
The worlds getting crazier every day Sup Forums. Is it end times?

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it was end times 2000 years ago

the point is to know that you will die, and the world will die.

Yes, people have been saying it's ending for centuries but it's definitely actually now.
Fuck, you are retarded.

No, it's just the end of western civilization.

>Is it end times?

Serious answer??

Yes. Almost definitely... Tensions are way too high. Especially on the Korean peninsula and in the Middle East.

US has also blocked Trump from being able to lift sanctions off Russia.. So US-Russia relations are going to dip further, whilst NATO gets nice an cosy camping next to Russian Borders.

If WWIII with Russia/China/Both is averted... You can definitely count on a holy war with the Middle East and racial civil war in Europe.

We are fucked.

>this is unironically it, the apocalypse

Wow it's late. I'm really sleepy. I think I might go to sleep.

Are you sleepy user? I am... So... So.. Slee- py..

Apocalypse means late 14c., "revelation, disclosure," from Church Latin apocalypsis "revelation," from Greek apokalyptein "uncover, disclose, reveal," from apo "off, away from" + kalyptein "to cover, conceal," from PIE root "to cover, conceal, save."


In other words, it means the unveiling of what was hidden, which is exactly what's been happening lately.

This is just business as usual. Everything is like it always was. No Apocalypse Incoming.