New Egland General /NEG/

How are we going to develop New England? We can't let Bernie and Warren lead us, they are old and should be forgotten.

This dude, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, is running against Warren in MA. He seems really smart (invented email and stands behind this claim). I think he'd be a good leader for us. Think he's better than Warren?

>weekend weather report
Rain today, but hot as fuck on Sunday. What beach you heading to? Hampton? Crane's? Good Harbor? York beach?
>thread theme

Other urls found in this thread:

Got anything to add to the reading list?
This one is a better YT for the guy running against Warren. She needs to go.
last bump, don't let this part of the country be forgotten

Washington here I normally hate the eastern half of the country but you guys are all right

very comfy place, can confirm

but not so many young folks there

NH here, Us and ME are going to secede.

there are actually a ton of colleges. Most young people are in the cities. Overall, the boomers tend to have a lot of say in politics.
no, we all in together

Anschluss with New Hampshireich.

Beverly MA reporting. awesome can't wait to mobilize for this guy.

The dude seems ready to rumble. He invented a thing and called it Email. He should get the credit.

his emphasis on work really stirs me. nothing make my blood boil more than idleness subsidized by the taxpayer (besides a long list of racially oriented grievances)

MA fag here, cannot wait to vote against Warren. Even the dippy lefties here hate her. But more than anything I can't wait to move back to NH. No better state in the country.

NH certainly is the shire but I like the battle down here in MA. The country looks to MA as the intellectual leader and if we can take down Warren then we can be the City on the Hill we were destined to be.

wtf is NY and NJ if it isn't New England?

New Amsterdam (Dutch), later conquered by the English from NE

You've obviously never been to Manchester

user, please, tell me you know that these lower class states aren't part of New England. There are only six.

I saw Trump in Manchester at his (second to) last rally the night before the election. that was cool. And Manchester has the coziest airport.

What is there to do in Maine?

Concord, NH reporting in. Any of you goys in town?

I had to work. Fucking jelly.

meet the locals. ask about the old days.

Manchester should be the center of New England Renaissance. It's going to take some work though
on the south coast there are small beach towns, range from working class to pretty elitist. There's what they call "down east Maine" which is beautiful. Lots of hunting, fishing, hiking... shit like that.

Plus they have some decent light houses.

>shitskin thinks he can win against a white liberal bitch in mass

get da fahk outta heah

It was so epic. Pence was there, and his whole family except for Melania :( The energy and humor was indescribable. Trump was wiped out because he had been campaigning like madman. But bummer NH went to Hillary, that made me sad.

>This dude, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, is running against Warren in MA. He seems really smart

I know they're not NE, that's why I asked what they are
and really not sure why you're feeling so high and mighty, living in ivy league land completely run by zionist banksters

If the right is going to reorganize is has to be white this guy.
He's already prepared to battle, the machine would be horrified to see the alt-right/lite promote this guy to take on Warren. Apparently Kurt Schilling has endorsed him already.
it writes itself

Irish riviera reporting in, map is wicked accurate

Elizabeth Warren is really divisive but I still think she has a major advantage against Mr. Nambudripad: name recognition. If the college kids actually vote it'll be rough.

literally NY was first settled by the Dutch (and jews) and we conquered them and renamed it New York

New England developed first, then spread south. The Dutch were building Manhattan and it eventually got bought by the English. Boston came first, then Providence, then it all sort of spread out from there

CT Fag reporting in. Feels bad.

but wtf was his comment about burning the South African flag?

Dude I spent 10 years in that state, I've been to every part. The sea coast was my shit. Also had to live in Keene for a bit, that place sucks.

CT needs to be nuked.

no idea, SA I'm not up to date on. I know they are about ready to have civil war.

Except he didn't. He invented one specific implementation of it and has gone about sueing everyone he can to make himself look like he's actually done something with his life. Otherwise, aside from that retardation, cool dude.

I know about NY's Dutch history, its previous name, and pre-revolutionary Dutch heritage sites and plenty of Dutch architecture are still around today
I only asked exactly where do NY and NJ fit in
like they're not the rust belt, not NE, sure as hell not dixie... what are they?

lol what. I live in Worcester. We have 50,000 student annually. The Boston. Then Amherst, then the Cape during the Summer. And that's just MA.

Southern NH reporting in. Any other NHfags?

Personally, I think New England blows. Most boring, irrelevant part of the country. Only thing I like about it is that it doesn't have the massive amount of liberal faggots like California; however, I do love the ever living shit out of Cali & the west coast. Weather is perfect, scenery beats New England any day, etc.

Then why was the Smithsonian so interested in what he did?

