I'm thinking of going to a psychologist. Procrastination, crippling anxiety and emotional baggage are ruining my life. But I'm afraid to meet some commie doc, get addicted on pills and listen to blue pill bs.

Other urls found in this thread:“psychiatric-drugs-provide-no-benefit-and-are-dangerous”/

In psychology, everyone is already redpilled.

You get paid to help people come to grips with their blueness or redness.

Or maybe they have compartmentalization or inner fears etc...

But mostly, everybody already knows.

I'm afraid to tell my parents that I want to see a psyc. They're going to think I'm crazy.

Seeing psychologists has always been a paradox for me. Patients have to tell the truth to get better, but if what you say leads them to believe you're going to kill yourself, or hurt others than they are obligated to tell the police or have patients hospitalized. So you must tell the truth, but why would you want to?

user, my best cure for things like that is spending about half an hour each morning somewhere quite. It can be reading a book or painting, or even doing nothing, as long as it is quite.

Silence is a source of great strength

You should definitely not avoid psychological treatment for this or that or the other reason. You wouldn't avoid going to doctor with possible skin cancer because he might be a commie.
They won't, everyone and their grandma is seeing some kind of therapist. Kind of awkward meeting all your friends and neighbours in the waiting room.

Omfg that isn't what they do. That's a meme created by autistic depressed losers who can't face up to their problems and are too narcissistic to admit their life sucks, they're a mess, and need to change.

No one "puts you on pills" unless you're freaking out attacking people and need to be tranquilized.

It's called "Consent", it's actually a pretty nice asset.

Just be honest and don't lie about shit. Dumbest thing in the world is deceving someone who is trying to nonjudgmentally help you.

Try it out user, go in with some kind of mental clarity, use a Journal and stay based despite everything. Then they can only help you and not brainwash or bluepill you too badly. Also try to use pills for limited periods only to get back on track. ALL mental health improves by improving your general biological health, but eating healthy, exercizing, socializing and doing good shit like meditating, swimming and IDK is HARD when you´re fucked up mentally / emotionally.

tl;dr: Go in with a bit of cynicism and carefullness, take meds only for the period it takes for you to improve life habits, and gl hf.

The family courts are forcing fathers to see psychologists in order to have time with their children.

This is a really fucked up situation because dads know that everything they say can be used to have their children take away from them. I was in this situation and it was a nightmare. I'll never go back to them for fear of flashbacks similar to a war veteran

Read Propaganda by Edward Bernays, then watch the documentary 'The Century of The Self'

That's all you need to get started.

>redpill me on X
Sage, ignore, or report spam.

GTFO We're having a nice, thoughtful debate. The other posts are more interesting than the 20 top threads combined.

Very much related:

There are different branches of of psychology. Some are more red pilled while others are the purest form of blue pill that you will have the misfortune of swallowing. The 2 branches that are blue pilled and aimed towards selling snake oils are psycho-somatic and psychiatric leaning psychology. Here the therapist usually convinces the foolish patients to admitting mental problems they don't necessarily have. After the fish has bitten the hook the psychologist presribes some expensive medication or behavioral therapy that tends to increase the patient's dependence on their therapist. Operant conditioning is the only form of psychology that is red pilled. The patient is advised to confront their problems rather than dulling their senses or increasing their dependency on some garbage therapy. Self inflicted punishment and voluntarily indulging in measured rewards is the only type of therapy that actually works in the long term.

>I think I'm crazy doctor
>I think you are crazy, take these pills.

>chemically altered consciousness states so you aren't crazy
>Non-drug induced mental state is crazy

Psychology is medicalized politics. The inquisition wing of the science temple.

Enjoy getting fucked.

Went to psych, got no help, I fucking laughed at old dude

Every single mental illness, including personality disorders, stem from childhood abuse.


I've been prescribed lithium and deliberately refused their blood-tests so my script couldnt be renewed. I'm not a criminal or an involuntary suicidal so it's no problem. Be wise.

How are you posting from the 1950's?

CBT is what everyone uses now and it's the most reliably effective, statistically.

