Should anti-vaxxers be punished for their easily avoidable children death ?
Should anti-vaxxers be punished for their easily avoidable children death ?
nope. they don't vax, they die. the problem resolves itself.
Its easy to say the child's death is punishment enough, but its not enough considering they could be killing other children who cannot be vaccinated. Its a very tough subject.
Yes. She could be charged with at least voluntary manslaughter.
>Its easy to say the child's death is punishment enough
maybe to them but what about the child ? its not an object
>my son just died from an entirely preventable death
>stay strong fellas, your kid can die in agony the way mine did!
O b v I o u s t r o l l
Aw gee guys! My uncirc teen died of eating pussy cos he missed his flu jab ... You guys agree, right??
Got you!! I work for GSK. You anti science bitches are going away for a long time! (Beams) I will have my medal now Mr noseberg
Anti VAX bringing back the black death. Gimme a break shill
I will add this to my post: I suppose they could be charged for child neglect as well as some sort of recklessness for endangering others who cannot be vaccinated.
What? Try that again please. Did you not read the rest of my post?
Why do children still get sick around other diseased children if they've been vaccinated for protection against it? why do you allow the state to poison your child?
No. Why not? Freedom.
Enjoy raising your nation of hand flapping autists
I did and its irrelevent to my post
you said their kids death is a punishment in itself. And I said yeah but what about that kid that just died because their parent are fucking stupid ? He's not an object
i never talked about other kids
The immune system does not develope until 6 months old
Giving new born vaccinations when it has no ability to kill the diseases
>unvaxed children are healthier than those who have been vaxed
>it's illegal to spank your kid for being a twat
>it's perfectly legal to kill your child by refusing to vaccinate him
This is why libertarian ideologies are flawed. Most people are too stupid to be allowed to freely live their lives without being controlled. A strong state lead by intellectuals needs to exist, one that will will have the power to force people to do the right thing when their stupidity is holding them back.
Who cares
Less degenerates
Nature always finds its way
I said its easy to say that but it is not enough. I guess i forgot to include the words especially before the word considering. I don't actually believe that but others people will say it easily. See my other post:
Also what do you mean by what about the kid that died isn't an object? He's not a person either, he's dead. I think the parents should be punished, i think we agree on that, but i can't even tell the way you type. Herd immunity is very important so you shouldn't be dismissing the danger to other children so easily.
lol the pro-vaccination movement is proof positive that white people simply dont deserve to breed. have fun with your retarded adult children goyim. oh wait, youre the vaccinated ones here, you faggots wont even manage to breed lol.
>Herd immunity is very important so you shouldn't be dismissing the danger to other children so easily.
I know its simply not what i was saying. that doesnt mean i think it's not important. its very important
It can affects all of us. Many vaccines aren't 100% effective, but people are still protected though herd immunity. With an increase of unvaccinated people, we'd see an increase in sick and infected vaccinated people as well. It also makes it harder to completely eradicate some diseases. There's also people who can't get vaccinated due to various health issues.
Yes. You get punished if you don't feed them a balanced diet for fucks sakes, let alone something that can harm others as well as them.
They should be castrated.
True. They push so hard for forced vaccines you know something is up.
You neutered little beta faggots think the government owns people. Sad. Maybe you wouldn't be so retarded if they didn't pump you full of poison as toddlers.