tell me the truth about tobacco, i read on a a package today it damages the sperm and can make you infertile, why are ((they))) taxing the shit out of it, why do they have state funded campaigns to stop you from smoking ? take the US for example they cut down on smoking immensely after they campaigned against it. Why don't (((they))) want you to smoke ?

Other urls found in this thread:

Cigaretttes are trash and are full of stuff that will fuck up all sorts of things. Unless you smoke a pipe or your tobacco comes in a fucking log from south America youre not a "smoker", just a faggot with an oral fixation who wishes they had a cock in their mouth instead

Because not every aspect of the universe is infiltrated by imaginary lizard people hell bent on killing you

Cigarettes really don't contain that much more harmful stuff than pipes/cigars.
The difference is you don't inhale pipes/cigars, and therefore don't increase your risk of lung cancer, only oral cancer.
Oral cancer isn't really a big risk, alcohol also has been linked to higher oral cancer rates but dentists still recommend alcoholic mouthwash.

Nicotine is worse than caffeine. Only smoking heroin or meth or crack are worse physically than tobacco, and not by very much

i just went to london and i was shocked at how many people were smoking. it looked like america back in the 80's. but yes, cigarettes are trash as the nazi put it

it's far more expensive to treat cancers.

lung cancer has never been induced from tobacco smoke in animal testing. you'd think if it was so bad they'd be able to recreate it in scientific lab experiments, but no.

>Why don't (((they))) want you to smoke ?
Because it kills people painfully and slowly. In doing so, it causes massive damage to communities and adds a huge burden to healthcare costs at a time when they're already strained by an aging population.
They should just ban tobacco completely for being so harmful.

Tobacco is extremely stupid to get addicted to.
It is a massive industry. But you are paying them to get you addicted to something that has tons of negative effects on you and usually leads to dying of lung cancer.

Seriously it's not even rebellious, it's just fucking dumb. It's like cutting your dick off. You aren't cool and rebellious for cutting your dick off (or paying someone to do it for you), you're just fucking dumb.

Tobacco is the dumbest fucking addiction possible aside from heroin. If you use any tobacco, fucking stop and get a hobby.

google "tobacco lung images"

cigarettes are soooo good

I wish I still smoked, but quit in 2003.

fuck off - life causes cancer, obesity causes cancer, are we going to ban eating next? life next? USA has such overpriced medicine because its' legally sanctioned cartels

im paying to smoke which i enjoy not "to get addicted" fucking faggot
i know a lot of people who used to or still smoke that are doing great and ive also seen my fair share of people getting cancer that never smoked so why bother

I hope you're recycling your tobacco ash by sniffing it.
Also, angry addict detected.

nicotine is an aromatase inhibitor and supresses estrogen. Any dosing of tobacco when you inhale to the lungs is something to avoid. pipes, cigars, chew/snuff and vapes are superior.

There is zero proof that organic tobacco causes cancer.

Also nicotine increases testosterone.

Nicotine also increases iq


Japan has some of the highest smoking rates in the world and also has one of lowest lung cancer rates and longest life expectancies

American Indians smoked for thousands of years and never got lung cancer or any type of cancer at all for that matter before they left their primitive ways.

Dont fall for the organic american spirit trap though, its definitly not really organic.

Only place I know of that sells real organic tobacco is where you get the tobacco tax free as well ;)

>why are ((they))) taxing the shit out of it
>why do they have state funded campaigns to stop you from smoking
Don't smoke, take drugs instead goyim. Partially this Also, there is tobacco (smoking which is unhealthy) and there is cancer inducing chemical shit in the cigarettes.

The biggest redpill is that tobacco smoking is GOOD for you.

There has yet to be a single experimental study where scientists are able to induce lung cancer through cigarette smoke inhalation in animals.
In fact, low dose cigarette smoke exposed groups had LOWER rates of cancer in dogs. Humans have even better lines of defense against cancer, it makes no sense that humans would somehow be worse off.
Tobacco smoke suppresses various cancer growth factors---- the only smokers who get cancer are those who suddenly stop because these cancer growth factors like IGF-1, which were previously suppressed by the tobacco use, were "upregulated".

Even skeptics, I invite to read the illuminating works of Dr. Whitby on the matter, who asserts, not only does smoking not cause cancer, but has an array of health benefits.

