The space meme is a toxic fantasy that lets people play fast and lose with our own vast and beautiful Earth because we can dream about going to the stars.

>Space is not romantic, it's a hellhole of muscle decay, bowel problems and incontinence.
>The only planets we know about besides Earth are literally different kinds of hell. There's no reason to want to go there.
>We are earthlings and we belong on Earth. If you would rather live on mars you aren't human. Mars humans would devolve into lower hellish organisms because of the total shit conditions.

Space dorks can go to hell. Fucking betas want their lives to be like science fiction.

>inb4 beta bookworms start arguments about pop-sci.

When was the last time you were outside?

When did you last shower?

Be honest.

When was the last time you made an argument?

I am outside everyday, all day. Showering is for goys, I swim in the lake and shake it off like a dog.

you cant compete white boi

The only logical evolutionary course for human beings is to interface with technology and spread out off the home planet to continue to exist and grow population. This planet is fragile overloaded and a ticking time bomb as it is.

Anyone who makes the argument that commercial development of space and colonization is bad is a literal ignorant gibs me dats nigger.

And it's especially hilarious seeing a swede post something like this you are literally the worst people on the planet and totally backwards and degenerate.
You should all be fucking nuked from orbit and sodomized for ten billion years in the after life.

God fucking dammit I hate swedes I would swear on a quaran that I hate fucking swedes if it would make you people die faster. Fucking disgrace to the white race all of you.

>I live like a dog
>yet I have an entitled right to argue with humans about how living like a filthy mongrel is a good thing

I really want to be the one who orders your nation nuked with a trident missile Salvo. Your entire history is cancer like this even during both wars. Fucking end your lives already I mother fucking hate sweden pewdiepie is literally the only good thing you have ever produced ever.

>commercial development of space and colonization

Yeah ok. Deep sea oil drilling is barely economically viable but somehow space mining is gonna work. Never dude. Space is only viable in the beta economy of little pubic-hair covered gnomes that read sci-fi and play games all day. I'm trying to set you guys straight and save you some time and money.

I swear to God and I post this entirely unirionically:

If I ever get the chance to nuke a country as a commander or policy maker I will either order your country destroyed or order it traded to Russia.

You absolutely deserve to die out fuck you.

I used to feel bad about what happened to Sweden but I finally after all these years understand. You literally are all such insufferable fucking moronic retards and always have been as a culture that you deserve to end.

From the bottom of my heart fuck you I hope you get raped and honor killed by Muslims. Cock sucker.

>t. NATIONAL socialist that's afraid to show his country flag

Talk about delusional. Nationalism is seeing the problems and dealing with them. You are an impotent escapist. Goddamn men without chests.

>antifa mindset

Go to your room. It needs cleaning.

borkbork you bugman

>spread out off the home planet to continue to exist and grow population.
>lacks basic math skills like multiplying, has opinion about science
god damn you are a fag

Not afraid at all.

Gas yourself
Not at all. Swedes deserve genocide because they have proven themselves to be the nigger of the white race.

Antifa would never pass judgment on someone or something based on merit or lack there of. Don't you have blacked threads to post shill?
Nerve gas yourself
The fuck are you even talking about.

You fucking cucks refuse to gas niggers and worthless races and continue to listen to kikes and let them breed endlessly without control. You won't dare do population control because muh diversity Hurr fucking durr yet you magically expect the biosphere of this planet to continue supporting all this fucking bullshit.

You are the ones who don't understand basic math. Learn the law of fucking averages nigger if you keep dumping people onto the planet the planet will eventually cease to be habitable.
>durr space is dumb give me my gibs dollars

Either start gassing niggers and chinks or colonize space. There are no alternatives.

Fuck all of you biggest waste of time ever this site has truly become infested with leftist cancer

>It's another scienceboy

More than half of human brain-cells are in the part of the brain responsible for precise movement. We are built to EXPERIence! That's why we make EXPERIMENTS. Word-thinkers are so useless.

FUCK SPACE there i said it xD

In this day and age, the swede is completely and absolutely right. Space exploration and large scale space travelling/mining are distant dreams.

In the future we will see how it develops.

