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My cousin told me about this. He said it's the bomb.
So basically they're just antagonizing the Islamic hardliners into bombing them for heresy.
Why does everyone pander to the gays?
Surely this will go well.
Be prepared for happenings boys
I see germany and sweden are still in a deadlock
A banging great idea. Hope this will explode into new era of tolerance.
You know, for those who claim they're defending mudslimes, they sure know how to insult them.
You're right, germans do need more tolerance.
Some kind of 4D chess?
I approve of this.
Only good things could come out of this.
They need truckloads of tolerance.
Been telling all the Muslim posters on here their religion and people cannot stand up to the crushing decadence of the West. Proof is on my crusader dick every time I drop an Arab QT off at home in time for her to attend services with their family.
They love the BWC and muscular white guy. This is how you destroy anything; through the women.
>men, women and gays sharing a space is now considered progressive in 21st century Germany
We're regressing as a species.
Here, here.
they will literally be praying for happenings
Muslims bombed mosques for far less heresy. But I don't think they will even consider this meme shit as a mosque. This is a virtue signalling center for fags and retards.
I want to see how Muslims react to this.
>fucking schweine farmers at it again.
Seems like someone does not respect islamic religious customs. I can feel the shitstorm from the left coming.
Something like this is actually how I'd approach the muslim problem.
Subvert their religion, centralize it, track everyone who is muslime but not registered. Follow state approved Islam or get rekt.
I hope they bomb it, the spergs will build 2 more for every they bomb
>Muslim thought they would conquer the west without getting infected with the bolshevist cancer
They don't realize and think that they would conquer the west but it's the cultural marxist cancer from the west that is currently dissolving Islam. It may be a slow process but it was slow for the west as well. When I go out most muslim women are already wearing less and less headscarves and more skin tight and revealing clothing then ever. They already participate in club culture and get fucked by white men or nogs after a night of drinking just like every white slut. Islam will go down just as Christianity went down.
>when the Krauts are so degenerate they degenerateception their degeneracy
I bet they'll hold Friday night dance clubs there too and listen to heavy bass electric dance music.
This isn't the worst thing to happen. reform for islam has to start somewhere, but like most posters have said they are probably going to be bombed and killed.
Nice, my ID is literally goy now.
How times do change...
I'll give it a week before it gets religion of peace'd.
You got to be fucking kidding me, right?
As much as I love to get in on the German hate this is probably the best course of action open to them.
They've just let in a million Muslims, they can't get rid of them realistically speaking so better to just feminise them I suppose.
I can't believe this is now looking like an attractive option, God help the fucking West.
>has 0 members of the congregation
not suprised
This Brit gets it, you will get the toothbrush last
>Building where men, women and gays pray together
>Can't blow it up because it's a mosque
Terrorists BTFO, Love trumps hate
jesus christ, they even manage to make islam a degenerate SJW crap
If anything then this will trigger mudshits beyond belief.
>and gays too
I love this magnificent subtlety
Yes, because when these attempts fail and further antagonizes the Muslims into killing them in larger more obvious rates, they'll either wake up or hurry up and die faster.
I can't wait to see videos or pictures of gays and liberal trash mutilated after the religion of peace cleanses that mosque.
So basically it's not a mosque at all. Got it.
This gives me relief. At least we're dieing internally all-together
Yes! Pis off muslims! Divide them!
So literal actual not real muslims?
Is this the moment Christians and Muslims team up to defeat the Leftist ZOG?
>Gay liberal muslims
How the fuck are these idiots this deluded? The Koran is filled with passages describing how we are all supposed to be killed, and we see Muslims acting accordingly every god damn day.
I'm at the point where no amount of liberal stupidity can even surprise me. I used to joke that we would one day see feminists wearing hijabs, and sure enough they do. Unbelievable.
>Implying they are fleeing.
It reminds me of the far right in sweden wanting to hold a gay pride parade in the muslim ghettos of their country. I'm all for it!
Its taunting the savages to do what we ALL know they're going to do, while attracting SJW-Tumblrtards to the geographic location to probably be victims of the inevitable terrorist attack.
