Why do you guys hate India?
Its not that bad esp if you are rich/middle class. And before you tell me to poo in loo, I already doo. Once developed it will not be that bad a country will it.
Why do you guys hate India?
Its not that bad esp if you are rich/middle class. And before you tell me to poo in loo, I already doo. Once developed it will not be that bad a country will it.
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I don't really hate, you just 3rd world country with some minor 1st world stuff
Most people here in the west are obsessed with Muslim dick and therefore hate anything that may get in the way of their mutilated dick supply.
>eating at mcdonalds
Are you rich Indian?
It's not my video, I googled "bike trip" and got to it. I liked it, I also want to some day tour with a grill of my dreams.
Do you ride a small motorcycle or moped like most Indians?
There is no middle class. 48% of the people there shit in the street.
I ride pic related, in blue color. Most Indians ride motorcyles not mopeds.
we fell for the russian memes
Outsourcing is the main complaint with you guys from Burgerland, but nobody seriously blames you for that. Any job which wasn't physically nailed down here was sent there by our (((overlords))). Most Indians I've met have been pretty bro-tier, but we just wish you guys would stop coming over here and working for less than half of what whites will.
What does India think of America, and what do you and other Indians make of Modi (seemingly) becoming closer to Putin?
pic related
Thats not actually true though. If that was, how can India become largest two wheeler market?
And how could we own mobiles phones if it was so?
India has large poor people, but also large middle class.
We're terrified to death that you might actually become a superpower by 2020.
Bush-Modi-Putin triumvirate when?
Outsourcing cannot really be avoided though can it. Its same as manufacturing, average Chinese works for less amount than average American, where will manufacturing make more sense for Apple?
America is seen with suspicion, Russia is much less. Russians mostly care about money, as long as we keep buying military goods from them they are ok, America has ulterior motives though. Pakistan is much closer ally to America than India, you know Pakis fly the F-16s right?
Wil be better scenario for you than having China though right :^)
What the fuck is with India and hygiene? Why do they have no respect for themselves?
Subhuman Indians BTFO
i don't hate india.
>Its not that bad if you belong to the 1% elite
Poo in the loo
> And before you tell me to poo in loo, I already doo.
Pics of loo or didn't poo where the loo is
I don't hate India.
You're not much better.
You understand we just elected a President precisely because of this issue, correct? Nobody really has any issue if an international company wants to move to Mumbai and set up shop to sell widgets to street-shitters, the problem is allowing that same company access to American markets cutting our own workforce out of the equation and pocketing the difference.
give me one example that doesn't involve Sup Forums or Sup Forums memes
Typical Skype chat with an Indian IT worker
Me: Hi
* Ten minutes wait *
>How are you?
Me: Fine, how can I help
* Twenty minutes wait *
> Hello?
Is he going for shits in between replies?
How crowded are Indian roads/highways?
Every German ghetto. You're the niggers of Europe.
Because I'm Indian and I've been to India. Its a fucking shithole. Literally.
Let's put it this way: the highways are more clogged than the sewage system.
No-one hates India. India is like a VERY retarded cousin of yours. You don't want to hang with him but you don't hate him either.
>Won't Poo in Loo
>Acts unaware of problem
>asks "What's the problem"
Is it true that the higher castes are paler?
how can you fit so many people there? how it is like to live sorrounded by so many humans?
We literally sent the least skilled people to Germany because that's what they asked for, then they started whining that the people they imported weren't good enough.
m8, Turkey is a shithole. The only decent buildings were built during the Constantinople Era.
i don't
i might make a joke about you guys but i don't actually hate you
I have nothing against Indians. You make nice food and you're not the worse nation on earth. Its just fun too laugh at savages who don't know how toilets work
I don't have anything against you.
Your food is great.
I work tech so I kinda hate you for outsourcing but it's no big deal.
I know Taj Mahal is a fucking circus to visit though because you just let all your beggers attack tourists there.
Hahahahaha fucking poos
I don't think that anyone in the west hates India. As for the memes - just ignore them, it's a half satirical site, after all.
You're like China. Responsible for the lowering of the life quality in western country. You are the very reason why globalism and global market can't work. You are paid like shit work like shit shit everywhere.
Why the fuck would people love you. Because of you we're getting paid lower and lower but it's not enough you had to come and take the job here too. Fuck off an die already.
>ur country is bad
stellar observation
>constantinople era
What the fuck even is this
Sorry, m8. You're the one asking the obvious question. If you know your country is shit, why are you asking me if it's shit.
You cunts have realized by now that the "revolution" last year was a false flag, right?
Highways, not very.
Cities, very. 100% avaoid cities like Mumbai Banglaore Chennai, they're terrible. Smaller cities have much higher life quality standards. Larger homes etc.
Which part?
Its not crowded outside of large cities/tourist spots. In my town you won't find 5-8 people even in a food stop.
They're being forced to learn about it though.
Is hyderabad any good?
Are you asking where I'm from or where I went? I went 12 years ago, so my experience is kind of outdated considering that I've heard its modernised quite a bit since then. Probably go again after I graduate.
