HAPPENING ? VoL twitter claims these documents regarding ayyys are real

I need your autism to prove or disprove it. Can anyone find signs of forgery in this documents??? I am not autistic enough to do this.



also if you dont know VoL:

Other urls found in this thread:


>pic related





It is Sup Forums related, VoL tweet this directly to Trump (and Putin)

What is EBE acronym for?

trees>>>>>>>>> ayy lmao

Extra-Terrestrial Biological Entity.


literally wat?

or non autistic see pic



Thread theme.


Here ya go, faggot.

>exclusive ultra top secret
yeah it's bullshit

"Ultra Top Secret" is not a valid TS:SCI marking and classification.

Wouldn't something like this be on xerox-proof paper?

The wiki article reads like the MiB 2 story basically.

Weird, that VoL once claimed MiB is kind of real

The Greer documentaries always say that this stuff doesn't report to POTUS

I think he was talking of the russian documentary of the same name

Can you imagine if they make a remake of Deus Ex, everything exactly the same but with better interface, graphics and camera? Holy shit.

I-it coulda been dittoed. I'm scared.


What's the structure chart say on page 3.

The group reporting to POTUS - no idea what that says.
Next line down: "Bio-something something task units"
Lower lefthand: "Blue something"

Nice theme.

>"Ultra Top Secret" is not a valid TS:SCI marking and classification.

wtf is this real? please respond

What if its part of this level of classification? I mean, ayyys are probably the highest level you can reach and are out of any scale of classification.

The ayyy disclosure would make pharma, energy and whatever other industry obsolete over night and will drive economy into chaos. I guess it is a good reason to keep this real secret, even from the POTUS?

I remember a scene from Independence day (I know... its a movie, but still): The ex CIA director knew about the ayyys but POTUS did not.

Perhaps its part of classification to even hide it from POTUS and only... ONLY on request they give it out(consider POTUS is the highest legal authority in the USA)


MJ-12 is Nikola Tesla related. Always Tesla...

Anyone remember the guy who was missing some fingers who claimed to be a geologist working on DUMBs? How does this info mesh with his claims?

They had all kinds of different terms and markings back then.
TS:SCI technically didn't exist the way it does now.
FFS the 90s there is the new reg overhaul which reclassified dozens of variations on standard stuff totally cockblocking people from FOIA....
.....at the same time they found a barn owned by the Rockefellers
>a fucking barn
...and it was being used as a TS:SCI vault.

The best part of classification regulation is it means absolutely bullshit if you are connected. But god help you if you peaked at something you weren't supposed to and you want to tell someone about it.

It's dated as a document made on January 8th, 1989. A Sunday. Dubious.