They're gonna pay Conor to lose to prove "blacks are superior" this whole thing is a giant agenda to humiliate the white man and try to forever prove blacks are dominant. Conor is going to lose. Not because he has less skills, but because this whole thing is orcastrated by the deep state to push the black agenda. Wake up.
They're gonna pay Conor to lose to prove "blacks are superior" this whole thing is a giant agenda to humiliate the...
No it's just Conor milking this whole thing
Floyd wouldn't win in a UFC match
Conor won't win the a boxing match
Conor has a chance to win on the first 4 rounds. He's going to go for it and try for heavy damage or a KO early. After the 4th round of Floyd is still relatively healthy, he'll easily win by points.
i want nothing more than to see this nigger get an uppercut to the chin and go to sleep
Floyd Mayweather is a professional boxer and arguably the best one in the world, Conor MacGregor is a just a good MMA fighter. If this were MMA he MacGregor might have a shot but it isnt.
>Watching chimp fights
Irish are the niggers of Europe.
Either way, a nigger is going to win this fight.
anyone paying to watch this exhibition is being conned
When you get a 100 million for it then why the fuck would you care what the agenda is.
itt we repeat what Joe Rogan said about it
No. The whole thing is a giant agenda to have 2 fight promoting fighters make 100s of millions of dollars.
Basically yeah. It's going to be a slaughter, but he will make a ton of money off it. Mayweather would not have even agreed to the fight unless he was absolutely certain he would win, and he will.
>They're gonna pay Conor to lose to prove "blacks are superior" this whole thing is a giant agenda to humiliate the white man and try to forever prove blacks are dominant.
This is a no-lose situation for Conor; either he loses without being able to use 75% of his tools and gets to cry about it on his pile of money or he wins.
I want Floyd KO'd because he is a showboating cocky cunt
I want Connor KO'd because he is a showboating cocky cunt
I wan't a double KO because they're cocky showboating cunts
>it's another 10 rounds of dodging and getting the victory handed to him after months of hype episode
Nigger is already dead. Nothing can beat Prátaí Shinken.
>deus vult flag
>who cares what the agenda is
Conor will win in a single punch.
And if he wins he becomes the most revered white fighter since the turn of the century. No lose situation for McGregor
This is the sound a malfunctioning robot would make, therefore I dont trust your oppinion
No, Conor will lose because its a boxing match not an MMA match and Floyd is probably the greatest technical boxer of all time.
holy shit burgers really are stupid
Maybe Floyd will go down and cause a massive chimpout!
>They're gonna pay Conor to lose
Floyd will win, because its boxing, not MMA.
and it wont prove blacks are superior because ability to punch someone in the face is pretty far down the list of important shit in life, even when discussing actual war.
Anyone know the parameters of the fight? Boxing only? Are boxing gloves required? Cage or ring?
Conner is going to get destroyed because he's fighting another fighters fight.
Conner isn't a boxer. No kicks, take downs, submissions, holds, grabs. Even wild striking won't help and most will be avoided or blocked because boxers have two things to protect. Head and body. That's why you see so many shots get through to the face in mma. They have to keep ready for everything.
Put your bets on Mayweather
Conor did this himself, he just wants the money. I don't even think he expects to win, but I'm sure he'll try his best. Boxing and MMA are too different. Floyd would get beat just as bad in MMA, and anyone with a brain knows it.
But Floyd doesn't talk shit like he's a bad ass street fighter, he considers himself a boxer and a business man. He chases the money, too. Floyd gets to retire with an easy 50-0, Conor gets the biggest payday of his life. Everyone wins, this isn't a Jewish conspiracy.
>fighting for money
What a bunch of niggers.
Lmao do you actually think the media would "fix" this fight in order to push the view that blacks are superior. Man you people have a real victimhood complex.
>his whole thing is orchestrated by the deep state to push the black agenda
Oh please inform me of the deep states conspiracy to push "the black agenda". Is that why every cop that kills an unarmed black man gets acquitted.
Conor is going to lose because he's a 0-0 boxer against the best defensive boxer of all time you fucking retard.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Everyone's going on about how he's just in it for the money and money this money that. Nobody could pay me any amount of money to betray my race.
>but muh he's Irish
Who gives a fuck if hea Irish his skin is still pale and he's going to take a bribe to help with the collapse of the white race. Whites are going to be even more the laughing stock of the world
>They're gonna pay Conor to lose to prove "blacks are superior"
Are you implying he could beat Floyd in a boxing fight? Is pol really this delusional?