NY is NY, it stands on its own. But it isn't cozy like NE. Upstate NY is very similar to NE though

those books tho

New England blows during the Winter. And even then, most people around these parts love snow activities. I was born in the Mediterranean so I personally fucking hate the cold. But New England is the shit.

>hasn't been to Boston

>If the college kids actually vote it'll be rough.
College kids or not Nambudripad will get demolished. This state would vote for a piece of dog shit with a (D) next to it.

Dumpster fires

He probably wouldn't beat her, but someone needs to be the political outsider from NE that get's the MAGA kids out in the streets.

A New England specific political party would actually work IMO and this dude would serve as a decent leader. We live in a world with a destroyed RNC and DNC, this is our only chance to fill the gap with something new. We look to our traditions to from the platform of the new party.

lol wat, Boston?? Boston blows, mate. I mean, you can see everything there is to see (which is practically nothing. Just boring, dull crap) in about 3 hours. NYC craps all over Boston. I don't even know why Boston is considered a major city. It's more just like a disappointing, uninspiring town that fronts like it's the shit. Certainly isn't but no offense to you if you love it.

Vermont white nationalist reporting in what do we do about the (((civic nationalists))) that seem so prevalent at our rallies ?

yea I guess that makes sense

Mid Atlantic

Boston can be fun, but I feel you. Boston has the appeal of being a "big" city but also having that comfy feel to it.

New York is just a shit show 24/7.

It looks like they are going the Zimbabwe route in regards to whites. Also doesn't Nelson Mandela live in mass ? That might have something to with it but IDK

It's also got an Essex county ma level of junkies

How did Scott Brown get elected?

Anyone Nashua?


dems are waaay too entrenched in the northeast for that to work. only third party that would get anywhere would be bernie sanders doing his own thing.

a lot of normies where i live (southie) have swallowed commie propaganda hook line n sinkah but are creeped out by gays/femnists and like racist jokes.

in other words we have a perfect crop of suckers for a rebranded nazi party to harvest.

That is what is hilarious about it. It is listed as a major city along with NYC but it is like 1/100 the size. It's because of its POTENCY

its because of the sports teams too.

concerned with maine desu. i'm moved for college, but soros' "indivisible" has a disproportionate amount of people in maine for the state population.

republicans are a disaster, libertarians are subverted open border shills, and angus king's existence is encouraging berniebros to run independent

He ran against Marsha Coakley, who was an utterly useless attorney general for Massachusetts, kinda like sexual deviant Healey who currently occupies the office.

hmm, VT does seem like a nice place to raise a white family. I think all people center and right should unify firstly. We are lucky in NE because we actually can unite under a decent civic goal (our history and tradition). And we are the whitest part of the country, so 1488 doesn't need to get anxiety.

Same here.

Molloy is on his out. Blumenthal and Murphy need to follow.

Email guy is fake news


wait sorry explain, plz.

Warren could become really reviled though, depending on how bad the left gets in the next year. (locally and nationally) She's already got a horribly unlikable personality that drives even Democrats away. I'm counting on those ~30ish yo white working class guys to come out in force against her and the college kids who like her to stay home.

I'm thinking the traditionalism, puritan ethic, and americana would fit nicely as a third party, it could be something that combines a new version of Bernie and this Shiva dude. The bernouts are already demoralized and close to suicide, if they see a third party based in NE values they might just have something to live for. The people who voted for Bernie first, then Trump actually do exist in NE.
yes, I think something needs to be done about indivisible in NE.

for how small a city it is it has a disproportionate amount of influence on the country. and for its small population it has tremendous racial superiority. All lot of the numbers of large population cities are vast hordes of subnormals, which are a much smaller percentage in this still basically white city.

>something needs to be done about indivisible
>people who voted bernie then trump exist in ne

you answer your own question. we ought to infiltrate indivisible and make from it the foundations of our own party.

Floridian here. I'm moving to NH after I graduate.

the only reason anyone in new england is democrat is because of JFK. he still leads the majority of boomers to tow the party line without considering his core values. even in maine, he's viewed as god to people i meet. it's their nut job children, somalians, and the mentally ill that actually approve of the current party.

subverting these retards isn't a bad idea at all. the name is pretty fitting for a nationalist traditionalism party. though to be fair, most of the republican groups in new england are so weak they could be subverted themselves for state money

and the establishment killed JFK and Dems in NE went along with it.

