Opinions on Eastern Europe?
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Shit desu senpai
Post sovit shithole
also thread theme, fuck s*rbia
i don't have a problem with them.
they are not causing any problems
but they are not contributing anything to the world either.
so i am neutral.
i like romania
serbia is pretty good
no strong opinion on the other countries
fuck muslims
>Dyke PM
>letting in migrants
>chimps out when Hungary builds it's fence
You fell for the Serbia is based meme, son
Show your true flag please?
I want to see if you have any reason to be biased.
But sadly you are right either way.
Don't blame serbs. It was communist first and NATOED later. And it's totally german fault.
i dont see how they are not based
they did literally run into two majority muslim countries and start executing random muslims for shits and giggles and burning down villages just like all of us fantasize about
id wager ur hiding something behind that flag
Here i actually found a video
I have a positive opinion of Bulgaria. Wouldn't want to live there though
See guys he have a reason to be biased he is Croatian diaspora after all.
Are you implying I'm wrong?
You're free to not like the facts, but they're still facts.
yea i was indifferent before all those muslims and cr*ats ganged up on the serbs. Enemy of my enemy is my friend
€30 an hour Romanian prostitutes
Any hole's a goal!
t. serbshit
Romanians are not people
im hungarian
But you are biased aren`t you?
Your opinion doesn`t really fucking matter.
I am biased, but only because of what Serbs have done through history.
And what did we do to you?
Spare me the OH MUH SERB HEGEMONY bullshit please find someone uneducated to sell them that story.
Not me specifically, but to all Croats, Bosnians and other people the serbs hurt in their attempt to turn Yugoslavia into Greater Serbia.
And then there's all the goyim who buy into the "le kebab remover" maymay when you are literal kebab rape babies
I said spare me the MUH MEAN SERZ HEGEMONY bullshit.
>And then there's all the goyim who buy into the "le kebab remover" maymay when you are literal kebab rape babies
Says a German serf.
Also if we are turkish rape babies what are Bosnians?
t. polen
Bosnians are still inferior, but at least they're harmless when they keep to their own borders.
>a German serf.
I've seen serbs call that half of the balkan, explain Gavrilo
We`ll its a meme same like that we are Turkish rape babies made to insult each other.
Sure, they're alright. As long as you avoid the Balkans. No one is alright there.
What yuo thinking of Bulgaria
>make thread about croatia
>nobody gives a shit
>make thread about albania
>nobody gives a shit
>make thread about all of balkans
>nobody gives a shit
>all threads turn into serbia hate threads with the same triggered snowflake faggots that are emptying their "SERBSHIT" folder for the 20th time today
le my superiority is causing some controversies. :^)
Serbs are honestly just autistic Bulgarians
Pretty much a bunch of subhumans to me. I hate eastern europeans, fucking laughing stock of the white race
I can't care less about Eastern Europe.As for me being a Serb I love to read all the negative comments on Serbs either by Twitter,Facebook or even Sup Forums because that shit gives me power.
love the flag and this thing looks cool too, the name of the country and language itself sounds cool (bulg) and I can't help but laugh a little when I think of BULGE. If you guys became first world I'd totally visit and probably live there for a few months and learn the language.
What do you think of Greece, Romania, and Macedonia?
literally nobody is doing that, retard
>that pic
>Greece is an absolute shithole
>Macedonia is Autistic Bulgaria
>Romania owes us land
We're also fairly developed considering our circumstances
sure croat bro, i know that brazilian flag emprtying his folder in literally every thread as soon as serbia is mentioned. :^)
You autistcly screech at all your neigbours for occupying your lands lol
i only pretend to hate serbs for the meme, don't really care about them at all desu but what really fucking bothers me about the former yugoslavia countries, is that they can't get their borders right.
60% of bosnia should be serbian and the rest should be croatian. bosnians are just slavs with hijabs. montenegro is just mini serbia anyway. macedonia should just be cut like a cake and each neighbor has a slice, since its just a melting pot of the surrounding countries. it's not that fucking hard.
Bosniaks are Turks kek
Gib me back muh land fag.
come and take it Vulgar
not even "emptying" my "folder"
was just correcting a baseless assumption that Serbia is "based"
well to be fair you guys had a rough history. any chance of your country greatly improving or gaining some serious land claims?
I always find it funny how diaspora get's triggered by ''Serbia stronk'' meme,like don't you have something bather to worry about then what people think off us on a Hungarian throat singing website??
