When are we going to deal with the Irish problem, pol?
When are we going to deal with the Irish problem, pol?
We need another famine.
That and poison liquor. Wipe em all out in 2 months
Leave the Irish be. They produce hot AF qts and are generally white. Plus, they produce white children and that is never bad.
Race war first.
The Irish aren't a problem, we are white. Fuck off.
We first remove the Jewish British influence keeping them down, and then they're fine. There's nothing wrong with the Irish.
Thanks m8. We love America.
Come home white man.
The Irish are the niggers of Europe, no better than a Slav.
>The Irish aren't a problem, we are white.
We wuz micks and shieet
You would love America, Subhuman.
when will Americans quit LARPing?
Remain the most based country in the EU and American business will always look to you for a home. Most Americans worth having are gonna be Protestant though.
mein gott freckles are disgusting
the irish might be cucks but they are citizens of the same islands as us...leave them alone you dividing shill cuck
Ah yes the eternal Jewish threads trying to turn whites against the Irish all the time the Irish of whom are the whitest people on Earth.
With my cock.
>tfw no qt potatonegress
But the Irish are not white.
durka durka indeed
This is now a ginger qt thread
sunlight, force their kind into burqas.
I legit started looking into moving my business there when it looked like Hillary was a sure thing. Ypu can basically buy a castle for a nickle.
Reminder that this is now a ginger qt thread.
>be blonde
>be blue-eyed
>be so white you burn on short car rides
>"hurrr durr you're a nigger"
Someone enjoys dividing what is left of the white race.
>When are we going to deal with the Irish problem, pol?
Breed with Irish girls.
The resulting child will be pure white and will have a human soul unlike its sinister half-fae mother.
>Christchan approves such tasteful images.
Seriously, what the fuck.
So sick of these "Y-You're n--not wh--white!" threads
A face without freckles is like a sky without stars.
Good question.
>American flag
Well obviously the grand strategy is to form a coalition of whites large enough to participate in a real race war, then profit from the fallout.
English, Irish, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian, etc., are all diverse enough to be different, and that's a good thing.
Why would anyone want even Barcelona and Lisbon to have the same party scene? Fuck that. All we need to do is lead the world in everything for most of civilization, with less weapons of war this time.
We need slavery to come back so you can fuck off and know your place again. Were white your not. Nigger Faggot
I don't care, but if you harm my senpai over there, I'll murder you so hard you get get killed completely to death forever
says Pablo, safe behind his black nationalist flag.
We need to start utilizing the Irish as mulattoes and Ethiopians have utilized the lesser negro in the past. They are foot soldiers, they are content to be drunk and poor and steeped in the arts perpetually. We get our nation back with an army of nationalist paddies, they get to wail on niggers and pump out more cannon fodder
You cannot, we are already inside you
When you quit larping with our confederate flag, faggot.
Love you based forefather!
>people that make "you're not white posts"
Fuck you why don't we use the "muh whiteness" castizo hispanics that actually have native admixture?
The irish are more white than 90% of europe btw.
>irish problem
what op really means is
>ginger problem
>problem with some of the greatest leaders in history
>the group that has the ability to overthrow the entire status quo
>Vladimir Lenin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, William Wallace, Winston Churchil, Dwight Eisenhower, Andrew Jackson, Fuck Tons of nobility in Europe
the "hate against ginger" thing is created by (((them))) to maintain power of the current system.
>Beautiful druids and elves
Kill yourself
You say irish but you mean german
jew op. sage. you need jesus christ you kike op.
>Pre-Germanic Europeans
I wonder who's behind this post