I think the best way to interact with the indivisible stuff is to recon for the best leaders. Don't bother with the half retarded boomers. Neutralize the intelligent indivisible people, then bring them into the new party.

also in the last NE thread the idea was unifying the six states into one powerful state. Obviously an ambitious project, but that is the point, a new party needs a big goal to work towards in order to spread the message of traditionalism, and hard puritan work ethic. The unification project sounds fashy enough so that ultra leftist are scared, but also ambitious enough to get people excited and organized.
the book list here is limited, but still shows there is more than enough to build a party out of.

Connecticut is a fucking disaster.

transcendentalists and unitarians are cancer. this is the rebellion that subverted our culture.

Yes, but how many people know that? these books on the list at least start a new conversation that modern people have never had. Bring up how they lead towards socialism, fair discussion points.

In Massachusetts a relatively large percentage of those 30ish white working class guys are unionized and the unions are going to tell their members to vote Democrat like they always do. And most of their members will listen, unfortunately.

>still basically white city
I hate to be the one to break this to you but the white ethnic neighborhoods were basically destroyed 40 years ago in no small part to yankee cunt garrity

this is a serious problem
Thoreau in that cabin was a commie social experiment by Emerson, that fucking apostate.

sure but compared to NYC
and whites are taking it back over anyway

so how does a third party emerge from NE without all the feel good transcendental stuff? most NE people don't associate the two together. (I know). What from our past should be promoted?
I mean the NE aesthetic is everywhere in pop culture. What should the new party go with?

I was in dover today. Was thinking nh has low hnemployment, booming economy, rated one of the best places to live- but they have this 'problem' of lack of diversity.

Hey geniuses, maybe all this stuff is related.

Book by maggie hasan about how great somalis are made me think of it. Stick to covering for pedos maggie.

DCfag here. I want to move to Portland, Maine. What should I know? I've never been to New England before. I'm trying to plan a trip up there this summer, and hopefully move there by the beginning of next year.

We need another great revival. Only when we return to our Christian roots will we be who we were destined to be. Massachusetts was settled by Christians to be a Christian state. We need to return to Jesus. I'm not sure how all this will play out politically but Christianity is our heritage and transcendentalism is akin to Islam in its monism.

Look to the hard working fisherman, farmer, and the other early Christian settlers. Sure we made some mistakes in Salem but hey maybe some of them really were witches and should have been hanged. we just took it too far. Doesn't mean we should give up on the original Christian mission.

buy long underwear.

Read the salem thing was a british psy op to break the power of the puritan government and get the colonies back under british gov control

and look at the average person in salem now. either a fat facebook addict or a sandnigger that just got shipped in by the government.

tradition wont appeal to them.

Garrity was Irish and went to Holy fucking Cross. But he did destroy the schools, just as Micheal Curley destroyed Boston entirely.

tell me more

The next Awakening will have to be secular. Which is fine, we should emphasize "cultural Christian" values.

I have never met someone from far western mass, neither has anyone else that was around me, I truly do believe there are dragons and giants out there, There is just an unsettling feeling I got whenever I started venturing out that way

anyways RI is better

Salem is so sad. They sold their soul to the devil and they literally are the den of Satan.

but there is a history that can still be revived. We are still more or less Christian up here in Beverly across the bridge, but if the bridge needs to be destroyed...

Where at? Portland is a hipster town so there's plenty of art, theater, microbrews and the like. There's sometimes fire jugglers in the old Port, that's pretty cool.

Not really something to do but Google our Governer Paul Lepage, he raises Trump levels of butthurt from the locals and left wing bloggers.

Its NYC, West CT Annexed by NYC/NJ, Brink cities along the river/ valley, and New England CT

Portland is a decent cultural spot. It's going to have a lot of leftist, but there will also be some blue collar people around. NE is great in the summer time, really hard to beat, but the winters are tragic.
I get all that. The puritan ethic is a key part of the state and country. I can actually imagine a religious revival happening here, but finding allies who are agnostic would be hard.

Has anyone wondered about the Irish vs. Yankee thing? here's a paper on it:

Bottom line, it should have been reconciled by now. People need to stop the butthurt. Cousins need to stick together.

I read that the british didnt expect much from the dissident colonists at first, but when they looked like they were getting ahead, they figured they better get them back onside. Supposedly many of the people involved were british operatives. The plan was to make the puritan elite look like idiots and discredit them. Parallel project was to support dissident denominations that opposed a tithe to the church to strangle them economically and again leave the field to only people backed by british gov money/resources.

no, the progressive nutobs are all over, in part the computer and medical industry and ivy league schools

or just schools in general

manufacturing left so poorfag working class moved south, only niggers in cities and libs/ degenerat under 30 anarchists remained

the foreboding feeling is the genetic memory all massholes have of getting stuck in traffic on the pike between amherst/springfield