Is it him?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, Hitler didn't die, it was all a ruse to fuck with the Russians and Americans.
>pretending to be white
Pretty sure Hitler was not 128 years old.
No, too many skull differences that can't be explained away due to old age.
I would imagine being 128 years old would make you claim a lot of things.
If he was alive he would be 128 years old today.
Jesus fuck, just take his pants off and see if he has both nuts. It's not that hard.
That's a parody site
Don't mind, he is from Salta, its like our wonderland.
>128 years
At that age you would only need to lift up his trousers for that.
>His autobiography will be released in September.
Pre-order it where?
he probably steps on them
I thought his birthday was in august.
You're thinking of
thread theme:
That's probably why he said he was, he was simply seeing eagles after stepping on his testicles.
No, it's 4-20
Damn, that's fucking sad.
It is him. We need an AMA asap.
Nah, Hitler is inside the Earth right now getting ready for the final battle.
April 20th.
>420 lmao
CNN is criminal though
Sorry but it's not true. The war aged Hitler like no other, he had Parkinson's and his doctors kept him medicated all the time. There's no way he would make it to 128 if he wanted.
>blue eyes
This guy celebrates 420 for the wrong reasons
Well, lets see this autobiography.. it should have enough details to prove it;s him.
There might honestly be something to this. Just how many people can possibly live to 128 in a shithole like Argentina?
>Even if the elderly man’s claim seem rather questionable, they have sparked an animated debate in Israel and in the American Jewish community concerning the future of surviving Nazi war criminals.
What the fuck is this stupid fucking piece of shit talking about? Why did he add this in there?
please let this be true kikes Btfo one more time by good old Hitler
And that's the thread folks.
The only wonderland in Huegentina is the airport, where you can leave that shithole.
Someone could probably do a DNA test really easily on him to find out instantly if his story is true. I would guess that Hitler's old possessions could be swabbed for samples and compared to this guys DNA and they could have the results next week if someone wanted to do it.
lmao imagine a retirement home filled with Sup Forumsacks LARPing as nazis
His body guard didn't witness the body being disposed of...
I don't know what to think about this.
My dad didn't think he was someone else when he had dementia. He forgot where he was, who was around him, thought he was somewhere else, etc. but it all came from him. He didn't take on a completely different personality of someone he heard about.
So him having dementia seems weird to me, he could be just a former nazi and attention whore but having straight up dementia seems too hard to keep a ruse like this
This is ALSO why Trump does not have dementia. You just fuckign cant..
>World News Daily Report assumes all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. All characters appearing in the articles in this website – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any person, living, dead or undead, is purely a miracle.
>when they take a few too many puffs on their pass
Fucking jews stole my hearing aid again.
big if true
There are some uncanny similarities in that picture tho...
Compare the left eye. Especially the upper lit. The exact same shape.
>He says his book will be written under the name Adolf Hitler and should be available in September.
you're a fucking retard
Uncle Adolf has living relatives.
Nah, different nose and ears.
>44 fucking posts so far
Jesus fucking Christ.
death sentence now?
yeah this guy is onto something why not just take hitlers remains and compare them to this guy
That's really really sad, he looks so happy to be Mr Hitler, don't take away his dreams
You mean those things that grow with age? Lurk more
Can he be Fuhrer of your heart?
The real question is, why does this shit thread have so many replies?
Wtf but cnn told me it was Trump
She's obviously only saying that to protect him from someone assassinating him or putting him in front of a firing squad. Not exactly bright to go around claiming to be the most infamous mass murdering dictator of all time.
It's 4/20 in this timeline.
It was in August in my original timeline too because my Dad used to joke that my Sister was almost born on the same day.
Do you have the heart to tell him he didn't kill 6 grillion Jews?
You can just google it instead of being wrong
pls stop ;_;
Ok, redpill me on argentina, Sup Forums.
are they /ourguys/ or what?
It's never too late to make your memes reality. He should just gain power and gas the jews in Argentina before he dies
Has Hitler yet weighed in on the Russian collusion?
I always smoke a doob for Mein Fuhrer.
Seriously though? Is there anything you guys can do to stop CNN and the like just spewing blatant lies and propaganda to the masses? They are basically a foreign power intervening and operating within your own country.
You have to admit he does have a striking resemblance though. The curvature of the ears, the trademark nasolabial folds, the brow bones, his thin lips, his head shape. It's all there. He even has the Hitler smile.
I'm a doctor and it is plausible that this man is literally Hitler.
If he really was Hitler then he must have his old uniform or something that only he had.
Lobes, eye sockets, brows, stuff changes with old age due to gravitational pull.
This is actually a very interesting picture...
The shape of the eyelits are very similar. The ears would be rather consistent if you take aging into account. Hitler had slight overarching brows, taking aging into account this would be consistent too... with his eyebrows being stretched inwards into the sockets. The overall shape of the skull matches too.
When looking at old pictures, sometimes you'll see a slight dental declination.
Its an interesting pic.
OP you dumb motherfucker you linked to a satire site.
Good to see that the mods are on top of things today
look to the actions of our "barbaric and uneducated " ancestors
they were correct then, and they are correct now
argentina is white
It would be hilarious if it was true
No. Hitler had Parkinson's disease and was showing signs of insanity. On top of that, he was under extreme stress at the time of the war.
It's highly improbable that he would have lived a decade past the time he died, let alone one seven decades.
Yeah, but that's obviously the old version of Hitler's waifu from this photo from the 50s.
Big if true.
Lol, no. Pic related is their flag.
Would be funny, also confirming the nazi secret expermients were a success if he lasted so long.
My great grandpa was a German National Socialist in the Luftwaffe . He died of cancer in Germany when I was 2 though. Although he did hold me on the one time I was able to visit him. That picture of men and the old man is all I have of him. The reason I bring this up is because this guy looks a lot like my great grandad.
Party pooper
Thats The Holy Mecha-Führer to you, landstrider
He doesn't look like a faggot to me
He did have blue eyes though, retard.
He's got a jew nose now now though.
>baginning to lose his mind
>128 years old
I want to believe...
Idiotic. Hitler was a junkie whose health was failing near the end of the war. Even if he had survived the war, he wouldn't have lasted longer than a few years.