If this is just boxing, Mayweather is likely to win
Fighters sure do have weird looking muscles, no pecs at all and his arms are fucking weird.
This. He knocks out the monkey who mastered it, official proof the White Man is the superior specimen.
>people make a ton of money
>not a jewish conspiracy
Take a bribe to what? He has no chance against Floyd in a boxing match based on skill alone, he's not even an amateur boxer going against someone who's 49-0 you fucking mong.
What in the FUCK are you talking about?? They don't have to pay Connor to lose. He doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell. He took this ridiculous and lopsided fight for the big payday and couldnt care less that it will hurt the MMA brand, and give niggers a reason to gloat.
just by agreeing to the fight he is being paid to lose.
You don't get to say who's white or not
If Floyd gets in trouble he will grab and they will reset.
That is just what he does if he has any pressure on his ass.
Floyd is shit and cancer to boxing.
Irish are not white
I wouldn't stand a chance against a polar bear or a great white shark, but that doesn't humiliate me or prove that these creatures are superior.
This is a horrible betrayal on his part
One shot is all it takes. Mayweather has never had his bell rung. Anything can happen. Kek has shown you all before
Reality check, most boxing matches are setups and decided behind the scenes before they even take place, and milked for maximum profit. Is this somehow news?
What a botch.
He's going to """lose""" by getting $50M to get knocked out.
Conor 100% knows he will lose the fight and this is his final payday. He'll be set for life.
For what it's worth, I think he'll try to win, but he won't.
He's an MMA fighter going against one of the best boxers, ever.
Had it been an MMA fight, Conor would have destroyed him, and Mayweather knows that, which is why he would never agree to such a fight.
Lmao, Canelo is an infinitely better boxer, more powerful puncher than Conor will ever be and he couldn't do shit to Floyd even when he landed hard against him..
I don't care if sports are rigged. I just want to get my bet right.
Nothing drives me crazier than the STUPIDITY of people who think McGregor could last 2 rounds against Mayweather in a boxing match. Yes, he would win in the octagon... but guess what? It's a boxing match, and he doesnt have a prayer.
isn't your PM and indian fag?
there are 200 million whites in US, there are 4.5 in Ireland, you will be a minority within five years based on immigration trends
I don't care if he won 1,000,000 boxing matches. Conor is stronger, he's faster, he's smarter, he's taller, he's a better person, he's got more class, he and his race are actually oppressed, has a father reach, can take a hit a hell of a lot better, and most importantly isn't a dumb nigger. The only way Conor will lose is if the refs cheat (how they do in any Mayweather fight where he starts to get beat) or he will take money to lose. Everyone on this board knows that the deep state wants everyone to hate whitie and George soros alone would pay conor to lose. He's going to lose and its not going to be because of his skill. He's going to lose because the fucking jews want him to lose.
>t. PM Pajeet Patel
I 100% guarantee Mayweather will win because no one comes close to his boxing talent.
I hate niggers.
yes. fuck ya conor. now go give him a good whoopin...
I think I could beat a Great White Shark in a boxing match.
You'd just need to stay out of its reach for the first round, then I think the lack of salt water would get to it.
man these mcgregor irish threads are going to get bombed by jews and fucking incel creep 10 year olds that have read retarded jew disinfo lmfao. you are gonna die, jew.
>The only way Conor will lose is if the refs cheat (how they do in any Mayweather fight where he starts to get beat) or he will take money to lose.
no mayweather will win easily on skill and you're a shit baiter
It's a purely money making scheme. Yea, McGregor is a cocky son of a bitch but even he knows he has almost no shot of winning. All of the pre fight shit like the weigh in will be a lot more entertaining than the actual fight. There's almost no stakes in this fight, McGregor will lose and nobody will care because boxing isn't even his sport, he'll just go back to the UFC $200+ million richer.
This amount of victim complex would be incredible even for a nigger.
>He's going to lose and its not going to be because of his skill.
Yet Floyd is one of the best boxers of all time and Conor doesn't even have a professional boxing record. So Floyd is infinitely more skilled as a boxer than Conor is, that's just obvious.
>he's faster
His footwork? No. His reflexes? No. His punching speed? No. Those are the three things Floyds defense is based on, Conor got hit hundreds of times by Nate fucking Diaz, lmao. He has 0 speed compared to Floyd.
>Conor is stronger
That's true.
>he's taller
One inch, sure.
>he's smarter
In terms of fight IQ, no, insanely no.
>he's a better person, he's got more class,
His entire shtick is '' I GOT SO MUCH FUCKING MONEY, BOW DOWN TO ME PEASANT ''. He can fuck a cactus for all I care, he's Floyds personality on an irishmans.