I'm confident that in our lifetime we will have regular mars trips, perhaps as vacation.

this meme has to stop

lay off the weed moron, i agree with you, colonization of space is the only solution but gassing is not an option
image related

Earth is beautiful you fag. That said, we still need to expand beyond it otherwise one random catastrophe could wipe out our entire race.

The red angry frog is right, you Swedes are anti-human. You hate yourselves and your lives so much that you've become malevolent towards everyone else. You're malignant, like a cancer, and will do everything in your power to destroy everything good and just and beautiful in this world.

There are a few of your kind still deserving of the name "man", like Marcus The Lion and his comrades, but they're the outliers. I weep for them, for they are my brothers who fight an unwinnable battle. How can you save a Folk that wants to extinguish itself, and everyone else with them?

The ugliest parts of nature are infinitely more beautiful than anything purely human. Men only create beauty when they are in harmony with nature. Just watch some TV and you'll see only ugly. Then take a walk.

Humans need to continue to expand to space, the moon alone has huge amount amounts of minerals in it's surface from asteroids plus space colonization needs to happen so human population in earth decline and nature will come back up

mankind is the skin disease of earth
fucking acknowledge it

There's a lot of overlap between people who live in fantasy and people who are afraid of death and decay. I'm not afraid of dying. All humans should die, the best die well.

You don't understand what the true spirit of nationalism is.

Man is part of nature, and so everything he creates is natural, you disgusting post-modernist creature.

There is beauty in nature, as well as great ugliness. And so is with the works of Man, great beauty counterpointed by great ugliness. To think you can have one without the other is childish and churlish, to imagine everything of man is ugly and everything of nature beautiful is outright demented.

>Space is not romantic, it's a hellhole of muscle decay, bowel problems and incontinence.

Wrong, space is romantic. My 2D waifu lives there.

>The only planets we know about besides Earth are literally different kinds of hell. There's no reason to want to go there.
We just don't know enough about the planets. Need to go to them and find valuable resources to make our lives easier.
>We are earthlings and we belong on Earth. If you would rather live on mars you aren't human. Mars humans would devolve into lower hellish organisms because of the total shit conditions.
I want to go to Mars so fuck you.

Don't you know that martians can never be humans? The moment you leave earth the human in you dies. Humanity is soil and history, you can try to be that as long as you can or you can be a rootless bugman for eternity.

They don't have to be fucking distant dreams number one.

Number two if you always just roll over and go "pooh woe is me nothing will ever be good maybe someday Hurr now give me free shit gubbmint" you will find that things NEVER improve.
The attitude you just describe is exactly why China Russia and most of the Middle East and North Africa are still complete and total shit and stuck in the fucking stone age with people who act like animals instead of people. Because they accept and embrace meteocraty instead of doing something about it.

Kick that can all you want you are just fucking yourself.

And tldr PS even though he's a damn tax funded gibs nigger at least one company in this country is at least trying to build affordable hardware to do SOMETHING as opposed to nothing.

Here is the truth:if you and your culture give up on the future and trying to build a better world for those who come next you literally have absolutely no fucking reason to live. You might as well gas yourselves because you are sucking up the ever more finite resource everybody else needs to live. So if you TRULY believe all that Marxist garbage about muh diversity do the truly diverse thing and off yourselves so the niggers can have more resources to piss away.

You don't even know the meaning of the word, creature. I spit on the graves of your ancestors.

For once I agree with the Amerifat.

Sweden should be destroyed. Or at the very least we could take it wipe you acandocucks out and take all your women and resources.

Clearly you don't need them.

what if a meteor is coming that's so big that all the nukes we have can't destroy it? our only option would be to escape into space. it's a low probability, high impact event.

>hey take the good with the bad live and let live all's well that ends well

You are either a nihilist or a vegetable.

You're talking premium bollocks, mate.

Not as low probability as many think comrade

BUG! Men live in the forests and the mountains.

"in this country" should read
*in America at least*

Also there are a lot of cultures it would be nice to not share a planet with anymore. They exist on earth by virtue of reproducing before starvation and Europeans not bothering to civilize them.

You are a swede both of the aforementioned are preferable to being (you)