What are your opinions? What matters more, race or ideology?
What are your opinions? What matters more, race or ideology?
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They're both really important, but race > ideology
I think to understand ideology you have realize the distinct and quantifiable differences in race.
certain colors are prone to certain ideologies
they both matter a lot, but race takes priority because ideology forms from genetics. kind of like how your hair genetics dictate your hairstyle.
Unironically going to say its because he is a jew. Tell this piece of shit right now to brown Israel and see his reaction. Also consider he is justifying genocide / ethnic cleansing
I normally try not to insult conservatives who are popular here because the right shouldn't eat itself like the left currently is, but Ben Shapiro is a globalist kike, plain and simple.
You realize he's not white, right?
Fucking crypto kike
You can change your ideology but you can never change your race
Ideology is still important though
The Eternal Kike strikes again.
Race is a crude indicator, ideology is a specific indicator.
Ideology is more important.
national identity is one.
most immigrants do not share national identity
most immigrants are brown
race is indirectly important
>(((Kikepiro))) doesn't mind color
wew lad
I'd rather kill all the Muslims than any ethnic group.
Israel for the jews.
America can change.
This is why we hate Ben.
The nerve of this (((guy))).
Of course that fucking kike would say that.
A jew saying that. Color me surprised
>the brownening
Ideology matters more, but for 80% of people they are inseparable. Otherwise it wouldn't be racist to hate Muslims.
Jews don't like to acknowledge racial differences in IQ and other attributes... because they know they are real and they know they have the highest IQs... they feel its not good for this to be made common knowledge because they prefer to maintain a low profile.
They are obsessive about poo-poohing any study on race and IQ.
Now go look at how each race votes.
This is what the (((civic nationalist))) will never be able to reconcile.
Novel thought processes, ideology, and ideas, are often culturally derived. Culture, that is to say non-tradition-bound fundamental notions of enterprise, ethics, interpersonal interactions, and propriety have extremely heavy racial correlation.
Basically the browning of america inherently means a fundamental ideology shift. With this, a successful formula for society (the US's own take on an enlightenment era derived one), the most successful societal formula for its participants in human history, is turned into a historically less competitive societal formula.
All due to apathy and breeding.
He is objectively wrong and denies history and human nature to make his point.
I'm sure Ben doesn't give a hoot about the racial make-up of Isreal too...
What's the diff? everybody is the same anyhow?
>Talks shit about civic nationalist
>Probably a mutt promoting whitr nationalism
Burgers are a joke. Take pride in your race, not skin color.
>What matters more, race or ideology?
ideology is the worst and it makes its adherents stupid idiots that are very predictable.
>color doesn't matter
Yes it fucking does
ideology and truth
it should be noted that any idea of racial superiority is descended from the jewish idea of "chosen people" therefore any supremacist of any kind is a utopian moron and should be ignored
Shapiro always becomes disloyal when you offend his kike sensibilities. Reminder, there are no "good" kikes. There is only fleeting, aligned mutual interests.
- - so when Ben says this (even though I love his show) he's showing his hipocrisy
he literally told someone today in the Q&A section of his show that since they found out they have jewish genes they are accepted as religious jews
judaism is the original racist manifesto and the whole reason jesus preached anything was to communicate the divine aspect in all human beings
>your post
Makes no sense because reach race has a certain mindset and agenda they bring with them as a whole though individuals do not necessarily share this view. It's like thinking a Mexican immigrant and their children will share the views and values of a native born American or someone from the UK. The two are mixed via culture. Ben is in the sense that your color doesn't determine what ideology you follow but he's wrong as the race of your family will influence the ideology you're introduce you.
That aside wiping out a race due to breeding is just ethnic cleansing. He'd be outraged if it happened in Israel because he full-well knows each race tends to gravitate towards the ideology of their home country as they usually have contact with family there. Fucking jew doing jewish tactics.
I dont care about your ancestral heritage and legacy white america! Only my own! Checkmate nazi bigots! Pls continue to help fund zionism btw hehehehehrhr
If Jews have the highest IQ out of any group should we make sure that our contentions with their ways isn't out of jealousy?
white genocide is terrible, any genocide is terrible. The free movements of ideas and conflict drive us forward as a species. These ideas are both important but idea's exist to keep ourselves moving forward as a race (and the entire human race for that matter), therefore race is more important
Ben is a conservative that has very liberal views at times. Mention Israel to him and he flounders about and becomes irrational. 100% he would be against Israel becoming brown/black.
>Not being able to comprehend being Irish isn't the same as being greek
>inb4 neither are white
Fucking mutts, you've mixed so much you have no racial identity left but your skin color. You've started civic nationalism and now you'll lie in that bed, faggots.
Ideology, clearly.
The issue is, of course, that most foreign races bring their problems and culture with them, and want to carve a section of the land out to be turned into another version of their home, despite the fact they fled that home in the first place.
Escape oppression, find freedom, demand less freedom and more oppression.
Black people tend to just have major issues with authority, and use the part slavery to justify everything negative they do, despite none of them or their parents ever being slaves.
I don't care if america becomes 100% non white. As long as the people living here still believe in the constitution that's good enough for me. We will all be dead some day but our ideas live on
They both matter, but I would put someone's principles over their race as a person, despite the memes I may spout.
Race is only an issue because certain ideologies enable problems with them
you know "helping minorities" or some shit
>Americas, Australia
>Europe, Asia, Africa
Are the two really separate?Race > Culture > Ideology. Grandpa always said, "I'm not racist, I'm culturally aware."