>"Smoking is Good for You" by William T. Whitby M.D.

>"The Smoking Scare Debunked" by William T. Whitby M.D.

Smokers also have longer telomeres on their DNA, which is why Japan (with its high rates of smoking) has among the highest life expectancy rates in the world.

You are an idiot if you fall for the lies that smoking is bad for you. Also, only smokers of filtered cigarettes go on to get COPD because they have fibers in their lungs that cannot be removed.

If you don't smoke, get a pack of high quality unfiltered cigarettes. Trust me, it will be the best decision you ever make.

>aromatase inhibitor

This. Smoking literally makes you more manly. It does fuck you up in other ways but it's massively overstated.

also this

Seriously people stop being stupid. You see them trying to poison us every chance they get, food, vaccines, medicine, air pollution, chemtrails, water. Just use your brains for a second, they only launch massive propoganda campaigns to harm us. There has never been a massive propoganda campaign in our time that has been launched to help us

It supposedly causes 150 gene mutations per year of moderate use, but their measurements and such might not be so accurate.

on the rebel media they said it boosts your test levels.....maybe thats why they want it gone?

>Dont fall for the organic american spirit trap though, its definitly not really organic.

Correct. American spirit may be less shit than any other box cigs, but its still really bad. Do yourselves a favor and buy real loose leaf tobacco from some native americans or south america some time.

Because corporate tobacco is literally cancer, with all the flavor and other additives mass-produced ciggies have.
Grow your own, roll your own, smoke your own.

sources for all of those claims?

Could just be a measure to suck more money out of you wit taxes and such. A lofty comfy empire elitist cucks need to hide and spit on us from their ivory tower requires a lot of funds.

no need to look for native americans, go to and get it delivered. If that website didnt exist I wouldnt smoke at all, everything else makes me sick

also smoking prevents alzheimers look it up

listen it's pretty simple, was your body made to inhale a handful burning ashes worth of toxins on the regular, no of course not. Vices are terrible things anyway

>made to
b-but muh yankee ingenuity

Or grow your own shit.

posted December 29, 2000 01:32 AM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged
Is this it?

"A week ago I was reading an article on hormone replacement therapy, in the article it stated that women you are going through menopause or on estrogen replacement should not smoke since nicotine lowers estrogen levels. From reading this I decided to try to find out more about its anti estrogenic effects. From searching the web I found a whole slew of positive effects of nicotine. Most of the info I am writing comes from the Hippo, Hippo II and Fate of nicotine in the body reports. These are studies done on nicotine in the late 70’s.
Nicotine as an Anti-estrogen/Anti-aromatase

Nicotine works in two ways to lower estrogen levels. First it is an anti-aromatase like arimadex. Nicotine has been shown to inhibit the conversion of androstenedione and testosterone into estrogen in a study by the University of Utah School of medicine. Also unlike novadex or clomid nicotine is a true anti estrogen and not just an estrogen blocker. By this I mean that nicotine actually speeds up the degradation of blood estrogen levels. So nicotine causes a reduction in estrogen production and also decreases existing estrogen levels.

Regulation of hormone levels

When Nicotine is used on a daily basis it stabilizes the Adrenal hormones by acting on the Hypothalamus, which affects the pituitaries release of regulating hormones and increases GH release. This keeps various hormone levels stable during times of depression, or stress. That is why a smoker can have a cigarette in the morning to wake up and one at night to help relax.

When you stop using nicotine your whole endocrine system gets f_cked up. Your cortisone, and adrenaline levels take a nosedive until your natural hormone regulation takes control again. Fortunately nicotine does not seen to have a negative effect on GH release upon cessation.

Getting your natural hormone levels back in order takes about two weeks.

Help with PGF2a

In one study nicotine was able to reduce the side effects of the prostaglandin PGF2a.

Nicotine also seems to cause a release of prostaglandins, which favors the good prostaglandins like PGF2a.

Fat loss properties:

One study stated that Nicotine was possibly the most effective anti obesity drug available at the time that the study was performed (late 70’s). Nicotine has various properties that help in weight reduction while sparing muscle.

Reduced appetite:
Nicotine inhibits food intake via three mechanisms, first it elevated Adrenalin and Nor-adrenalin levels which reduces appetite. Next Nicotine itself has been shown to reduce the craving for carbohydrates. Great addition to a ketogenic diet.

