I have just got back from speaking to the elderly couple who live next door to me. Their garden backs onto another road and several of these filthy protestors clad scaled their rear wall and started destroying their garden, which I understand took some effort and time to have landscaped. Plant pots kicked over and broken, lawn and hedges destroyed I could not fucking believe it.

In case you are un aware, the mob marched their entitled arses into Kensington today and started harassing anyone who looked even marginally well to do. Men in suits who where just on their lunch break were attacked, people just going about their daily business were pushed and had abuse shouted at them.

Hordes and throngs of immigrants were flooding the streets, I've never fucking seen anything like it, climbing lamp posts and kicking over dust bins, defacing signs.

They even rushed the town hall like it was the fucking winter palace or versailles or something.

We pay our taxes. We are law abiding citizens. It is not our fault your tower got roasted. Literally every building in London is overdue for a fire risk assessment.

They also physically tried to attack the PM today when she was visiting her church. I expect a resignation from May to be imminent, we'll definitly see one in the next two or three weeks, she'll be ousted by the end of the summer mark my words.

Friends its been a good run, but London is finished, up until today I thought we had a chance, but after what I've seen, jesus, we are well past the point of no return now, well past it.

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/


>Posting a communist in Vietnam War
Fucking filthy faggot

I wanted to know more about the social implications of this inferno, but do you have any sources for what you just said?

And pictures/ tweets?

Rip Britain

It will only get worse as time progresses, this is just the start, user.

>London is finished.
Friendo, this is just part and parcel of living in a big city.

>allow your capital city to become majority shitskin
>surprised when it becomes a chimpout warzone

It's almost like there is a pattern here... Huh...

oh shut the fuck up achmet
go on and rape some 5y/o

fucking christ this is a tebetian monk protesting the chinese govenment anexing Tibet

go to fucking school you worthless nigger