fucking baysed yuge bigleague

this is absolutely how it should be 99 + percent of the time

you invade a country fuckers

www dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4609868/Trump-govt-cancels-Obama-policy-illegal-immigrant-families.html

Other urls found in this thread:


why do we still have DACA faggot?

sjw on suicide watch

Adios mexicanos

make the "newborns" DACA recipients, none of this "safe" now us citizen shit

im not a fag btw



just remember, wether or not Trump is a good president, everything ends in his presidency and they want it that way. But regardless before we all blow ourselves up, pic related,




styx is going home to Mexico


Doing what needs to be done.


Any sjw tears regarding this yet?


Prays kek!


There is a real chance that Texas will be purple in 2020 and blue in 2024. Do Republicans really want to go this route?

>Moist Ann Coulter pussy tonight

Can't wait for all the retarded illegals to protest this making them even easier to be spotted

please let them block traffic and be run over by based pontiac sunfire of justice

this is an inevitability. not just because of this however


The Department of Homeland Security announced late Thursday that it is canceling the program that would have allowed the illegal-immigrant parents of American-born children and green-card holders to remain in the U.S. The program would have granted them three-year work permits and protected them from deportation.

The program, known as the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA), was created by a 2014 executive order signed by President Barack Obama. It would have prevented the government from deporting an estimated five million illegal immigrants now residing in the U.S.
The other Obama-era executive amnesty order, called DACA — Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals — which was signed two years earlier, in 2012, and did go into effect,


I can't. I'm getting really sleepy. I bet you are to. Let's just nap.

fuckin based

Now We know who is the one we are going to kill next



Well, how would you have it otherwise? Continue rewarding illegal immigrants for breaking the law? What is your alternative?

>Sup Forums supports the exile and deportation of their fellow countrymen

I don't know this board anymore... wow.....

Before liberals start ineffectively making fun of Trump for having orange spray tan, let me remind you of a harsh truth:

Obama had a Super Majority in the house and senate for his first two years. He could have passed any immigration legislation he wanted. He did the bank stimulus and Obamacare instead. Now you have nothing. Blame Trump if you must, but always remember that Obama was feckless and easily distracted.

What are you on about?


Punishment for leaks and taking a shot at Scalise.

He should repeal DACA, too.

He should shutdown the government, too.

Because Trump isn't doing anything to remove or stem the tide of illegal immigrants because its the exact opposite of what Republicans want which is cheap labor.

pls get rid of daca now

>Obama's biggest accomplishments were an economic bailout that any president would have done, and a shitty healthcare bill that's crashing and burning
Why do libs pretend this guy was good again?

inb4 a judge blocks this

I am for not being heartless fucks, for one, and not fucking over US citizens based on alleged principles.

A child citizen should not be pulled away from their parents because their parents happen to not be citizens. It is unethical and inconsistent considering we allow non-immigrants to marry US citizens and become valid residents (who get pushed up the line for citizenship).

Oh fuck off with your feelings, we need to get rid of birthright citizenship foreigners ASAP. Child citizens can choose to go back with their parents. Also, DACA and DAPA have to do with illegals anyway.

Get the fuck out my goddamn country beaners.



>opposite of what Republicans want which is cheap labor.
Meaningless with a third world population.

How many anchor babies who can never be deported are there in Amurica?

I know you're just in this for (you)'s but anchor babies aren't my countryman. I want a constitutional convention to remove their citizenship and deport them. I'm ok with having some nigs tho - i just don't want to be forced to hire them.


Nice. Seriously if you want to legally migrate to the US, you need papers and other shit to legally enter and settle there.

Jumping the border which many illegals do never works.

I thought this was around before Obama?


"T-t-they can leave to another country" is not a valid response. Until you repeal the 14th amendment, this is how it works, cupcakes: They are US citizens and they are children, and the US has an obligation to do what is in their best interest as much as they would any other child. Forcing them to go to another country (that they may not even be a citizen of) is unethical and illegal. If it happens to be that the best interest in the child is to have their parents stay in the US with them, then it is only ethical for something to be worked out with the parents, for the sake of this US citizen.

Funny how you guys are all for "principles" and "following the law" until you run into a law you don't like.

You know the children can go with the parents if they want right? 4D chess anyone? HAHAHA

You don't have to force them to leave retard. You give them a choice since in most cases they are dual citizens. It's not complicated.

In the case where the kid refuses to leave, just shove them in an orphanage somewhere and forgot about them.

> Until you repeal the 14th amendment, this is how it works, cupcakes

Yeah, that's why I said I want a constitutional convention to change it. You know we can change anything we want about our laws right? We can have a constitutional convention to make owning slaves a right if enough people agree on it.

>Funny how you guys are all for "principles" and "following the law" until you run into a law you don't like.

These guys are libtards by another name.