Thermogenic effects:
The release of Adrenalin and Nor-adrenalin also cause a thermogenic effect similar to that of ECA.

Actual fat reduction:
Nicotine stimulates a very rapid mobilization of fatty deposits. This happens as quickly as 10 minutes after administration. The lipids are mobilized and free fatty acids are released in the blood stream in great amounts. The free fatty acids diminish quickly due to an unknown action of nicotine. Nicotine seems to help the body use the FFA’s for energy in an accelerated fashion.

Nicotine has an eight-fold weight loss effect on the system.

1. Reduction of overall appetite
2. Reduced craving for carbs
3. Thermogenic effect
4. Fatty deposit mobilization
5. Stimulation of FFA degradation
6. Estrogen reduction
7. Prostaglandin release
8. Growth hormone release

Negative effects of Nicotine:
1. Decreased Vit. C
2. Decreased Vit. E
3. Increased VLDL
4. Decreased HDL
So to counteract these just make sure you take extra vitamin C and E and watch your saturated fat intake. As for the addictive properties well that’s up to you."

no it doesn't nigger. Nicotine can help people who already have alzheimers slow the rate of mental decline, but smoking actually makes you more prone to alz heimers

Funny how you only seem to care about the studies that agree with your world view, but then think that [[[dey]]] alter all the studies that go against it. Do I detect an addict? yes I do.

you know what I mena fag

i love smoking cigs! smoke a pack a day, a pack of 20s is NZ$22.
So many shops get robbed because of the tax rises on smokes

You poor canada guys cant buy mint smokes i hear?

She looks nordic

Swedish snus or bust.

I haven't used anything but Swedish Snus and Oliver Twist tobacco in a year.

I'm now a giant Swedeaboo my life's mission is to immigrate to Skåne County in Sweden and grow tobacco.

Animal studies:

>The most interesting tidbit though, buried deep in the dogs experiments section (experiments by Cross et al, 1982), at the end of a sentence (p. 555), are the results of combined effects of radon (via uranium dusts) inhalation and tobacco smoke. While the radon alone had no problems in inducing lung cancers in dogs (or any other animals), the combined effect of tobacco smoke and radon resulted in significant protection against lung cancers in smoking dogs -- while the nonsmoking dogs exposed to radon had 37% incidence of lung tumors, the smoking dogs exposed to radon had only 5% lung tumor incidence (from the orginal Cross et al. 1982 paper, p. 48):

The flaws inherent to epidemiology are self-evident and are explained in the two Whitby books linked.

do we really need to have this discussion?

>sources for all of those claims

Cancer comes from chemtrails and space radiation from lizard men's space warships, didn't you know that dumbo?

Nicotine is the single most addictive substance on earth. The only thing that is stronger than nicotine is human willpower.

Alz heimer studies
Cognitive decline
Thyroid seems to be damaged by smoking but it can reduce the rate of thyroid cancer in post menopausal women
Smoking (more importantly nicotine) does reduce appetite and protect against obesity
Smoking poses a negative cardiovascular risk
fine if you want to die by congestive heart failure I guess
Smoking has negative affects on lung capacity
Smoking and mental health
really just think for yourselves people who gains anyhting from making you not smoke? It doesn't give you super powers or some shit so why?

Death by snu-snu ain't so bad.

The lung images are from emphaszima, some from black lung which is from mining. Outside of severe disease, a smokers lung is otherwise indistinguishable. the whole thing is a propaganda campaign. That said, it's less healthy than not smoking at all.

>implying the lung isn't a highly evolved organ that doesn't have mechanisms to break down organic matter and expel any residual material

Really boggles the mind.

>durr guys, he's anti-science, I'll lump him in with conspiracy theories and other nonsense, I mean he cannot possibly be scientific r-right?

I shouldn't even address your shit post but there are no such thing as "chemtrails", or Lizard people, and people who are against GMOs are chimping out because they don't understand genetic sequencing or like the idea of people playing god. As you can see, I do not fall into your "he's obviously anti-science tinfoil hat guys!" category.

If anyone isn't scientific, it is you for distorting the argument here and trying to discredit me by lumping me in with this bullshit.

Their lungs get harvested- and transplantees are not worse off for it.

No it isn't.

>they don't understand genetic sequencing
just like you don't understand physiology

Tobacco is a great natural remedy for many things including bee stings (firsthand experience), eczema, and easing whooping cough symptoms.

