Don't trust the cancer industry


Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

(just die of cancer)

>Says retard who probably barely passed high school biology.

>hello goyim, time for your monthly appointment, eh?
>oh dear goyim, my (((results))) here say you have CANCER.
>now lemme inject you with this poison so it can kill the cancer
>dont worry goyim its supposed to make you feel stupid
>dont worry goyim, its supposed to make you feel sick
>that means its working! imagine how that darnded cancer is feeling!
>now i need to go goyim, my experimental photon therapy is starting soon
i would rather die of cancer than chemo honestly

Just do your best to take care of your health instead of killing yourself with all the drugs, alcohol, unhealthy foods, etc.

Don't harm your immune system by purposely poisoning, cutting, poking, and burning yourself.

>cancer industry

No, you wouldn't. I've seen many cancer patients with different cancers, it's fucking horrible.

did i post photon? i meant proton. look it up goyim, the real treatments are not for you.

all of them were suffering from the effects of chemo you retard. get reading comprehension.

I tried to trade in my cancer for a newer model. They screwed me over... the cancer industry is pretty shady.

My dad died of cancer/chemo, I remember kids as young as 8 in the aisle who were sick too, none of them smoked or drank.

Not saying that you shouldn't take care of yourself, but never pretend to be in control of life.

There are cures for cancer out there. But if they were to be used mainstream a lot of merchants would go broke.
They give you shit to help you get cancer and treat you for it.
All while raising money for cancer "research"

Early detection is a trick.

It's not only about smoking or drinking. it's everything that contributes to stress or damage in the body or mind.

You're right, it's all about money. And each of their current "treatments" cause other problems which will probably keep or get you back in their medical system.

That and the effects of cancer. Without it, the cancer would much worse fucktard.

fucking lol im sure you know plenty about untreated cancer

Please tell me how many cases you've seen which weren't stage 1 or 2.

Cases where it's a little wee thing with only minor treatments are completely different than ones where they have to do harder treatments.

Cancer most likely has been cured. The medical companies own the cure and refuse to share it because its rather inexpensive. They much rather use their costly "treatments" because it makes them more money.

The cure exists and we are not allowed to know about it. Only the super elite are allowed the cure.

you're insane

It takes millions+ to go through a clinical trial. They aren't going to use cheaper or simpler ingredients if they can't make their money back. That's not good business.

Your scenario is definitely possible. Is their any proof at all for you believing that though?

sigh sp mistake *there

I doubt it's the medical companies though. It's more likely that it's some rich guy that funded his own research in secret.

Cancer only suddenly gets worst at the end.
Chemo causes the pain for years and years possibly.
The rest of the time cancer only causes you to feel fatigued.

Why do the elites live to fucking long then.

Competition is driving a literal race to cure cancer. The first company to figure it out wins.

Hmm, let's think about this. Have you ever noticed how many businesses profit off of cancer (chemo, radiation, surgery, pain meds, radiology, charities, research, etc? Now imagine all of those companies going out of business because they cured cancer....

Like all factors that cause it are always under your control. Like there aren't people that lived healthy lifes and still got it. Like there aren't people that live like cockroaches and still don't get it. Faggot.

There are many things that weaken your immune system and some people are just born with unhealthier bodies. Everybody is different. Why intentionally raise your risk?

cancer charities earn BILLIONS every year, even if a cure was found, why say anything? as soon as you do, you lose those billions of dollars

Say you don't and you actually live a healthy life. You eat good, exercise, don't drink or smoke. Maybe not doing them 100% perfect or constantly, but it would still be what even doctors can say is a healthy lifestyle. And then you get cancer? Then what? Do you just munch on some chinese herb and only drink water for 78 hours and than focus your chi and shit?

No, you start doing some fucking treatment. Of course it might be true that (((((they))))) don't want it cured, but if you get it, what other solution do you have?

why the fuck would )))they((( allow a cancer cure to be released?

I'm working as a nurse while finishing up my BSN before I try to get into the Navy. I switch between doing shifts in Med/Surg and ICU, whatever needs me at the moment. I've worked with oncologists many times and seen many cancers in different stages, especially CRC and Pancreatic cancer which are often Dx at the late stages (when they typically have spread or metastasized to the liver).