Foreigners having births in the USA are the biggest scum there is. Many chinese fly in for their births to get their kid citizenship. I have no sympathy for these scumbags who bend the system to their will. OUT OUT OUT

This is of course the goal

The kids don't have to leave. They will go with relatives or foster care.

Doing things via executive order and expecting them to last

what a fucking madman
>"the children can stay!"
>"i have a big heart!"
>"but the parents have to go"



Please stop spewing the same old left talking points.

Do you not understand that net migration into the US is negative? Illegals are leaving the US of their own volition because they're afraid of the political climate in the US.
Trump's existence is enough to scare them off. Any future legislation to punish illegals, or remove their handouts and more of them will be leaving in droves.

The wall is matter of factly being worked on, it will get built.

Isn't this going to have the parents continue to live hidden? A lot of these ICE captures are of people who they have a record of whether they were in some legal migration law or jail or whatever. What will they do about people who just live quiet while waiting until the kid is 21 to get legal status?

Hello yes, I have decided it's in the children's best interest to keep them away from criminals. Now say goodbye to your father, Jose. He's a criminal and he HAS TO GO BACK.

>Funny how you guys are all for "principles" and "following the law" until you run into a law you don't like.
>all this projection

Spewing the same old lefty talking points.



They all need to go home. After Katrina tore up Mississippi, the illegals flooded in to steal reconstruction work and put many here who needed the money out of work. And they drop, drop, DROPPED their babies. Consuella with her stair-step urchins swiping her EBT has to end. Our schools having to provide ESL materials because these kids cannot speak English has to end. They all need to go home. They are using their children as ANCORS. This is why they are called ancor babies. They all need to GO.

Our government won't even deport 3000 known terrorists ffs.



Tommorow some judge in a court in California will rule that it's Illegal for Trump to reverse Obama's executive orders.

it expires next year
why get rid of a list of names?

there's nothing to block, it's basically an EO

>Tommorow some judge in a court in California will rule that it's Illegal for Trump to reverse Obama's executive orders.
I laugh, but this will probably happen

Explain the Travel ban

B-b-b-but he's also letting the Dreamers stay!

why does everyone act like living in mexico is so bad? I thought the world was a beautiful place? they all wave the mexican flag and burn the american one so they must love mexico right?

>I laugh, but this will probably happen

It will 100% happen. These Obama appointee judges do not give a fuck, because they know Republicans are spineless and they will suffer no consequence.

When the Republicans are willing to start impeaching judges for challenging their democratic legitimacy, maybe some things will get done.

In the meantime I'll just have another shot of whisky and wait for white people to find their balls and start repressing these lefticles like they deserve.


Prepare for alcohol poisoning, friend

Shut up faggot. If the kid doesn't want to be taken from his parents then he should be thrown out of the country.

Frankly they shouldn't even be citizens. Illegal immigrants to do not deserve to live in America, period. I don't care where they were born.

For now until the next Democrat or disaster hits south America I don't know there's probably a major difference between enacting and getting rid of an existing executibe order.


The travel ban was about adding a new policy whereas this is about removing an existing one. That doesn't mean someone won't try to stop it, but it is a lot harder to justify legally.

My angus is peppered.

I'll give you these digits for strength

remember how every good american action movie would include the president saying; we don't negotiate with terrorists? and how every irl president were so cucked they let pesants who broke into their country stay forever?

god bless Trump

Trump showing he can do somethings. But not enough to save whiteness.

>mfw can't even get a job as a dishwasher in CA
>straight out the military, apply in the fields, restaurants
>lost out to a dude that didn't even speak english, saw the manager palling around with him in spanish as I walked out of the restaurant

Must be cheaper or something, they have to go back

Thank you Trump
Really, thanks for this

This isn't going to change our ability to track them, just loosen regulations to make it easier to get rid of them we do find them.

Is this supposed to surprise me?

Almost got me with this bait dood

We should ship the children out with them I agree. :^)
We should repeal the 14th

Winning, Bitch.


>It's more just empty rhetoric. He's actually sending them all back.




Yet Im still here, a DACA recipient, and by the looks of it Im not going anywhere.

>DREAMers are the one immigrant group Donald Trump seems cautious about going after

>"We're going to take care of everybody,” Trump told ABC News’s David Muir on Wednesday. “Where you have great people who are here [and] who have done a good job — they shouldn't be worried."


>Trump tells Dreamers to 'rest easy'

>President Donald Trump said Friday that Dreamers, a term used for undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children, should “rest easy” about his presidency because his administration is “not after the Dreamers, we are after the criminals.”


Why didn't you archive?

>vox com/policy-and-politics/2017/1/26/14398660/trump-daca-dreamers
>politico com/story/2017/04/21/trump-dreamers-rest-easy-immigration-237463