I don't know how this is not a bigger conversation...

I don't know how this is not a bigger conversation. But in the London apartment building fire the explanation offered to how it started goes:

>Grenfell Tower resident Mahad Egal says his neighbour told him the fire started in his flat after his fridge exploded.

His refridgerator exploded? WTF? Is this a common thing in England to have fridges that spontaneously combust or something? Is there any more context here because this seems shady af..

Other urls found in this thread:


I've never heard of a fridge fire in my life but it seems the gas in the compresser was changed to a more greenhouse friendly gas a few years ago and you can get a defect ( i hope it's a defect) in the fridge where the gas leaks from the compressor into the fridge compartment overnight and explodes.

I do wonder about that. Exploding fridges seem somewhat uncommon.

The 9/11 towers were wired up with old fridges the jews couldn't sell because they weren't up to modern safety codes

>the more you know

Fridges don't explode. But if you leave gas on in a house or apartment and it hits the pilot light behind the fridge.. that will do it.

That's expected to happen when you put your shoes in the fridge

>Hitler was trying to give the jews access to fridges, not oven them

isobutane. also, it's not a defect, it's a feature.

This is a built in mechanism, It automatically triggers when the fridge detects a britbong trying to leave the house with a knife

He was keeping his bombs in the fridge, so it makes perfect sense.