Yes it is transformational i you stick with it. Also try to add other good habits too.
Levi Butler
Almost a year on nofap. It's mostly just a meme with the superpower shit, but it does make you feel a lot better. >remainder that if anyone gives you shit for not tapping, it's because they have a problem and can't admit it.
Brody Robinson
you mean if you pair it with sports/healthy diet/study ?
for how long have you been doing it?
Kevin Bennett
arent all those sex-ed teachers shilling for you to fap because its such a good experience and youll discover yourself blablabla?
are there any scientific researchings on that? or something you can measure?
Jason Davis
Yes, when I was taking sex-ed as a wee-lad I remember my teacher saying it was completely normal and natural and it helps you find yourself. As I look back I realize how much it controls you like a drug. This shit is not healthy.
Julian Wood
it's irrational and unnatural.
animals masturbate. nofap is nothing more than torturing yourself to find and chase woman.
Ryan Perry
Goddamn rough, you'll "relapse" a few times for sure. It's easier since I'm married and get sex semi-regularly, but we also have a 1yr old so no privacy and almost always tired. NoFap makes sex amazing, and if you're not browsing /fit/ atleast go read the sticky. Rippitoes Starting Strength is essential, and NoFap will increase your testosterone and help you get swole. Overall it just made me happier. I think about sex less than before, and when my wife and I do get to bang it's incredible, no fantasizing or having to stop to get hard again or anything.
Kevin Johnson
All you'll get is the "nofap causes prostate cancer" schtick, but people forget that wet dreams will regulate your prostate, and they're better than fapping.
Brayden Howard
Skeptics say it doesn't work because they're expecting to be able to literally fly but you do feel better. I keep relapsing after about a week. But my respect for myself has improved