Take what they say with a grain of salt and research any shit they try to do /give to you

all you will ever need.

Some (((doctors))) today don't even search for the root of the problem, they just (((fix))) the problem

Is there any case of doctors blackmailing patients? I don't want my skeletons to be used against me down the road.

the real redpill is understanding Bernays is right. He didn't create anything, he simply refined what mother nature put in our systems and that people have to be deceived and manipulated.

1984 and Animal Farm are timeless books and best sellers, but people will ALWAYS fall for the tricks in it.

japs and their weird fetishes ...

psychiatry is a BOGUS SCIENCE

12 Part essay that exposes psychiatry as a bogus science

Inventor of ADHD: “ADHD is a fictitious disease”

Co-Founder of DSM admits there is no way to scientifically prove that mentall illness is real

One year old babies and younger being put on psychiatric drugs

Psychiatric Drugs Shorten Life Span by 15 years on average

Psychiatry is based on lies and falsehoods

Psychiatry is a fake science

Every human emotion is now a "mental illness"

Ten Myths about Psychiatric Drugs

Studies show psychiatric drugs have no benefits and are dangerous“psychiatric-drugs-provide-no-benefit-and-are-dangerous”/

Psychiatry is now giving 3 year old children drugs

Psychiatric drugs make you sicker

A few free eBooks talking about how psychiatry is a massive hoax

A list of THOUSANDS of psychiatrists who have committed crimes against their patients

Read The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind

>go to a psychologist
>"i...i don't feel too well doc, i'm scared to leave the house these days because of all the terrorist attacks, I'm starting to fear the future because nothing is been done to stop it and everyone wants to open our borders to these people"
oy vey, take these medications goy, you are unwell, maybe a week in the psyche ward will fix you.

Well, a psychologist can't prescribe you pills. They might suggest you also see a psychiatrist if they feel like medication might be helpful, but it's your choice.

>being a pseudoscientist

he said psychology

Red pill yourself with some JBP.

Find a good therapist. Avoid pills.

Sort your health out (your vitamins and stuff, especially iodine, very important). If you don't feel fuckin swell and fresh then no work on your psyche will really help. Takes time to understand, do your research. Again GET YOUR NUTRIENTS. Doesn't matter if you quit sugar or whatever, won't matter if you're deficient in iodine, B12, vitamin D or whatever.
Then read and listen to smart, wise people. Alan Watts is great and very accessible. It's not bullshit. Then go into deeper psychoanalysis (Zizek and so on) and understand how much say you have in the direction of your own mind.


there is no difference, you utter fucking retard

psychology is studying human nature

psychiatry is treating mental disorders and studying those specifically.

maybe if you weren't a little dumb dumb brainlet, you'd know that.

>psychology is studying human nature
you're a disgrace to the fascist flag, you absolute retard

Psychology is a meme. Changing your life depends on you alone. Hold onto what is important to you (family, education, work, etc) and go from there. If nothing matters to you find something that does (or go ghost).
The medication they give you fixes the symptoms, not the problem itself.
Either fix your life or ghost yourself, either one is better than the limbo you would be in meds.

Shut the fuck up

OP, I'd recommend writing down things you think that you find problematic. Read them back when you feel good. Try to remember how you felt as you wrote it. It will start to illuminate the thoughts that bring you to bad places. It will also help get those bad things out of your mind and on to paper to be remembered outside the mind.

You need to fix your mental state.

Also, you need to start going out and meeting people. Seriously, socialization is important for the human psyche. There is a reason no human in existence likes being ostracized by others. Self-ostracization is one thing, but if you don't have control over it, it's agonizing.

Find people you can see and talk to and be with. You need more than text. You need body language and emotion.

Every field of knowledge has a half life of different time spans. For psychology it's 7 years. The human mind is the most irrational thing in the world and psychology is a collection of that craziness trying to be objective about themselves.

You dont need a psychologist. you have Google.
If you can't use Google then kill yourself.

The base-line anxiety is caused by knowing the jews did 9/11.