It's not great for your teeth to smoke or chew it though, and the naturally occurring nicotine is both addictive and toxic. Chewing it is a really bad idea, as well are a nasty habit.

However, the real problem is that tobacco companies were (and still are) adding some really hazardous chemicals to the tobacco used in cigars and cigarettes.

The chemicals are used to change the qualities of the smoke the produced and as preservatives.

These chemicals are carcinogenic and will fuck you up in a bad way.

pic related

Roken is gezond voor u, zolang ge het maar verdund met fjorden lucht

>anti-science tinfoil hat guys
These are literally the ONLY people who copy and paste this smoking-is-good-for-you-greatest-lie-of-XX-century bullshit.

smoking increases your test

Actually if you have ancestry from colder climates I sure hope your lungs were made to handle smoke, unless your ancestors were adapted to stay warm without a fires somehow

nothing wrong with tobacco, whats wrong is companies coating it with cancerous chemicals

It decreases the subconscious need for sexual oral fixation, thus banning cigs increases degeneracy

No. This is the result of a misinformation campaign. It was never the case that smoking lead to cancer, the argument was that eliminating smoking would eliminate the biggest risk factor in a cancer that sometimes appears on a hereditary or other basis and which did not appear in all or most smokers. Much easier to say "smoking equals cancer."

lot more where that came from

but of course youll always find studies to try to minimize these claims since anti smokers have the backing of an internationally run propoganda campaign


its been found that a smokers lungs work just as well as a non smokers lung for transplants

The British did a landmark multi-decade study on effects of smoking that was released in the late-90's. This study was entirely suppressed in the US. Medical professionals read it, of course. Now go around back at your local hospital and let me know if you see any doctors and nurses smoking. Nicotine is a nootropic, that's why smoking was attacked so aggressively. Smoking was also used to cover up all of the sickness and death caused by air pollution prior to the 1970's.

mint??? what are you black? no but really mints are pretty good

Even animals will stand upwind of fire. Any retard knows breathing smoke is bad for you.

>obesity causes cancer
Obesity is the number one cause of cancer, in fact. Being a fat fuck is far, far worse for you than smoking.

Even if your standing upwind from the fire you will get some smoke, especially if the wind changes while you are sleeping. THe amount of smoke you inhale sleeping next to a fire significantly more than you could ever smoke from a cigarette

Only absolute scumfuck retards smoke. It's bad for you, addictive, shows everybody you're a garbage human being and it's expensive. There's no positive to it, only a long list of negatives.

just a few positives
>more testosterone, less estrogen
>reduces alzheimers
>raises iq

>Nerve ending start regrowing
Exactly how retarded you must be to believe this?

Ignore people selling you products. American Spirits are much, much better than Camels, Marlboro's, etc. The flavoring and other additives in many cigarette brands are the worst parts.

Well, yeah, anything can be good if you lie about it.

Why does big pharma lobby for opioids but against tobacco?

It's simple, cigarette smokers die early and with relatively low medical costs. The health industry wants people to live to there 80s and 90s so they can leech of Medicare and Medicaid.

The reason why our health care system is so overburdened is because more and more people are getting older

All drugs are bad in the sense when you do too much of it they will cause negative impacts on your body

Caffeine may seem harmless but someone who has a cup of coffee everyday in the morning for over a long period of time, will have some form of withdrawals when they cease to stop (most common one is fatigue, at worst it will affect your mood and make you on edge like you are hanging out for a hit of crack)

A healthy mind + body doesn't need drugs to function at full potential

Also by taking one for the team, they keep pensions from being entirely a ponzi scheme.

Anti-smoking baffles me.

If the jews want whites to die and destroy white culture while making money why don't they push smoking on the population instead of discouraging it?

Tobacco causes 40X infection rates after surgery. It stops growth and healing... smoking a cigarette after going to gym is like the physiological opposite of Tokin a bowl.

They did push it hard. Then people wised up to that bullshit.
Hell, they pushed women smoking as a part of "women's liberation". They paid feminists to smoke in feminist marches and shit.

I literally gave up smoking this week and have had no cravings.

Those who are addicted are mentally weak. You're better off smoking weed

>If you don't smoke, get a pack of high quality unfiltered cigarettes. Trust me, it will be the best decision you ever make.

