Take our women back thread

Stick with me lads. This is somewhat complicated, but I think I found a glitch in the Matrix:

>Be Me.
>White Hetero Male. 8/10. average intelligence. Could afford to lose 10-15 fat units.
>generally "funny" but "offensive" probably because I'm a white edgelord.
>do want qt3.14 to make bebbies.
>"Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth." and
>"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children."

Also me:
>No Kikebook, Islam-gram, SnapChat, Tinder. only user shitposting for me.
>social outcast because I don't care about pop-culture.
>Hard to have conversation with 'modern' women. They all seem to want to talk about InstaBullshit.
>No can talk about substantive stuff like:
>taxation is theft,
>ethno-nationalism is reasonable,
>and how jews and niggers dindu nuffin and want to kill whitey.

wat do? how have women become so emotionally closed-off? What makes them so inaccessible as humans?
How is it nearly impossible to have a conversation about things that matter?

(cont. 1 of 4)

Because I'm a man that wants to do something about it, instead of acting like a lazy nigger who just got a welfare check:

How I can build meaningful interactions with women that are deeper than "netflix and chill" and "did you see what outrageous thing Kim and Chloe did?"

>run Hypothesis.msi
>go to local creek on a sunday.
>kids, families, and qts go to cool off during summer.
>good vibes, good weather, good nature.
>init qt_status_check.exe:
>Age_verify.exe ... at least 21 (18 is legal, but too creepy for a guy my age)
>Fertile ... appears disease and child free.
>Not degenerate ... good bone structure/no deformities.
>Clothes ... Lululumen yoga gear top to bottom.
>Makeup ... Not hiding mutation. Not trying to "cover up my ugly."
>Hair ... blonde. groomed. pretty.
>Sunglasses ... not cheap.
>marriage status ... no ring.

>Make bet with my bro that tagged along:
>"If qt doesn't have an instagram, I will marry her."
>Pray to Jesus to bring her near.
>Her Dog-bro walks over. she chases.

>Me to her: "Hi there, do you have an instagram?"
>qt eyes light up with what could be described as pride. (dopamine rush)
>qt: "yes!"
>qt expects me to ask for her handle.
>Me: "Thanks!" smile coyley. wave her off.

This may seem like it's pretty fucking normal. sure. girls have instagram. whatever. nbd.
Until recently, I've been pretty ambivalent about social media.
what happened next flipped a switch in my brain and now I'm on a Crusade.

(cont. 2 of 4)

Ask a simple question, get a simple answer, and have a predetermined response. Easy Peazy.

Here's where it gets real:

>20-30 minutes pass
>Notice qt keeps looking back at me every ~2 minutes
>Appears confused. Made (shitty) attempts to get my attention.

In retrospect, it seems clear she was wondering why i didn't ask for her handle.

>init Brain_think runtime

doing a post-mortem on the situation, I was able to discern that this little interaction initiated a happiness cycle:

1) Dopamine Primer: asking qt if she has an instagram catalyzes her neuropathways to a pleasure center (IG and positive associative thoughts). the question also creates the (micro) stressor of "Unresolved Question"
2) Seratonin drip: qt is thinking about how it makes her feel significant or important. she relives the good feels. she wants to share those good feels and resolve the open question.
3) Endorphin rush: endorphines are released when a stressor is resolved. it is associated with pain reduction etc. saying her IG name would have given her the Endorphin Rush she wanted.
4) Oxcytocin release: the "love drug" that builds trust and intimacy. it is released during orgasm (for guys and girls). Animals kill their offspring if oxcytocin channels are blocked.

This little interaction small, simple, miniscule, is tied to Instagram. Instagram gives you an Insta-Gram of happiness. Just like watching porn and fapping.


So, learning what I did from that interaction, Test Reformulated:
>>Take random survey of qt's on street.
>>"Do you have an instagram?"
>>Observe responses
>>Record results

(cont. 3 of 4)

>White Hetero Male

Stop right there criminal scum!

You're only chance is in a church, and it is now forfeit.

Based on my "IRL shitposting" here are some of the results (Sample size >100):

- 95% of women aged 20-35 have instagram or some sort-attention-span social media. (%90 confidence interval)
- 4 categories of users:
- The Prideful (aka Insta-Models): IG is a means of identity expression. IG is Love. IG is Life.
- The Glutton (aka Like-Whores): "Y'all got summa dem Likes???"
- The Hopeless (aka trend-kites): IG is a means of feeding off of other's self esteem. followers.
- The Indifferent (aka Friend-followers): Must have IG or else they are the group outcast.