> he and his race are actually oppressed,
You're just pathetic.
>can take a hit a hell of a lot better
Floyd has never been stunned as hard as Conor has. He got fucked up on the feet from a 1-2 in his fight against Pillow Fist Nate Diaz.
You have no idea what you're talking about dude.
What's your bet anyway, going safe or hoping for a freak accident where Connor knocks him out early?
Its New Jack so that's just a tiny scene from the single long botch he calls life.
fact: when it was announced two days ago, conor was a 7x dog. today he is a 5x dog. he boxed the shit out of a bigger diaz in fight 1 but never went for the kill, and fight 2 was epic box. hopefully he jabs floyd's peanut brain once hard enough to drop him.
Hahaha, that's the one I was looking for. Thanks.
no, mcgregor was all about going from a plumber to beating the fuck out of dudes for cash. he's chasing the cash and lights better than anyone in the game in decadessssss. floyd is a nigger. you are a faggot.
This is what all sports are. They let the blacks take performance enhancing drugs and also pay off whites to lose. Especially in boxing. Its done to demoralise and humiliate whites.
Seeing how Conor will be much more muscular and heavier on fight-night compared to Floyd, you have no basis to say that here.
He's gonna lose because he's not a boxer, and he's boxing with someone who is. If it were mma, merryweather would lose. He's an idiot, and I hope this payday is big enough to make up for ending his career. But something tells me he isn't good at math.
Jesus chtist.
Spotted Jamal. If Conor weren't gonna get paid to take a loss you'd be pretty upset watching your monkey man get beat. Mayweather has always had problems with south paws (which Conor just happens to be one of the sneakiest) and the nig can't take a hit. Conor might have got stunned by Nate but the fuck is just about twice the size of Mayweather. Mayweather and his baby nigger hands can hit Conor all day and he's not going to fall but let him hit Mayweather just once and ita done. But of course (they) aren't going to allow any of that to happen. They're gonna probably have Conor get pike cliche whiny and have Mayweather like twerking or making it rain or some other nigger shit to further drill the black agenda. It's all fake (they) control the world and if this was a real fight Conor would kill him
i think he knows how to count to at least $100,000,000.
Dont under estimate the power of MMA meme magic
> help with the collapse of the white race
This is an insight into the amerifatso mind, they really are this pathetic LOL
Connor would tear that nigger a second asshole if it was a ufc fight but because he completely changes the sport he has a huge disadvantage in stamina and techniques
It's like putting Usain bolt into marathons, he wouldn't stand a chance
>They're gonna pay Conor to lose to prove "blacks are superior"
Big front, slope back.
>this whole thing is a giant agenda to humiliate the white man and try to forever prove blacks are dominant.
This has to be the most black-pilled thing I've read all day.
>this whole thing is orcastrated [sic] by the deep state to push the black agenda.
>hit Mayweather just once and ita done
Maidana and Canelo hit Mayweather hard multiple times and it didn't phase him. Over 49 fights and decades fighting he's never been rocked before you retard. I hate how you fucking casual faggots act like you know anything about fighting.
>Mayweather has always had problems with south paws
Those southpaws were actual professional boxers with great records, and he even beat them. Conor is literally 0-0 in boxing you fucking retard, holy shit. Yes, if Floyd beat them than Conor has 0 chance.
>Conor just happens to be one of the sneakiest
In the UFC? Is that supposed to be impressive? Compared to which boxer?
>stunned by Nate
99% of Nates fights were in Lightweight (155 pounds) Shut the fuck up.
You nigger shills are working hard today. It's very obvious what's happening
Who else wants to see bloodsports make a come back?
Floyd fustigates him in 3.
10 ads for a 12:35 video
Being black is a hell of a drug
>Shit at boxing
>Literally undefeated
Really activates those almonds.
>the deep state caring about a boxing match
Sure thing bud
It's very obvious you've never followed combat sports before. It's very obvious you know nothing of boxing or MMA, it's very obvious you're someone to talk out your ass
It's very obvious that you blame all of your problems on other people instead of dealing with yourself..
You're just plain low IQ.
Expect for Corely, Maidana, Castillo, Mosely, and Pacquiao you're right.
You autists are so cringeworthy
It's just two guys punching each other.
mayweather is a boring fighter watching it will not be entertainment, gotta keep mcgregor in those fucking weird suits though
lol stormies are already making excuses
You're insane.
>detailed response
N...N..nuhh.... nuh uh.. you're just B..BLACK!!!
literally kys