You are anxious because you natural instinct wants to behead jews in the street and see the gutters awash with the blood of beheaded jews, but you are programmed against it.
Cognitive Dissonance is killing you.

Seeing a psych is actually much more normal than you'd think. If you feel like it'll help you should go for it. I don't know your family, but most families would support you in a situation like that. Speaking from experience I've seen plenty of psychologists. My friends know that I have. It's not a big deal

have you tried just having a better diet, going outside more, and getting exercise/working out?
and get some tang every so often

Depends on the country user. In Eastern Europe all professors expect for (((arts))) are conservative due to most of them having history in opposing the Soviet Union. Getting on some drug addiction in the STEM field is generally unavoidable. I am currently studying to become a medfag so due to the tight time constrains, loneliness and lack of money I am using benzos sparingly to keep me sane and to push trough the grudge. Psychology is generally redpilled because it deals in assessing bullshit so libshits can interfere only minimally.

Just tell them you don't want any medication. If the psychologist is pushing you in a direction you don't think is helping then just see a different psychologist. Good on you bro, getting out to see them is the hardest step.

he is right though, you degenerate french moslem cocksucker.

"psychology" is the study of the mind and it's various conditions, both healthy and abnormal.

psychiatry is actual physicians tring to cure your mental illnesses.

a physiologist my study the body and it's various conditions, but he is NOT a physician and can not take a bullet out of your ass or excise a tumor.

you need a real doctor for that.

psychologists do not take the hippocratic oath (not even the watered down modern version) and can not "Treat" any condition.

you need a psychiatrist, who is bound by the hippocratic oath to Do No Harm, and by various legal protections and medical ethics to guard your secrets to the grave and beyond.

psychologists can be compelled by the courts to give testimony and turn over notes.
you would do better seeing a priest than a psychologist, at least the priest cant be compelled to talk about your sessions

see a real shrink, or at worst, a priest
never set foot in a "psychologist" office.
that would be crazy.

Oi fug I though you wanted to become a psychologist! My bad guys ignore me.

psychology is a branch of science
psychologist don't exist, you're actively visiting a wizard\tarot reader for all it takes
either you visit a psychiatrist or nothing
and that's why psychiatry is a bogus science
even further, you're just arguing semantics about useless roles, psychology is the study of the mind, psychiatry is the medical branch of psychology, they're basically the same thing, only retard lefty liberal arts majors differentiate between the two because "muh therapist"
so yes, you're also retarded, my dear amerishart

> lithuanian doctor
> high as fuck on benzodiazepine
> go in for a hernia operation, come out with a heart/lung transplant from some gyspy vagrant down by the docks
> now afflicted with the clap, heroin addiction, 3 kinds of cancer, lupus and herpegohonnasyphilaids.
> still has hernia.

thats why eastern european medical degrees are LESS respected than even cuban degrees

>Oy vey, I cannot in good conscious allow you to prevent me from fulfilling my oath to do no harm. Your son is a girl, his penis must be removed and you will obey my decision to give him these pills. Let's not get the police involved. It is my medical opinion you are mentally unfit to be parents. I'm calling the police. I will not allow you to cause harm.

sorry guido, but youre retarded.

psychology is HooDoo, witch doctoring, ritual magic, mindless bullshit.
science requires the examination and evaluation of EVIDENCE, and Feels are not evidence.

psychiatrists are actual physicians, they are qualified to take a bullet out of your ass.
psychologists are faggots who never went to med school, never did a single rotation as an internist, and never received medical certification or a license to practice medicine

psychology is as worthless as late night "nutraceuticals" infomercials or the "wisdom" found on "naturopathic health blogs"

TL;DR version:
psychiatry = real modern medicine
psychology = faith healing for atheists

Top kek.

dumbass. only psychologists "diagnose" trannyism and "treat" it with hormones and dick removal.

psychiatrists treat gender dysphoria (the actual condition that is often mistaken for trannyism) with meds and talk therapy until you stop wanting to chop your dick off

go ahead, try to find a single instance of a psychiatrist recommending "gender reassignment" or diagnosing "transgenderism"
it's ALWAYS a "psychologist"