Trust me, since I started getting into the medical field, I fucking wish the conspiracy of medical and pharmaceutical organizations only wanting to make a profit with no regard for pts' health. SHIT WOULD BE SO MUCH SIMPLER. But the fucked up reality is, every individual patient is different than the next and pharmacology is mind-numbing vast with medication having many different variables that effect them: pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, drug (OTC and supplements included) interactions, food interactions, and etc.

What I'm trying to get is, the people involved aren't there to suck money from you and get immorally rich: IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE FOR THE AMOUNT OF WORK/STUDY YOU DO FOR THAT LITTLE AMOUNT OF MONEY. It would be better for them to start their own business right out the gate and/or go to school for a different degree (CS, Economics, etc.). They're there because they legitimately want to help people (countertransference and nurse bullying are legit problems) and they love a challenge. Unfortunately right now, Chemo is one of the best things we have. Why? BECAUSE CANCERS ARE FUCKING COMPLICATED AS IT IS ON TOP OF THE INDIVIDUAL pt'S MOST LIKELY COMORBIDITIES (DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON NON-COMPLIANT MOTHERFUCKERS). Note: I said cancerS, not "cancer". Each cancer is different from each other, Malignant Melanoma is different than Parathyroid Cancer. Ffs, skin cancer also has different sub-cancers.

>the cure

The cars in the parking lots of these "non-profits" are always BMWs and Lexuses.

If it is causing other problems, like say that it is against an organ, then it might be worth the risks. If not I feel that you should try other less invasive things first before going all hiroshima on yourself.

Does it make sense to poison yourself for months with chemo to get a


You know these cars aren't expensive right? There are multiple models and of course always used cars.

Cancer isn't a disease you fucking inbreds, it's a type of disease.

Saying you're going to "cure" it sounds about as retarded as saying your going to cure virus.

Actually, come to think of it, this is a good thing. The more you lemmings are killed off by treatable conditions, the better.

So does it just not occur to you to question why cancer has literally exploded 5000%+ in the last 60 years, or do you just believe whatever anyone with authority tells you?

Maybe you should do some research to combine with your experience. Why don't you tell me how much of a contributive effect that chemo has on a 5 year survival rate? And then please explain why you feel that a 5 year survival rate is enough.

take your coat off, you'll be here awhile.

>What I'm trying to get is, the people involved aren't there to suck money from you and get immorally rich

Then why is that the end result?

lol fucking kill yourself goyim, stop being so serious about shit you dont understand.

ps being a nurder is literally so easy a 75 IQ sheboon could do it.

Cancer Cures exist, but they are not given to the Public.

Archives of past threads(even just the OP's are important): bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

I could sound like an idiot now since I'm no medical expert, but aren't most cancers that you get on/in an organ or such? And if not, then it's probably just a benign tumor that doesn't need anything done?

Disregarding that, do YOU know any less invasive treatments? I'm genuinely and honestly curious, since I fear that I might one day get some sort of cancer. Googling leads to all sorts of dubious things that I honestly never heard to work. So do you have anything that (((((they))))) wouldn't want people to know?

Well aren't most cancers just a result of a cell reproduction malfunction that results in the growth of a tumor? Then they do have a common cause that once resolved, would lead to curing a vast majority of them? Wouldn't it?

Fuck off Frank. You've been at this shit since September.

> hurr durr being a licenced medical professional is easy.
>i-i could leave my burger flipping job and become a nurse too!


Do you think that the tissue of the breast is an extremely urgent location? A tumor can be malignant and not near/in an organ. They will tell you that it needs to be removed asap because "it can get to the lymph nodes".

I don't really think of them as treatments. I would do everything to strengthen my immune system. Eliminate the toxins and stress. Fix your diet. Get a bit of sunlight and exercise daily. Be positive, loving, and forgiving. These things just aren't as easy to do, but if you start these habits now before you get sick, then it will be a lot easier.

Are you implying that cancer doesn't metastasize?

Your immune system covers your entire body. Cancer is a systemic issue that needs to be taken care of.

Naw, amerifats just don't notice metastatic cancers as any different from themselves.

Did that click?

Your immune system doesn't cover proteins specifically designed to inactivate immune cells. Diet change is going to do fuck all for lymphoma

Not just diet -__- but gut bacteria is linked to lymphoma so maybe we should all be working on these preventative measures before getting sick huh.

It's a battle.

there's been an anti-tgfb vaccine since 96

Don't fall for the yolo mantra. Weigh the risks and the benefits. Be smart about your choices.