Further Testing Required:
- Exactly How addicted are /OurWomen/ to instagram?
- How is that addiction any different than physical drugs?
- How can we disrupt these embedded patterns?
- How can we rehabilitate our women off the drug?
- How can we remove instagram and replace traditional values as a pleasure center?

How does IG affect their:
- ability to develop strong social bonds? (oxcytocin etc.)
- opinions on men, family units, and child-rearing?
- self-worth/esteem?
- Perpetual State-of-Mind?
- Thought Patterns?

How does instagram (and social media in general):
- Enable the cancer known as Feminism?
- Foster unrealistic social constructs?
- Make women inaccessible as genuine human beings?
- Feed them bullshit endlessly?

>MRW Instagram is a Globalist PsyOp that is ACTIVELY taking our women away from us.
>MRW Instagram is the memetic equivalent of False Idol Worship.

We need to go to war on instagram to make it socially undesirable.
We need to build a case to show that social media companies are praying on people's minds.
We need to show that social media, "likes" and "follows" are just-as (if not more) destructive than a meth addiction.

tl;dr for faggots: instagram is the common thread across the social layer that is poisoning the hearts and minds of our women with 'progressive' kike-ery and it needs to be abolished immediately.

For all the non-faggots who want to reclaim western civilization and our western women from the hands of the jews, what do you think?
What do you say Anons? Are any of you with me? Deus Vult?

Is operation #InstaGoFuckYourself a good name?

Also, RedPill, CivicNat, DeusVult, Anti-Feminism, and bumping with Tay.

>"1) Dopamine Primer: asking qt if she has an instagram catalyzes her neuropathways to a pleasure center (IG and positive associative thoughts). the question also creates the (micro) stressor of "Unresolved Question"
2) Seratonin drip: qt is thinking about how it makes her feel significant or important. she relives the good feels. she wants to share those good feels and resolve the open question.
3) Endorphin rush: endorphines are released when a stressor is resolved. it is associated with pain reduction etc. saying her IG name would have given her the Endorphin Rush she wanted.
4) Oxcytocin release: the "love drug" that builds trust and intimacy. it is released during orgasm (for guys and girls). Animals kill their offspring if oxcytocin channels are blocked."

Or you could just be a nice and normal person user. It's not this complicated.

Fuck that shit.

that stuff is all retrospective analysis. I was a normal fucking dude, but the reaction I got from the interaction made me realize how deep the IG addiction is

Forgot to mention in last post,
>no measurable goals
>no measurable effects from those goals
>no desirable effects from those goals

What did I miss?

>ugh, "not your personal army"
>shameless baiting of different flags with your disingenuous buzzword throwing

Don't Disappoint Tay.


Might as well

>inb4 retard alert

I did spell your as you're, so there's that. also saging

okay memelord.

>no measurable goals

Understood, but not unaddressable.

>No measurable effect

See previous

>No desirable effects from those goals

maybe open some people's eyes up to the blight that Instagram is and maybe... just maaaaaybe provide a better lens to understand social constructs, how they exist, and how to disrupt negative social patterns that exist from shit like IG.

That's some food for thought.

>personal army
not looking for that. I'm doing this on my own anyway

>disingenuous buzzword throwing
which ones?

oh my... "you're"

However can I recover?!

grow the fuck up and say something meaningful

Did you just learn how to code, you r*******

Instagram is poisoning young women's minds with filth

If you're actually 8/10 and not totally autistic getting a qt would be no problem.

This is a pretty autistic thread desu

>Learn to code

>not coding.

women are addicted to their phones. we have to stop this insanity.

it's not. but i'm not looking to have some inferior woman carry my seed.

The prettiest girls are most attached to their IG... mostly from narcissism. I find this unacceptable.

first get off the internet
second go outside

if your not autistic than you should find something offline to do to entertain yourself, and you will eventually meet females who share the same taste of entertainment as you

your dick will lead you from there

>sex hair

I guess this is the best autism I have to give...

We must stop the hegemony.

God I would lift every damn day if I had the chance to fuck her.

digits confirm. about to get out and go have a drink with my homies and do some IRL shitposting. been working on this one for a few days.

Find good women. All of us.

You're not going to find the perfect woman with absolutely no flaws. You take the good with the bad and hopefully get more good than bad.. Then they'll probably adapt to your beliefs because that's what women do..

start with pushups.

Pushups are better when you think about how you're actually lifting the world, and not the other way around.

agree. my worst fear is this:

in the times we live in, I fear that social media will become a filter between the relationship that I deserve to have with a woman.

>did you just learn how to coding?

Don't settle for subpar women.

depends on what you're trying to code.

What do you mean "Will become" it's already that. Sexual liberation of women and the normalizing of non-martial sex has destroyed the nuclear family and will ultimately attribute partially to the destruction of the west.