I dunno why centrests and the left cant fucking understand that islam will NEVER be progressive. Its baked into the fucking religion. The prophet is the one they are told to live according to... The prophet was a pedophile who raped and murdered non-believers... Ergo, "strict muslims" will always be shitty people. You cant follow the religion to even 50% of its aspirations, and NOT be an asshole. It isnt like the new testament with christians, where its essentially proclaiming free love and open-mindedness. Its LITERALLY saying "Go rape those little girls. Murder faggots. Trick people into converting, and if they wont switch, murder them!."
Holy shit, fucking haram. By Allah, bomb this desecrated ground!
you should know better Urs
time to annihilate this joke called yurop. i hope stones rain down upon you fucking reprobates.
Muslims kill each other at mosques all of the time.
Great, let me know when Germany opens the first Mosque in Qatar where men, women, and gays openly pray together.
I'll give it a couple of months before the religion of peace accidentally guns or bombs down their faggy mosque
Kosher islam goys, get used to it.
Who said that islam and shariah wuz gonna save da west???
It is just because you don't have Sharia yet. When Muslims get critical mass and start dictate laws they scale back. Look at Indonesia and Malaysia. Hundred million secular countries dive into sharia hole. Turkey is next.
A lot of that is the tension from literal peasants being lifted into modern society
Holy shit, they better watch it with wahabbist/salafist!
>so inclusive N sheeeeiiit
I'm white but this makes me mad.
I should be laughing because butthurt 'slimes but I'm not.
Please for love of God piss off the muzzies with your SJW shit. I fucking date you. They aren't as cucked as Christians lets see how they take this.
Islam is enduring the same cancer that's killing the rest of the west. In what way is this bad thing?
I give it a month or two before it get's blown sky-high.
Isn't Islam against this sort of thing guys?
>tfw the kuffar want to build a mosque for us but turns out it's for filthy homos and cattle
lol the only thing Muslims won't do is eat bacon. Killing other Muslims is super common
Dis gon b anudda jewish success story
>gets blown up
>white males get blamed
>more refugees allowed in
this was their plan from the start
Muslims are gonna bomb it.
It's gonna be fucking hilarious.
God forbid it happens but I'll be shocked if this Mosque isn't bombed in the next ten years
do you honestly think this is good for you?
this will only put us closer to victory once the german cuckolds flood this mosque with their horny wives craving for suni dicks
your world is doomed, marshallah
A lot of them are stupid spoiled white kids with money and time to waste. Gold mine
You know Syria was invaded, right?
Not really.
It's a gathering place where SJW's pander to muzzies.
It's an invasion bruh.
Turkey was Muslim to begin with, and Europe isn't Malaysia.
Think about it:
>be liberal berlin-fucks
>want multiculture and shit all around
>but oh. people are getting the hind, that islam is not nice
>open "liberal mosque" where men, women and gays pray together in front of a female (!) imam
>get bombed by hardcore terrorists, because you insulted their bullshit religion
Take a seat and wait for it, boys.
I don't think Indonesia and Malaysia practice sharia to the fullest. Turkey also doesn't want "full" sharia. I think their main intention is to block jewish degeneracy to some extend.
Why didn't you flee to whatever ME country that is pro your mudslime sect mohamed?
Trips of truth. Bow down.
>"of truth"
Fuck off Satan.
Is accusing me of being a Syrian refugee your way of shutting down a conversation you know you aren't going to win?
This will absolutely end well.
>hiding his flag
Your country must be shit
inb4 bombed by "not ISIS."
Inb4 a mass stabbing
Jokes on you
This is a fantastic idea. Co opt the religion of peace into being hyper liberal. Await inevitable shit storm.
Only a sandnigger would spout that bullshit rhetoric.
The new "mosque" is a room in a protestant church.
Every normal churchgoer is now scared of fundamentalists. The police will guard the mosque. If many people come they will search for a bigger room.
t. I live next to the church
The war in Syria is bullshit rhethoric?
This was always the plan
Germans should be thrilled to have the honor and privilege of praying alongside the Natural Aristocracy
>wanting sharia
stop reading kike news
That doesn't work bro.
It's gonna blow.
this is such a great idea.