I wish you would have been born in another country you fucking cuck. Like you were responsible for the development and evolution of your country and have any contribution in the current economic situation of Cucknada. If a crisis hits Cucknada tomorrow and you'll be paid in fucking BILLIONS OF WORTHLESS DOLLARS like in Zimbabwe you fucking trash. then I will say "oh look, canadians are going around the world sucking cock for minimum wage, you are giving us a hard time".
And you think you are any good because of your better economy? Look where that led you, you fucking shit leaf. You have a country infested of muslims, with laws coming from comedic-horror dystopian movies, and your people will become fucking extinct in a few dozens of years or less.
Prep your fucking bull, cuck leaf.
I hate Indians. your culture is backwards, you smell like a goddamn shit tornado, and your women are hideous. the only good thing to ever happen to you was colonization but you fucked that up. India will never amount to anything as long as it is populated with Indians.
Hyderabad is ok, but as bad as say Mumbai but it still is a big city with negatives. Smaller cities are still much better.
12 years is long time, its probably changed a lot since then.
Could you tell me the first world parts of India?
you seem very sure of your knowledge but when I tell you to give me a single reason why you think that way you throw your hands up and spit a meme, leads me to believe that your opinions are superficial and transient, which means you should shut the fuck up.
good post.
Yeah. There wasn't even internet infrastructure when I went.
Where ever the Brits settled.
>Its not that bad esp if you are rich/middle class
>t. anywhere in the fucking world
this middle class you describe is 1% of the people, 99% just shit in the street.
Do you just poo while driving like a horse in a parade?
also your only national role model was a pedophile, unless you count viswanathan anand
What do you want, roach? You're just a bland Middle East shithole that is turning towards Islam more everyday. The only thing special about you is your proximity to Europe.
I only hate Indians living in the West. Stay in India, and I have absolutely no problems with you shitskins.
The caste system has NOTHING to do with colour of skin. Its related to occupation.
>Where ever the Brits settled.
Can you please tell me more about this? I heard the Portuguese parts and the far southern Christian parts are nice.
Look, poo in the loo is required before we can take you ppl seriously. Send us some proof that this is happening on a wide scale. We don't believe you.
Give back Constantinople, roach
That is not true. If that was, how can India become largest two wheeler market?
And how could we own mobiles phones if it was so?
India has large poor people, but also large middle class.
If you're talking about Gandhi, he is not a role model in India. much behind others.
I don't know 1rst world parts, but Kerala, Punjab, Himachal are much better places to live. Among cities I really like Vizagh, Chandigarh, Indore etc.
>Blame india abuot hygene
>Live in turkey
There's nothing really to tell. The west built infrastructure and so a lot of wealth congregated in those areas. Its the same reason that northern Italy is a lot nicer than the south.
I live in a Gypsy infested part of Belgrade. I doubt it's much different from India except for slightly better climate and absence of parasites and only trash floating in the rivers. In fact in some aspects it's probably worse because I presume Indians actually go to work.
You can shit all over the place AND still have motorbikes. Those aren't exclusive.
But didn't the Brits settle almost all of India? What are the regions of India where Brits had a heavier presence than they had in others?
Btw, have you guys ever heard an Indian songs?
>Btw, have you guys ever heard an Indian songs?
Why yes I have
top lel
Romania bringing teh bantz
if this picture is supposed to show any beauty then you failed miserably
Because you haven't nuked pakistan yet..
>be Indian
Mostly in the southern parts, along the coast, and the northwest.
you stink lil bit.
>once developed
>America allies with Pakistan
Right pajeet, that's why they let the Taliban come across from Afghanistan right?
>I already doo
I like you Pajeet.
India's fine, you just have too many people and too many traditions.
Overpopulated LITERAL shithole filled with idiots who either work at a call center or work for the government (aka playing solitaire).
Unproductive country with no capacity to ever become a superpower.
Your people are class-conscious fake Brits with twice the arrogance.
Stay there.
Why do you want us to nuke them?
yes senpai
I don't know, but they are you're allies though. you always support them over us etc etc.
thanks :^) what do you think of music i like? thats not quire true, 50% pop is in agriculture which is a shame, but to say we are unproductive is over statement. for example, we have a good auto industry with many local brands.
arrogance is a problem i would agree, class thing is not very true however. most rich India has been a villager once, and knows how its like to be poor.
Lmao based Kumar
As an american, I'd much rather be dropped into India than Pakistan. Fuck Pakistan desu senpai they let the Taliban stay there and don't let Americans kill them. When have we supported Pakistan over you guys?
Once developed, Africa would not be that bad. Not a good argument.
>literally stealing our jobs
>can't poo in loo
>most fecal particulates in their food globally
>Arrogant pieces of shit
>Smells horrible
Why would I not hate India?
>mfw taking a rapefugee from norgay seriously
You'll have to lurk more poo
Dam son take it easy
Man, you guys love that knight rider beat.
Don't blame you, it's pretty nice.
Are you the same Indian in Canada every time? I see you a lot
Also, you should check out this Madlib album, fusion of a bollywood soundtrack and hiphop.
Last place in the world i want to visit, looks so dirty and disgusting.
The indians i see in my country are all greasy and smell fried food, like good damn, what the fuck are you guys cooking, its always smoked paprika mixed with fried oil or some shit. Every morning i see pajeet go to work in his ugly clothes and greasy hair smelling the whole metro, I cant take it anymore...