Serbia is honestly autistic. They have a barely functioning government, millions of Yugos rotting on their roads, and a huge impoverished population. They're literally the Paraguay of Europe
no you were not and you know it, you literally wait for someone to praise serbia to post an ebin meme.
that huemonkey flag is at full force in literally every thread at the first mention of serbia.
ya h8 us cuz u ain't us (technically you are) croatnigger :^)
got this entire week off
a lot of my free time goes into shitposting
We should be getting Southern Yhrace back from Greece pretty soon. I'd also enjoy Serbia handing back Pirot
Balkan is Southern Europe
it's the other way around, orthodox croat
You're autistic if you actually associate them with other Southern European regions.
Each part off Serbia hates it neigbours Northern Serbs dislike Hungarians,Western Serbs dislike Croats and Bosnians,Southern Serbs dilsike shiptars and Eastern Serbs dislike Bulgars.it's like a circle and it has it's own ups and downs.
thats what happens when youre directly in the middle of the powderkeg of europe
They're in the southern region of Europe do they're Southern Europeans
For example
Baltics be little in common with Slavs but we're both east side of Europe
Stop being retarded
so it's late night in bulgaria i assume? do you live in a commie block or a traditional house? i'm also assuming you're not too poor since you have internet.
It is hard because of corrupt politicions, and ((( outside ))) influence
Do you know why it's like that? Serbs are literally a hodge-podge of different ethnicities thrown together and told everyone is their enemy. Let go of your weak titostan, and actually divide your country into logical regions. Maybe give back parts that won't work.
I'm in America.
lol fuck i was going to turkey soon and was planning on visiting too. no bulgaria anons ever answer these questions
>if you met one asshole today, he was an asshole. If everyone you met today was an asshole, maybe you're the asshole
Kek, oh well
Implying the Bulgarians that stayed in Bulgaria have enough mental capacity to set up internet kek
Hey. Blowing up churches in Kosovo my dude?
not true, Serbians are multi ethnical but they share the Serbian identity and language. what are you implying, how much further can Serbia be split?
Serbs make 85% off the total populationso I don't get that we should divide our self lol,The only place where things are diverse are here in Vojvodina even tho all refugees are thrown here by the goverment they are all putt in a Hungarian major towns and cities and we usually joke here where I live how Hungarians builded a fence to protect their people from refugees whille the same refugees are vandalizing sexually assaulting them on the Serbian side,also not to mention how much Vlachs are brainwashed even tho they don't even make a 1% off the total populations since we genocided them all and that gives Romanians to bitch and moan at us.
are you getting your flags confused or are montenegrin (coastal serbs) terrorists an actual thing?
ah? No , im not Albanian or in Kosovo . Im just making a point
Black mountain folk are based
Eastern Euro here.
Whacky, funny, miserable, sad, crazy, violent, adventurous, dangerous, interesting, smelly, historical, gorgeous, powerful, weak etc. etc. etc.
In every single Eastern Euro nation you have all of this shit going on at the same time. Eastern Europe is fucking nuts. If you have some money and want to live an interesting life. That's where you should be.
pretty sure serbia will destroy itself internally before someone else does
Parts of it can be assimilated into Eastern Bulgaria, a little can be assimilated into Albania, a little more can be partitioned to Croatia. In the end, Serbia will be about as big as Montenegro
Mixing up my flags
it will unironically keep splitting itself over the years
next to separate is vojvodina
Serbia was multi ethnic. Until it went on a full assbergers autismo rampage. Now it's splintered and may continue to do so until the nation really is just Serbs.
They did it to themselves.
Not really,national unity is at most high we keep Muslim regions poor and people there are uneducated.
>part of Serbia going to Croatia
What? Disporia need to study a bit more. Croatia is much more serbian than serbia is Croatian
As someone from Vojvodina that will never happen people here dislike the bigger minoreties whille the smaller ones get a pass.Not to mention that each year there is a bigger number off Serbs coming.And the only ones who wan't separation are Hungarians and Croats who are pro EU.
dat feel when anons use your meme :3
Hello :D
I got it from a friend
balkaniggers are fucking retards, ESPECIALLY croats and serbs who butt heads and pretend they're not literally the same people.
lol, you draw a gypsy beggar who drugs himself with aurolac and claim he's an ethnic Romanian.
Good job you bozgor.
They're literally not. That's like saying you're an Indian
Is it really I who am the bozgor, or you? Ya filthy Magyarized Bulgar.
looks like someone had a bad day.
>They're literally not.
we aren't, but we are very similar tho
Is this the Serbian Prime Minister?