You can't make America great when America turns brown, every tests that measure intelligence shows that the darker the skin the less intelligent is the person.
I’d rather live in a neighborhood full of brown atheists than one with white muslims.
this cuck thinks non-westerners can maintain western society. LMFFAO
Ideology and culture are a result of race/genetics. You cannot have a highly advanced culture and peaceful properous society with low IQ people. The reason why the enlightenment lead to the mess that we have today is because people didn't know about genetics and intelligence, research on intelligence and IQ is only 100 years old or so. If they actively ignore that research and knowledge then they are evil and will lead us down the same path as the Marxism except theirs will take more time.
ideologies, nations, laws and power come and go they change over time. Our race is eternal, the one thing that truly binds the west is our brother blood.
ideology is barely consistent and race is just one more thing to divide people
He's a neo-con. That's the shit they believe. They think that the western ideals(that came from whites) are important and universal but the people themselevs(whites) don't matter.
Oh jew wiz who woulda thought a jew wouldn't care about us mongrelizing.
I like to think of culture being the flower and race the root. The root must first be of good quality to create a beautiful flower. If the root dies so must the flower.
>I don't give a good damn about the so-called "browning of America"
>shitskins are shown to overwhelmingly vote democrat
Stupid, short-sighted fucking kike rat.
>What matters more, race or ideology?
Race, every time.
While you can say "hurr, but what if you had to pick between white Muslim extremists and brown Christians? checkmate, faggot!", it's fair to say that's a retarded scenario that will never occur.
Since when have you ever seen a neighborhood full of Muslims that are of white European heritage? Exactly. The closest thing you'll see to that are fat, Atheist white women wearing leopard-print burqas to be "progressive" and "trendy".
>I normally try not to insult conservatives
conservatives aren't traditionalists by any standards
No actually, I was inferring that you're saying racially Mexicans would be considered 'white' with Amerindian genetics.
Which is reasonable given the locale of America, because the spics are our invaders.
Your autisms showing
This is pretty much it.
Personality is majority genetic. Nature not nurture.
All Ben cares about is Israel. That's fine, of course, if anything it's a good thing. You should put your people above all else. What bothers me is he pretends to be a patriotic American and gets involved in our politics when he should move his ass back to Israel.
shitty bait, or... maybe Sup Forums really has just devolved into a normie platform of boomer basic bitch conservatism
Choose between two countries;
A 99% white communist country
A 99% Sub-Saharan African Free Market economy?
problem is, the other races do give a damn about race
ideology is really important, but mine is only possible with white people.
Ideology is influenced by genetics, so race is more important.
Both at the same time. They're far from mutually exclusive.
I choose death
when has one race ever truly adopted the ideology of another? they will always either put their own spin on it or discard it completely.
You know the answer.
A white communist country would be repressive, but at the very least stable. I'd imagine it would be like living in 70s-80s Soviet Union.
A free market african country would devolve into another Haiti or Somalia overnight.
So the USSR or Somalia. How is this even a question?
that dog is hella cute.
Checked and this.
Classical liberalism and ALL its bastard offspring have to go.
race creates ideology
If white folks don't pursue their collective interest they would be the only group doing so. I've only ever heard white people say "who cares if our race dies out we're all the same anyway".
>A jew doesn't care about white genocide
Imagine my shock. When he will not be able to parasitise in Amurica because it has become Guatemala 2.0 he will just move to Israel.
Ideology. An honest, capitalist, good natured minority is worth more than a traitorous, socialist white.
Ideology > Race: don't matter what colour they are if you share your ends. Obsv national socialists here think race, however they misconstrue nationalism
They're already starting to try to parasite off China, it's embarassing.
Honestly I cannot imagine the power, the fucking infrastructure, required to convince and entire race so thoroughly that it's worthless.
I'm curious about his opinion on the "browning of Israel".
>this triggers the gnatzee
But what you have to understand is that honest good-natured minority is an extreme outlier. His children will regress towards the mean. Look at how much of a fuckup Will Smith's son is.
Everyone in here posting to the effect of "but race and ideology are usually linked!" realize that that doesn't actually refute his point, right?
If you ignore the race/demographics issue, then you are literally promoting war and violence. History has proven as much.
Reinder for newfags, Shapiro is based on Social commentary but he only cares about ONE thing politically, and that is Israel. This is to the exclusion of whites, the west, the English language, men, women, babies, electricity, everything.
For him it doesn't matter because he already is a minority.
He's suggesting we can teach the Mexicans to be good natured, hard working, peaceful people. It's just delusional. The Mexicans that are coming here are heavily mixed with natives. There's a reason why Cubans are the only hispanics who vote Republican and it's because they're largely white (Spanish descent).
A Jew is a Civic Nationalist and wants whites to die out.
His first fallacy is that race=color. Africans don't even have complex things like "ideology." It's all just a simple tribal mindset which is what Europeans used to have and Jews like Shapiro still have. He's just a typical subversive kike.
(((civic nationalism))) is a goddamn farce
BTW. What would his reaction be if you proposed letting in 20 million Africans (with his exact ideology) into Israel?
gee, im shocked
I see where you are coming from, but I tend to give the benefit of the doubt.
I have met many minorities in various fields who are more skilled, intelligent and useful to society than I am.
I feel that, in a society without welfare, the shitty ones who are not useful to society will die off anyway.