Now it's illegal to tell someone to kill themselves.
Free Speech is Dead
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She told him to get back in the car. That is what fucked her.
Ghost Your Self
KYS Nigger!!!!
But she didn't just tell him to kill himself, she also knew he was dying and didn't help or call someone to help.
Americans are fucking retarded MUH free speech.
Free speech has never meant freedom from repercussions.
is this violation of the NAP?
Murda urself my man
GYS & KYS M&D! I EEFING HAET U M&D! IWIWNB! IHAET U M&D! Ghost your self mom and dad i fucking hate you mom and dad i wish i was never born i hate you mom and dad.
Why is this rustling so many jimmies? Telling mentally ill people to kill themselves in a sustained campaign of mental abuse is most definitely illegal.
>American court says she's guilty
>omg why is america so retarded
Kill yourself fag
>our society has free speech, it's just if you say anything bad you'll go to prison! Totally free!
the leaf is right. the first amendment does not cover knowingly letting somebody die and not helping or calling for help. she is an accessory to it now and its her own fault, this is part of the reason why suicide isn't legal.
Hey OP kill yourself.
I'd nut in her pussy
>Knowing let someone die and do not assist
That's just mean
> oh noo, womens braindead fascist laws now turning against women
> i am supposed to feel sorry
this is fucking disgusting. it overreaches the law by a mile. she never touched the guy what the fuck. invoulantary manslaughter for TEXTS? fuck this shithole country.
Women are objects, so they shouldn't have protection under the law.
What she did is far worse than manslaughter. It was deliberate and pre-meditated. I would convict her in a heartbeat. If what she did isn't covered by the law then the law needs to be changed. Scumbag.
>women's fascist laws
you are a moron. suicide is illegal for 1) to give police a clear set of rules and guidelines for handling the situation 2) allowing the courts to charge shitty people like parents or peers that contributed to the death with accessory. you don't honestly think they made laws against suicide hoping it would deter people do you? its for justice.
Not it's not, it's illegal to take it as far as she did. Did you see the fucking chat log? Bitch was crazy
Yup. If words can be manslaughter, how can defending yourself from them with force to save your own life, not be legal?
Uhh no, retard. This has always been illegal.
Why even create a thread if your so uninformed about the topic?
enjoy prison faggots
you didn't use proper pronouns! time for us to take away your kids and put you in prison for crimes against the marginalized, you fucking bigot!!
now you pathetic basement losers can't bully people from your safe spaces. (facebook, twitter, etc.)
Dead slaves can't pay the government.
That's not how this works faggot. This girl didn't tell a stranger to kill themselves one time on an anonymous board. She knew he was disturbed and encouraged it. She knew he was dying and where he was and did nothing after helping create the situation. KYS faggot.
Rake, bag, and burn yourself in a brush fire leaf
nice "argument" edgelord. you probably support antifa
>USA is breest country!
>horryay breedom!
>you mean i HAB to ged a job or else ill starbe??
Involuntary manslaughter??? were thete any precedents the defence could have argued against, it seemed like a weak argument for the prosecution.
OP is retard who repeatedly ignores the actual reason she was convicted: the thread
It sounds like she was pretty fucking whacked out herself. She was going on and off meds and kept texting him for weeks after he died.
We're property at this point, I fail to see how acknowledging that makes me a communist, another system where you are communal property.
when has it ever been legal to incite violence?
thats literally the first qualifier to the first ammendment
Kill yourself
Bill of rights can never be a crime, just people are stupid to believe the state can take away something god has granted
Pathetic and this is why civic nationalism will not work. The constitution will be interpreted out of existence by kike judges. The USA must be dismantled into ethnostates where whites can write their own constitution.
You can still anonymously tell people on the internet to kill themselves. But if you encourage someone you're close with to kill themself and they do, you should be punished.
why do you faggots not understand that this oversteps the law on free speech rights? the very nature of what defines 'manslaughter' in america explicitly, and rigidly, defines the very basic requirement that there needed to be serious *physical* injury sustained by the victim, from the alleged attacker. this girl was nowhere near this motherfucker. he killed himself on his own. no one forced him, he made the choice by himself. it doesn't matter for how long or how many times she fucked with him, she literally did not commit the crime she is accused of. this case should have been thrown out of court years ago, and this verdict is completely unconstitutional. she will win freedom on appeal for these reasons.
>tell your 9 year old child to eat rat poison
>he eats rat poison and dies
>lol freeze peach dude
sorry dumb fuck it doesn't actually work like that.
Instead of getting an attorney you sue the police, for massive crimes, title 18 241, 242, 3, 4
Title 42 1982,1983,1986
Looking at 100 million dollar settlement
you are comparing apples and oranges tho.
not contributing to society actually affects civilization. talking shit means nothing as it is just noise that isn't inherently dangerous or detrimental to civilization. I mean why would your feelings be superior to my freedom to speak my mind? You are obviously in the wrong here you selfish child. sticks and stones bitch.
Perhaps her lawyers did a shitty job of explaining that then, but OP thinks that she was convicted merely because she said kill yourself. This was much more involved than a flippant shitty statement.
>those tabs
Quality leaf shitposting
This is what really fucked her cover. She told him to get back in the truck and when he did, ahe didnt bother calling authorities, fully aware that he was killing himself. That's what fucks you over.
