it gets Fridge of Peaced
>mfw muslims
Of course. It can't have anything to do with islam if the victims are muslim.
Or if there are victims, after all islam is the religion of peace
I'm going to be optimistic and give it 2 months before Allah surprise.
well germans can ruin pretty much everything, so it's not really that surprising desu
Are gays another species?
There are already some liberal muslims. They are also not immune. I just dont understand how they can reconcile it with their barbaric beliefsystem.
You cant ruin shit. No matter what you do its still shit.
1. Begins as light muslim ceremonies
2. Casualises as get togethers for virtue-signallers
3. Ends as ranting about Trump/''nazis''
What you all fail to realize is that all this bending over backwards for refugees is about rich countries and their politicians realizing that the best way to control Middle Eastern and African resources in the long term is by introducing Western values to refugees, who will then spread those values to Africa and the Middle East, because there's no way of forever controlling them through only military might and private ownership of their resources without giving anything back.
Love the way you think. Oy vey!
it seems like they are trying to represent those different faiths and identities equally, then why call it a "mosque" which implies an Islamic place of worship? Why not call it something more neutral like a sanctuary, shrine, temple, oratory or sacellum? Or is not neutral?
I'm ready for that to be bombed
why is real in quotes? If they are real muslims that's what they should do according to their shitty book.
Well, if I reason like a Jew, wouldn't that more likely make me right about this scheme?
This is actually great. We need the migrated muslim and social justice crowd to merge completely so that the actual muslims start hating them and a civil war erupts between a bunch of retards that literally interpretend the koran and a bunch of retarded feminized hipster muslims. This is great guys. This is the solution. They are simply defeating themselves.
Wow, I'm sure the mooslem who kills everyone is gonna feel pretty stupid when they figure out he was a terrorist the whole time.
From mudslimes I know:
>That's not what the text really means, it was written with a historical context in mind, with our current limited understanding of the world it doesn't make sense yet, that's just what one scholar says, that part isn't religion it just comes from our culture, it's not about following the text but having the right intent, etc.
This is some top notch kikery
Muslims in Germany do your job. Destroy this kuffar degeneracy.
hmm, lets see what the average muslims think about this...
this is great news. Islam is incompatible with women and gays and they're not gonna allow them into their mosques.
heheheh dumb goyim. Did you really think that we'd let you "take over" Europe?
We shall inflict you with the same degeneracy that we infected them, and once you all mix together, we shall rule you for ever.
but we wanted the abusive men to see the damage they did and help them heal, we didn't think this would happen
Why the fuck do people care about this shit?
Why not just call it a damn mosque without the liberal shit, and let whoever the fuck wants to go pray?
Is some fag praying that hurtful to your little pride? afraid the temptation is gonna take you over and you're gonna start sucking off every sandnigger you see?
Genius. It'd really cement it if even a couple German politicians told the brutes to go home.
It'll be like the Reconquista except less Muslims and more degenerates-and the colonizing won't stop until Europe is an ethnic Pangaea.
Who will be the Imam of this meme mosque? Also, will the gays pray in drag or something?
Because otherwise Muslim women would be turned away at the door. Liberating Muslim women from their oppression at the hands of Muslim men is probably gonna have to be a key part in Westernizing the coming generations. This is prime cultural imperialism. Trying to force the Middle East into compliance has failed continually since the end of WW2, and has only made things progressively worse. The West is trying something new, for the sake of preventing the Middle East from growing strong without being intertwined with the West's economy.
>accept a teaching as the one true answer to life
>decide that it isn't correct as it is, and that your interpretation is better.
mudslimes all like to run around in robes anyway
could this cleon peterson be related to jordan peterson?
fuck you GODAMN JEWS
These mosques pollute the skyline and draw more mudslimes. Also, this politically correct veneer is pacifying the public, and hell, might even recruit some leftist progs.
>Hate White men?
>Hate Western Civilization?
>Feel sad for the poor little mooslim children in Kosovo?
>So do we!
>...did you know that most of Islam is actually optional? Want to be an "oppressed minority" too?
Not open gays. I call bullshit. Also
>no archived link
Why is this allowed? Sup Forums should add that to the rules that every thread has to have a link to SOMETHING.
Dogg I'm not a Jew and I don't condone or condemn shit here, I'm just explaining what I think is going on. To quote James Carville: "The economy, stupid!"
I think our best chance is to actually promote a more degenerate form of Islam, and slowly corrupt it from within.
You already see it happening naturally anyway - how many British "Muslim" slags do you see wearing a hijab, but plastered in make-up, skinny jeans, thongs poking out, and yammering down the phone like any ole British slag in pure London sounding British English? It's hilarious really.
a tranny obv
we need to show diversity guys xD !
Mudslimes will chimpout big time soon, i'll give it.. 2 month, by the end of this summer.
how are gays different from man and women?
I want this to be true
I can't believe this is even a first step. Dark age shit man
This is actually a genius plot to expose Islam. Regular muslims will not stand for this and let their mask slip
This is actually funny. If anything it'll piss off the Muslims and accelerate the happenings
A tranny Imam and liberal retards LARPing as Muslims. The future suicide bomber of this place will be hailed as a martyr by the entirety of Sup Forums.
Maybe a while since it will only be white muslims that go there.
fb: /pg/Ibn-Rushd-Goethe-Moschee-gemeinnützige-GmbH-1677111608970635/reviews/
all that butthurt muslims
About a week
It's amazing that lefties won't even be red pilled on actual muslims if they threaten to kill them for being a fag or some other degenerate
Remember guys, this is the same nation that spawned Bismarck.
Sadly these people are born into it and would suffer a lot if they left the religion entirely. Technically apostates are to be executed in pisslam. Why once it takes over a place, it's very, very hard to remove, although they accomplished it in Hispania.
I think these people "look for oxygen" by taking the mainstream route that is the least invasive. Basically drink alcohol, don't wear the stupid clothing, have premarital sex, don't go to a mosque, BUT don't eat pork or criticize moo-ham-mad. A world of contradictions.
>Why once it takes over a place, it's very, very hard to remove
True for all religions, apostate slayings or not.
This would be a dream if it got the Pulse Treatment, but I wonder if we'll even just see the place mobbed and "cleansed" of the same people it's intended to accept.
Wow! Now I can see the big picture.
These are pretty good news.
This is the best way to destroy Islam.
CHECK EM, THIS will happen!!
Why are you culturally appropriating Poland?
Digits and this happens
Nah, Hinduism and Buddhism got wiped out of central Asia and parts of Southeast Asia very quickly because they were patient and tolerant, just like modern Europeans!
>opens Mosque for gays
>Muslims start raping men now
Will they be /ourguys/?
>moderate slimes are a thing you say?
they already like boys so why not
Imagine a white man treating women and gays like Islam does. Their life would be ruined in an instant by the witch hunt
It's mind boggling the pass that Islam gets. They should be treated the same as Westboro Baptist Church.
Watch us do the impossible.
>Roman Empire? Dust.
>French Empire? Crushed.
>English Empire? Sunk.
>Christianity? Shattered.
>First, second and third Reich? Rebuffed, reviled, removed.
>Islam? 'ere we go!
So are they having pork roast, ribs, and ham for the buffet after the service?
Because if they are, I am so there to watch the train wreck.
>all those 5 stars from white women
>1 star by arab men
really makes you think