are you guys watching this? what do you think so far? i'm only one episode in
Are you guys watching this? what do you think so far? i'm only one episode in
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Stone is a Putin shill.
Also a Castro, Chavez, Morales, Stalin, etc shill
Is it any good
Oliver Stone is a totalitarian apologist
He's ex KGB, he knows what to say to get you to think he's right. Stop being gullible.
First segment of episode 1 really humanized Putin. Later on it just seemed like Stone was unstable, probably from the election shit going on in the US, interviews were from 2016 at that point
Haven't learned anything I didn't know before so far besides the first segment of episode 1 which was nice. Will begin watching episode 2 soon
Yeah he interviewed Castro as well. He's famous for sucking up to anti american leaders. But for some reason I respect his view on Putin, maybe because Putin is an honest man
I've seen the first two. worth a watch. I'd be interested to see how the left spins it back into demonizing him.
I sympathise with Russia but they are hardly not cunts too. Oliver seemed to want to make them look better than what they are in the first episode. Haven't seen the second, not feeling very motivated.
I saw it. Very interesting. After seen it, it's even funnier hear americans demonizing any person who dares to criticizes them or their politics
>Putin is an honest man
Lemme ask you dumbfucks a question. Would you trust a high level CIA agent to be leader of a country? The answer is FUCK NO. You putin loving commies are garbage.
>taking that as a compliment
I can tell you faggots havent watched it yet. Watch it and draw your own conclusions you fucking shills
Since the beginning of this week, immediately once one of.these threads gets posted, it gets flooded with "he's a murderer", "Stone is a shill", and "putin is russian" rote replies.
Gee, I wonder who could be behind such a thing
You mean George H Bush?
Shut up, dumb faggot
I'll wait for the complete hdrip to pop up on muh interwebz, screw episodic garbage
oliver stone is the ultimate cuck. he hates his country so much that he'll fawn over whoever shits on it
watched 3 of 4
high quality non vacuous real interview
worth your time, considering you are on Sup Forums
putin seemed triggered when shown 'foreign affairs', the CFR periodical
i binged it all last night.
its awsome
>what about israel
>durrrr make a documentary
hahahaha man Colbert's audience really can't think for themselves
he's also a CIA asset. a lot of hollywood has close ties with putin. hollywood works closely with intelligence agencies courtesy of karl rove. does this rly make u think?
they edited it out
Kek. I hope this ia a joke
Cuckbert getting cucked on his own show by someone who actually has talent in showbusiness (unlike himself)
I don't care if Putin is a liar or not, the fact is that he is making a good impact on the millenials.
As long as he keeps his frame it is fine by me, for now we can just appreciate what he have beeing doing and what he represents in today's political sceneario. Let God judge his misdeeds.