Now women can just go on tinder or whatever else and ride the cock carousel thinking it has repercussions, and it fucks up their ability to bond whether they realize it or not.

There is literally no situation in which "how to coding" is grammatically correct

Is this fucking bait? You sound like a self absorbed autist. You're also not an 8/10 if you could stand to lose 15 pounds.

>Find Woman
>Have a deep connection with them.
>Share Goals and Aspirations.
>Work together.
>Make traditionalism socially acceptable again.

>if your not autistic

Keep dreaming boy


You're right man. It's a disgrace.

soooo many fucks not given about your grammar fetish.

not bait. I accept your criticism. we could all do a little better.

Bro... you've got shit all manner of FUCKED UP.

You may consider yourself a
>normal guy

but I can tell by the way you are analyzing women in a general sense that you are not. You don't "get" women they way my
>normal guy (ie. 5-7/10 semi-fat and half bald but still swam in pussy and now married with 2.5 kids)
friends are. I'm basically Chad so I can;t offer my personal perspective... since it doesn't matter how it appears to me. They are all whores in my book with a few RARE occasions of 8-10/10 women raised by a firm chad dad of their own. Those are diamonds who basically fell in love with their alpha dad and stayed good until their dad gave them away to the next one.

Women are simple as fuck. Just make them feel safe and AT THE SAME TIME... always have them thinking that you will take the safety they get from your presence away if they DISPLEASE YOU.

You can set the rules as to what those behaviors that cause you displeasure are... and they WILL FOLLOW IT... but ONLY if you CAN PROVIDE THE STATUS THAT THEY SEEK.

If you can not then either
>A) Step your game up to get more $$$, Muscle, or (most important of all) SOCIAL STATUS AND RECOGNITION!! (I'm a Musician and an easy 8.5-9 according to every chick I've met that wasnt related to me)

>B) Lower your expectations or stay INCEL and shitpost threads like these (preferably onn or other MGTOW forums for butblasted dry-dicked whiners.

It's really that simple. Everything else is some fag trying to sell you false hope attached to his E-Book on how to still be a loser with women but now $4 poorer and missing however long it takes you to read his 150 pages of bullshit..

>Research and record dopamine levels of women you ask about instagram
>Post results on Sup Forums
>Expect any woman to want you

Don't let cultural Marxism destroy traditional women and traditional family values.

I look like Hiters wet dream. Just show me where you want me to spread my seed user

Race mixing is degenerate

finally someone who says something that I agree with.

I had to get this off my chest.

With all the shit on the internet, it's hard to make sense of it all and I realized that social media is a huge hurdle when looking for the type of girl I want.

my last GF was totally addicted to it and ultimately it broke us apart.

this is autism we dont need , but deserve.

into the lions den. go to a big city, find a good woman, redpill the fuck out of her. acquire real estate and propagate. pretty simple.

trying my best.

Don't let the world tell you it's okay to have a subpar existence. Don't let the degeneracy take hold.

The man is the state. The state is the man.

Build better families.
build better communities.
build a better nation.

Thanks anons. Time to go get a beer and find good women.

Hey has anyone ever gone on social media, changed from male to female and noticed and differences in propaganda? Targeted advertising and subliminal messaging. Lots of times it requires a gender or irns. I don't do social media desu but just curious.

then you understand WHY they are so addicted to that shit right?

It's merely an exploit of their fundamental desires as a female (social verification/validation from "the herd/group")

YOU need to be the one to replace that.
If YOU can not be a desirable enough mate/status provider (least of all a "resource provider... they'll ALWAYS CHEAT on those for a social status provider)... then you need to drop your mate choice down a digit or two on the 1 to 10 scale... That;s really all there is. It's the free market in it's rawest form. Women don't technically belong there though... it causes all manner of sociological CANCER within the system... but they ARE HERE... so you gotta

and if you don't want to...
B.) REFORM IT (but don;t listen to the beta MGTOW fags that are now falling for the "Islam is the ANSWER!!! QT 3.14 Hijabi virgins 4 all!!") BULLSHIT... because it is a thing now.... Muslim Brotherhood Operatives are GOING HARD on the psy-Ops within the /r9k/ and MGTOW spergtard communities.


(This is a drunken public service announcment from Chadwick McChristopher)

>replies to my posts thrice about grammar
>realizes he us wrong

well said chad.

This thread is shit. Stop LARPing.


i dont care about tay tay and her fishy wet hole

get a life and stop overthinking what is essentially a person of a different sex.

the white race will not die out without your sperg sperm,european culture did not die out with indentured slavery in third world colonies so why would it die out with a few immigrants?

start being rationally selfish.

