Explain to me why this country exists.
Explain to me why this country exists
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because blond eyebrows.
Because of your mommas cock faggot
Because the flag has a cross, Jesus loves them.
Because people who spoke the same language thought it was a good idea to unite, much like any other country in existence.
Because Holger Danske
I don't know
I hate this shitty country
polser and tuborg
they are so polite (more than brits and leaves together)
they are hyggeligk
use your own flag Svensker
Muhammedaner! UD!
Det är hennes halvsyskon Bubba. Hennes pappa var negerkung i Afrika.
Because that's my Papa
>even back then Sverige was cucked
>"Min far er negerkonge!"
Hvorfor Sverige? Hvorfor?
It exists to control the passage to the Baltic sea. If it weren't for the Netherlands then Denmark wouldn't even exist. It would have been annexed by Sweden. Netherlands couldn't allow that because it would make Sweden to powerful so they keep to Denmarks aid during the siege of Copenhagen
Grandiose delusions (GD), delusions of grandeur, expansive delusions or megalomania are a subtype of delusion that occur in patients suffering from a wide range of psychiatric diseases, including two-thirds of patients in manic state of bipolar disorder, half of those with schizophrenia, patients with the grandiose subtype of delusional disorder, and a substantial portion of those with substance abuse disorders. GDs are characterized by fantastical beliefs that one is famous, omnipotent, wealthy, or otherwise very powerful. The delusions are generally fantastic and typically have a religious, science fictional, or supernatural theme. There is a relative lack of research into GD, in contrast to persecutory delusions and auditory hallucinations. About 10% of healthy people experience grandiose thoughts but do not meet full criteria for a diagnosis of GD.
because you rebelled against your betters! Like the savage negro the Swede will stab you in the back the movement you show them mercy.
Nice proxy faggot
Thank god for that. Netherlands are our greatest ally. Once europe lies in smoldering ruins from islamic terrorism, danish and dutch men will rise from the ashes and rebuild EVROPA to its former glory. And we will kill every last swede in the world.
Explain why the dutch would come to your rescue when the danes were literally starving inside Copenhagen. The swedes had you surrounded on practically every corner and were waiting the danes out to surrender since they were on a clock but suddenly the dutch arrives to defend Denmark. Clearly they didn't want Sweden to win and control the entirety of Scandinavia because it would have been to close and too powerful for the Netherlands.
>tfw you realise Denmark is LITERALLY Legoland
>breathes in
>implying we even want that German infested clay
Build Dannevirke!
Get em Sven
stop scandibaiting you fat USAnian piece of shit
KAMELÅSÅ, Danskjävel
Pathetic gay asshole country with obnoxious posters
Do you have any idea what you sound like?
Hej Sven
We exist to make Lego and windmills.
Superior race of people
we let them
because they were too tough for german hordes
What one is that again?
Atleast they don't let every fucking sandnigger in their country. (im looking at you sweden)
this guy is better.
also quarter polish
Muslim kys
Swedish law is retaining you for calling her father nigger king, that's why the original was banned.
Whatever you say captain Cuck.
Because Denmark is a meme.
We voted in the 20s, the danes didn't want it because nothing can grow on that clay.
Somewhere has to be the best where.
Vikings is a faggot series. The vikings from Assterix in Britain the movie are more authentic.
When in need of wood and wheat, create a country out of this mess along this big ass river
and two tags to describe one person
only zyklon ben could have been behind this
>nazi and democrat flag
Can't be a coincidence.
Yeah. If the guy who drew that gets stampede by feral muslims, I will laugh myself to sleep for the rest of my life.
Who picks toothpaste for a flag?
Retards whose language sounds like Arabic and are rapidly working to turn their society to fit the profile.
So Sweden can have something to aspire towards.
Who are they selling land to? Colgate?
Pile of shit that isn't even nordic. Their greatest king was half-slavshit and they still brag about "we wuz angles n shieet"
Because they live on an island, and built lots of boats.
Our greatest king was Gorm the elder you cuck.
>isn't even nordic
He was half slavnigger, that's not nordic
One drop of nigger blood is too much.
True. I guess Denmark isn't Nordic after all.
Only Norway, Sweden and Iceland are Nordic. The rest of the subhumans should kindly fuck off