>When people try to say all Jews are bad
Like um try again sweetie.
>When people try to say all Jews are bad
Like um try again sweetie.
all Jews are bad
>I have an idea for building a functioning society, let's just all be dicks to each other
Objectivism would be better if it didn't agree with Capitalism
>>ITT people who have never read any of Rand's nonfiction work
She's exceptionally bad, fag.
>1 post by this ID
Kill yourself, fag
The only thing that attracts people to libertarianism is that they either fancy themselves radical ideologues having bought in to the leftist framework that you're only allowed to discuss economics in the political field without having your livelihood threatened, or they're just spergs who seek order in everything.
It's empty and solves none of our problems, in the vast majority of cases it deepens them.
Fuck that perverted woman.
Libertarianism and objectivism are childhood diseases.
the only thing worse than a jew; a jewish transvestite.
Just another $atanic Jew, nothing to see here folks, move along
Actually her first book "We the Living"
Is interesting, what life was like in post revolutionary Russia, she doesn't mention the Jews once byt still the parrallels with our current situation are striking
Fuck all Jews.
like woah man
>Cuckolding is literally a celebrated part of her philosophy.
Not buying what you're selling, Shlomo.
>implying lolbergs weren't a mistake
This post annoys the neetsocs
Keep em coming OP
Jewish capitalist masterrace
Especially that one.
She's a third-tier Nietzsche with a hooked nose and a kosher cunt.
Sage, community college philosophers.
All Jews are bad
Um no sweetie, just like with blacks there are some BASED JEWS out there. Democrats are the real racists honeybun mkay
Jewish women are beautifull: Fact
antisemites get off my board
>calling her "philosophy" nonfiction
but surely gassing everyone that does not support our rhetoric will solve every problem we have?
am i righte or am i righte?
all Jews are bad.
Ayn Rand was a hack. Atlas Shrugged is literally one big strawman. She could find no other way to defend her retarded ideology.
>lolbertarians and ancaps can't come up with a reason why Ethno nationalism is bad other then 'muh feels'
>Jewish women are beautifull: Fact