OP, I actually like what youre saying. Maybe break this idea to the weeknight crowd. You may get a different reception. I dont use social media either but when I did I mainly shitposted. But on the rare occasion I would have a nice pic all kinds of thirst lords came out of the woodwork. Im a pretty qt gril but obviously an autist or i wouldn't be here all the time , and if you'd have asked me if I had an Instagram , my reaction would have been the opposite my face would fall thinking of my poor self image and shit. But my answer would have been "Fuck no", and you'd have came in your pants. I agree that otherwise good women are ruined by this false vanity, and very early now too. You even have mothers condoning their young daughters to be cute online because all they care about is social capital. My only idea is to actually infiltrate Instagram with memes about modesty and virtue. Memes are really our best weapon Or tool for any op. For yourself maybe try Catholic dating or better yet, a church. Or get an Amish girl to fall for you. As for saving other women, I still say work from within and meme about beautiful traditional girls . it will make thots feel inferior. I know that because it personally inspires me to be a woman of character. Good luck and see you in the next thread. #operationinstagram #saynotovanity

Did you marry any of the 5% you autistic faggot?

This was the cringiest I've read in a while.

If you want a woman you can talk about politics, economics and taxation, you shouldn't go for 18 year olds. You go for women who are educated within the topic and personally experienced, aka working, earning bucks, feeling the effects of taxation and who are politically awake.

We are on Sup Forums and you are surrounded by men circlejerking around politics, immigration, race and women all the time. However Sup Forums does not represent the entire population. In real life, there are tons of men too who doesn't give a fuck about politics or economics for example.

It's seriously your own fault and stupidness to expect that some 18yo is the kind of a woman you are looking for. Or did Sup Forums brainwash you to think that you should find yourself a strictly religious teen to wife up? Welllll all I'm telling you is that you are as delusional as a fat uggo feminist expecting to find a 6'3 tall, dark and handsome man with six pack and six figure salary. Get real.

i don't even care about women anymore
why even bother

this whole thread is just you shit posting your autism

how about you let roasties roast ? those women need to fucki g fall out of the gene pool, you don't need to pass on degeneracy.. a child grows in a woman for almost a year, if she is degenerate there is no hope for the child no matter how 'based' their white knight dad is.

and don't reply saying 'fuck off schill'

new levels of autism in this op

>break this idea to the weeknight crowd

you mean reddit right ? yes.. yes they would eat this up

>>No can talk about substantive stuff like:
>>taxation is theft,
I wonder why this guy can't get a date...

This kind of beta bitch threads make me rage cause YOU and your inaction are the reason young single white girls are dating nasty ugly shitskins.

Literally all you have to do is put on an alpha act much like nigs do and talk to women. I'm a 6/10 autistic edgy 1/2 white on a good day and I have no problem talking to pure aryan 8/10s and above. Complement them, don't let your meekness show, sell yourself, make it clear you want to take them out on a date. Girls have the mentality of a low IQ child so they won't give a fuck much less understand actual politics or society, so keep your mouth shut about that. Most do however understand whites are superior, so it's okay to ask them if they dated a nigger to filter out the coalburners.

And for dogs sake, get the fuck off the internet.

Hats a natural response,that's why joking and fucking with their reward system works,simple supply and demand,if you become a well behaved doggie then you become worthless,but then again that is for roasties there are some nice grills who aren't self centered whore out there,i have only found one such grill and i was retarded enough to let her go,basically she liked me enough she would trust my autism and if I said something was one way she knew I was autistic enough to be right 95% of the time compared to the unwashed masses.

The main goal ain't tricking their reward system by denying them rewards the best trick i know is tricking their reward system with your penis,so cardio up and be fit,the good thing about young qts and virgin was that your penis would always do the trick due to the lack of comparisons now thanks to (((empowerment))) grills are kept unhappy cock addicted reward seeking social approval junkies and most man are unable to have grills miring them enough to overall trust them about grown up shit.

off topic but isn't that a fake quote by Aristotle? Or is that a liberal lie?

Good quote nonetheless.

something about tay tay and nazi imagery is just perfect. insta boner.

I don't know as far as I'm concerned it could be a fake quote since I haven't read it in any of his works,it might be fake since its attributed to a well known name but then again he as most philosophers held sparta in high steem, was a barbarophobic who disliked non greeks and wasn't so fond of mob rule and democracy/populims so he could have said so.
That being said,to me it holds true if you look back into history i think they turn weakness into a virtue out of frustration and impotence.

thanks doc

Based on OP I thought this was leading to asking girls if they have Instagram and then surrending them as a pick up tactic. As in, waiting for them to get ansy and then exploring the dopamine crave to get their phone number instead.

this type of autism belongs on /r9k/