Let's create the most fucked up genders! Tumbrl style

Let's create the most fucked up genders! Tumbrl style.
I begin
Perfect male: Ι have yy chromosomes and 1,5 dicks. Don't ask how

YY is lethal

Still wonder how a human with yy chromosomes would look like


Gender has nothing to do with chromosomes.

Explain your gender further

>1.5 dicks
its a dick with a half sized dick from the side of it
the bigger dick is used for insemination while the smaller one is used for urination

Almost right

there are only 2 genders and a couple of mentali ill people

Also people with chromosomes that aren't XX or XY actually exist and the vast majority of them don't think they're another gender. It's a birth defect and claiming it's a different sex is just plain rude. What makes you different from the SJWs who use real medical conditions that people suffer from to push their agenda?