>They Live
>(((They))) Live
Is this the most red pilled movie ever created?
>They Live
>(((They))) Live
Is this the most red pilled movie ever created?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a close second to Eyes Wide Shut.
Its cheeseball but I love it.
one of the greatest works of humanity
No but this was.
The Animatrix was infinitely better. I'm sorry.
We need more movies allegorically talking about jews. Or not even with allegory.
Videodrome is also part of this series of redpill enemas
They Live isn't red pilled at all. There's no mind control involved. People are naturally drawn to salacious material.
Gay, but was somehow kind of based.
Something something bubble gum
into the trash it goes
Whatever you say, it paints an accurate picture of society in the future.
I remember when he was wrestling "Playboy" Buddy Rose in Portland and pulled down his pants on live TV. Must have been 1980 or so. RIP, Roddy.
I love how effortlessly badass this movie is while also being corny as hell. Don't know about the most red pilled though.
In the beginning, there was man. And for a time, it was good. But humanity's so-called civil societies soon fell victim to vanity and corruption. Then man made the machine in his own likeness. Thus did man become the architect of his own demise. - Animatrix, Second Renaissance
They Live is a great B that exposes (((them)))
*B movie
Watching all of these, plus those mentioned already, will give you an insight:
Wag the Dog
Fahrenheit 451
12 Angry Men
Stand and Deliver
Blackboard Jungle
The Woman in Red (look at the cast and the extras)
Ace In the Hole
Baby Face
American History X
To Be or Not to Be (1942)
plus propaganda films
this movie is pretty obvious socialist propaganda, really laughing at all you teenage alt-right retards fawning over it
jews are too powerful now, he is just saving his ass
Carpenter just doesn't want to commit suicide with 2 shots to the back of the head.
Why isnt Eyes Wide Shut and Falling Down on this list. Add Taxi Driver too
Yes... Yes it was
>that scene when the corporate bigwig drops the red pill
Great flick.
Pretty good flick. I got the Japanese B5 poster along with a few other 80s movies.
>plus those mentioned already
Taxi Driver is edgy, but redpilled?
Redpilled in that it describes the degeneracy of our culture and what a true hero looks like in a feminized society
Ironically, Carpenter made this during the yuppie epidemic of the 80s, but you can apply it to (((them))) aswell.
Just waiting for the "Escape" movies to become reality (bigot president, one huge prison wall... we'll get there, eventually)
Add Interstate 60. Kinda cornball like They Live, but it's an awesome esoteric flick. Plus Michael J. Fox gets wrecked by a streetsweeper in the intro
Greatest fight scene of all time
>muh They Live muh hidden message
Eat that ultimate redpill Sup Forums. Pic related engraved the image of the almighty jewish in the brains of a whole generation of western kids.
Why arent these posted more often
Why is eyes wide shut redpilled?
It's complementary
Why wont they make a remake?????
This shit was so fun
>People are naturally drawn to salacious material.
Particularly under the influence of certain drugs and food/water additives.
they are but not in that fucking ants size you fucking retard
nice thumbnails
great lemme just get my binoculars.
Bridge on the River Kwai
>explains autistic anglos self destruction
what is redpilled about it; A cheating wive being a sub whore to exclusive rich boys club, because women will never satisfied with what they have?
I guess this is red pilled too then
sorry thats all I have, it works for me
>story about merchants covertly controlling the world, plus orgies
>written by merchant
>filmed by merchant
>merchant filmmaker gets silenced by the merchants portrayed in the film
It's like goofy
because It reveals the elites satanic sex abuse rituals and their true power level
It's a shit movie trashing consumerism, capitalism, and anything else that middle schoolers rave about. If I told you faggots kikes hate it when you eat your own shit you'd probably do it. Fucking idiots.
>2D women are best
Yes, it is redpilled.
For you
F wrong file
wow small cant read fggt
fuck hes dead?
clearly Blade was the most redpilled movie
based non-racemixing tyrone fighting the eternal anglo
this one is on par with They Live
Unironically will be the movie I show to my kids to start the ball rolling on red pills. It does the first, and probably most important, red pill perfectly, consumerism is soulless.
Fucking kike loving bluepilled faggot. Fuck John Carlenter up the ass with a big rubber dick
>muh capitalism
What capitalism? All the problems we have come from government, not anything to do with free markets
Isnt Demolition Man red pilled as well?
2 men thawed out in a leftist world much like how liberals want it today? no racism/ insults/ bigotry/ sexism yada yada and no guns.
pic related is literally the duology that destroyed liberalism and the left's saviour-complex.
also check out some other kino from Lars von Trier like Antichrist and Nymphomaniac, those films are basically blackpills about women.
some other pol-related kino:
Punishment Park
I Stand Alone
Elle (2016)
Michael Clayton
have fun with those, my dear anons
The "matrix" (foreshadowing of faggotry and feminism)
How ironic that John is helping the Jews when a plot point in THEY LIVE was that celebrities helped the Aliens subvert every other human. And it's pretty obvious that the Jews got to him since the movie has more parallels with Jews in society than Yuppies, especially with the previously mentioned plot point.