"Get back in the truck."
kill yourself
so you attack back with words?
you can commit manslaughter without being physically present.
Because Sup Forums is most likely filled with a shitton of kids around 16-19 that are still edgelords.
bullshit, real life isn't Seinfeld
you see a person getting attacked on the street, you can't be arrested for not helping or not calling the police
she was convicted cause she told him to get back into the car
Oh look at her whimpering, what a poor girl telling her boyfriend to kill himself over and over, such a sad story for her.
that's not free speech
Kill yourself.
I've been saying it regularly since 1997.
You're wrong. No one has a obligation to help a guy about to fall from a bridge or someone who's doing something dangerous. Her fuck up specifically, outside of the fact that she essentially groomed the guy to kill himself over the course of months and told him to get back into the truck, she failed in her duty to care.
>In tort law, a duty of care is a legal obligation which is imposed on an individual requiring adherence to a standard of reasonable care while performing any acts that could foreseeably harm others. It is the first element that must be established to proceed with an action in negligence.
yes tomahawks have been launched
Let's not act like all she did was say "Go kys lmao"
Don't let prison be your home, bin that phone!
If I tell someone to kill someone and they do it, i am an accomplice, even if it is themselves. That has ALWAYS been illegal you fucking retard.
Generally, that's correct. However in Tort Law there are NO DUTY rules, too. There is no duty to rescue UNLESS there is a special relationship. Arguable gf/bf might be that.
This will be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court, no?
If overturned on appeal it'd be a pretty decent bulwark against further infringement on free speech but I have a hard time seeing the difference between her and Charles Manson. She may roll the dice on appeal and come out a murderer.
He could have said no. She's not Professor X.
Yeah it is, they can't stop you from saying the words, printing them, or otherwise communicating them. But they can nail your ass to a wall for causing damage to others through your speech.
so Ill go to jail for having this saved?
I post it A LOT.
That's exactly what it means you fucking moron. The only way to control speech is to make people fear the repercussions of speaking. Either that or cut everyone's fucking tongue out.
How many people have you killed psycho?
Look up Brandenburg vs. Ohio.
It's illegal only if violence is imminent. The guy was really considering killing himself and her texts put him over the edge.
In contrast, I could be a communist and say that the state should seize all property (violence), I could be a KKK guy and say that we should kill all non-whites (violence), etc. but it would still be legal because violence would not be *imminent*.
t. not a lawfag
No, if anything, she gets a harsher sentence.
i'm pretty sure that's not how that works. but what do i know, i'm only a paralegal.
you can be found criminally negligent for knowingly leaving a baby locked in a room and not feeding it, but that doesn't constitute manslaughter. involuntary perhaps, but literally being no where around someone, when the cause of their death was 100% self-inflicted does not, and cannot constitute manslaughter. that is absolutely ridiculous. i don't expect anyone to be well versed in the law. but criminal law is very disctinct about this kind of shit; albeit they like to make up their own rules in the courts and twist the law for the results they want. either way, telling someone to do something does not hold you liable for their actions. they have free will. he was not forced. he was not held hostage. he did that to himself.
Roasties btfo
Says the Canadian
>kekistan flag
Faggot retard spotted
That's a nigger word, shill.
卐 1488 卐
wrong. he could have lost this girl's number. he could have turned off his phone. he could have completely changed his number, but he knowingly and willingly continued contact with this girl. there's alot of would have, could have, should have here. but the end result is that he was not in a situation where he had no possible means of escape. he intentionally, knowingly, and deliberately continued to have contact with this girl and killed himself, by himself. what part of that are you not understanding?
t. Didn't pay attention to the case
Telling some rando to kill themselves is not illegal.
Repeatedly hounding someone over multiple years with this and repeatedly telling them to go back and finish the job when they have second thoughts is. The key difference is that they had a relationship with this person that gave them an edge in convincing them to actually kill themselves, and the duration of time over which they sent these messages.
tl;dr fucking kill yourself
kill yourself, faggot
he was not under her care. she was not his caregiver, mother, hospital assistant, tard wrangler, or otherwise. she had no such obligation.
>letting niggers steal words
He could have done a lot of things if he was in a sane and stable mental state, yes. Clearly he wasn't. It's almost like context such as this matters in court, wow.
WAS SHE A Sup Forums-ak?!?!
Freedom of Speech does mean Freedom from consequences for your speech retard. What it doesn't mean is Freedom from criticism. Why can't people tell the fucking difference?
No, in that particular jurisdiction and under that particular judge, it is illegal to exploit a trusted relationship to create a relationship of dominance which is then in turn used against an individual with a particular susceptibility in order to convince him to an hero.
I've said this many times on Sup Forums, and I likely will say it many times more, but please do not fancy yourself a legal expert if you have zero understanding of legal principals and zero experience in the field. You don't realize how foolish you people look when you spout off nonsense that's entirely off base in an attempt to seem knowledgeable about a field that literally rewires the brains of those who do it for a living.
Shut the fuck up and kill yourself. Your retarded shit posting has gone far enough. Everyone else seems to be aware of the law with the exception of you. Shut the fuck up. The judge ruled and your still a fucking retard.
>But they can nail your ass to a wall for causing damage to others through your speech.
that's not free speech
lol you are just some edgy 12 year old libertarian who is too stupid to study why there are laws against suicide. kill yourself you little polesmoker.
haha virgin
Appeals court will throw it out.