Koyaanisqatsi. 1982
This actually is pretty pol-esque
Not sure if the evil politician was a republican or dem tho
what's Sup Forums about Michael Clayton?
This is a 4D chess tweet. Use your head.
Any /X/ list without Flatliners is incomplete.
Except jews play a big role in this "unrestrained (((capitalism)))"
The fight scenes are the best ever.
Actually coordinated and articulate.
i got the feeling that it was very redpilled about lawyers and corruption.
reminded me a bit of network in a weird way.
a schizophrenic lawyer that starts talking the truth about the corporations he worked for literally gets an hero'd...
>His mother considered herself a Communist, while his father was a Social Democrat. Both were committed nudists, and Trier went on several childhood holidays to nudist camps. His parents regarded the disciplining of children as reactionary. Trier has noted that he was brought up in an atheist family, and that although Ulf Trier was Jewish, he was not religious. His parents did not allow much room in their household for "feelings, religion, or enjoyment," and also refused to make any rules for their children, with complex effects upon Trier's personality and development.[89][90]
>He periodically suffers from depression, and also from various fears and phobias, including an intense fear of flying. This fear frequently places severe constraints on him and his crew, necessitating that virtually all of his films be shot in either Denmark or Sweden. As he quipped in an interview, "Basically, I'm afraid of everything in life, except filmmaking."[92]
>On numerous occasions, von Trier has also stated that he suffers from occasional depression which renders him incapable of performing his work and unable to fulfill social obligations.[93]
>In 1989, von Trier's mother told him on her deathbed that the man whom von Trier had thought was his biological father had not been, and that he was the result of a liaison she had had with her former employer, Fritz Michael Hartmann (1909–2000),[83] who was descended from a long line of German-speaking Roman Catholic classical musicians. Hartmann's grandfather was Emil Hartmann, his great grandfather J. P. E. Hartmann, his uncles included Niels Gade and Johan Ernst Hartmann, and Niels Viggo Bentzon was his cousin. She stated that she did this to give her son "artistic genes".[84]
>"Until that point I thought I had a Jewish background. But I'm really more of a Nazi. I believe that my biological father's German family went back two further generations. Before she died, my mother told me to be happy that I was the son of this other man. She said my foster father had had no goals and no strength. But he was a loving man. And I was very sad about this revelation. And you then feel manipulated when you really do turn out to be creative. If I'd known that my mother had this plan, I would have become something else. I would have shown her. The slut!"[85]
>After von Trier had had four awkward meetings with his biological father, Hartmann refused further contact.[88]
>Known to be provocative in interviews,[41] von Trier's remarks during the press conference before the premiere of Melancholia in Cannes,[42] caused significant controversy in the media, leading the festival to declare him "persona non grata" and to ban him from the festival[43] for one year[44] (without, however, excluding Melancholia from that year's competition[45]). Minutes before the end of the interview, Trier was asked by a journalist about his German roots and the Nazi aesthetic in response to the director's description of the film's genre as "German romance".[clarification needed][46] The director – who was brought up Jewish and only found out in later life that his real father was a non-Jewish German[47] – appeared offended by the connotation[clarification needed][48] and responded by discussing his German identity. He joked that since he was no longer Jewish he now "understands" and sympathizes with Hitler, that he is not against the Jews except for Israel which is "a pain in the ass" and that he is a Nazi.[46] The remarks caused a stir in the media for the most part presented the incident as an antisemitic[49] scandal.
Needs to be doctored to /pols specifications
I have no idea why no /polack autistic retard has not gone through different scenes of the movie and replaced the space zombies with the Merchant
saved for future reference
I'm of the belief that Kubrick exposed some of the satanic rituals that the elite play around with via film and they offed him because of it. The orgy scene itself has been altered with strange and arbitrary cuts. A lot of film buffs write about it. Theory holds that Tom Cruise's character saw a ritualistic murder and the studio couldn't handle it so they removed it. The symbolism of the movie is quite interesting. Even the street names have a certain meaning - stop the movie whenever you can see a street-name.
>On March 7, 1999, six[281] days after screening a final cut of Eyes Wide Shut for his family and the stars, Kubrick died in his sleep at the age of 70, after suffering a massive heart attack
>He never saw the final version released to the public,[182] but he did see the preview of the film with Warner Bros., Cruise, and Kidman, and had reportedly told Warner executive Julian Senior that it was "my best film ever".[183]
>tfw she gets chained up in Dogville
>tfw she fucks a slave in Manderlay
My dick just keeps getting harder and harder.
It liked this movie. My girlfriend and I watched it and now it has become the basis of many discussions.
Can anyone think of similarly themed films?
>>tfw she fucks a slave in Manderlay
most fun part is that she doesn't even want it but is afraid to resist because it would be "racist", it's like they foreshadowed the left's current attittude towards rapefugees...
That was part of animatrix too
Nicely done
oh wow
Angry Birds is one of the most red pilled movies of all time