What about vaping?
>inb4 fedora

how many (really) old fat people do you see? almost none

how about old smokers? plenty

Of course a leaf thinks anecdotal evidence is a legitimate form of protest, I mean evidence.

Ed Bernays, Freud's nephew, marketed smoking as women's liberation because it is chemical masculation.

even if it is, what is harmful about nicotine?

Caffeine is a very harmful substance and the withdrawl is very severe - encompassing far more than most people expect. Once a heavy coffee drinker goes through the process they'll avoid starting again, no matter how much they love coffee, because they realize how bad it is for them.

That was a long time ago though.

Sperm fertillity does go down,heat also rises as the coughing fits scar lung tissue...

Blah Blah Blah...
Buy tobacco leaves and a water bong or vape. know...stay 100 percent sober.

Hitler and the Nazis hated smoking too, dipshit.
I smoked heavily for like 3 months while eating less and eating healthier, and, while I LOST weight below an overweight threshold, I was diagnosed as prediabetic, when I was NINETEEN.
Nicotine itself is not harmful. But literally inhaling burning carbon particles is, particularly from cigarettes which have a myriad of other shitty toxins and pesticides in them. (cigarette smoke has carbon monoxide in it)
Considering the aforementioned animal testing, I am willing to bet there is foul play involved, but I am not yet convinced smoking in itself is safe or even recommended. I would rather continue to stick to vaping instead, which is generally accepted as safe now. (protip: the big tobacco kikes are trying to ban vaping for a reason, consider that)

Cigarettes are one of the most profitable products ever marketed. Everything done in the cigarette industry was to make money. They made a fucking ton of money. They still do - the high taxes mask the base price, so it's extremely easy for the producer to jack up the price on a pack - people just assume the taxes went up again.

Nicotine raises heart rate and blood pressure which can lead to heart problems. My heart rate literally goes up by 20-30 bpm after smoking.

>i read on a a package today it damages the sperm and can make you infertile
They said the same thing about alcohol too. Turns out I was most fertile when I smoked like a chimney and drank like a fish. Thanks Obama. Only 8 more years of garnishments.

vaping is poison. ITs nothing but chemicals and the vapor particles are i think 100x smaller than smoke particles so they dont build up as tar in the lungs where you cough it out, they just go straight into your bloodstream where they accumulate until one day you are completely fucked when it reaches critical mass.

20 years from now people are gonna realize vaping was the biggest mistake of their life.

Iv tried my friends vapes from time to time, every time I cough like crazy and it HURTS

coffee is WAY worse than smoking

Vaping is literally just vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol, optionally mixed with flavoring and nicotine or other herbal chemicals. There's no proof it's harmful whatsoever, and even potentially helpful for those wanting not to fill their lungs with smoke particles.

And? They did push it to hurt people. It's why they pushed it in movies too.
>Iv tried my friends vapes from time to time, every time I cough like crazy and it HURTS
Because you smoke so much. Walking up a flight of stairs probably makes you cough and hurt.

my favorite part of this thread is all the people complaining about heat created toxins when they eat cooked food at every meal. Especially cooked carbs.

Do you have any idea how toxic acrylamides are? One of the most toxic substances people consume.

>Ignore people selling you products
>shill for American Spirits

One of the positive effects of smoking is it protects the weakest link in your lungs, the bronchials, from pollutants in the air. So if you live in a polluted place like Shanghai, smoking is almost certainly a good idea. It's incredible how many people fail to figure out that air pollution in the 40s-70's was the primary cause of the high rates of CPD, Emphysema, and lung cancers. They literally exploded nuclear weapons in the air, above US states, and the radiation wafted around freely because they didn't know it was a bad idea yet. Smoking was used as a scapegoat to cover this up. Finally - people also forget that the tobacco companies, such as RJR Nabisco, were primarily nailed in court for additives that addicted people. Notice that RJReynolds OWNED NABISCO, one of the major food producers. Did you ever hear about them getting in trouble for using the same techniques in their food? Of course not, but you'd have to be stupider than a Democrat to think they didn't. In fact, notice how obesity and "Crap food" problems proliferated at the same time that anti-smoking hysteria took off?

Tobacco is harmful but it's a goy controlled industry that's why (((they))) want to finish it.

>been drinking coffee since sixth grade
>now 30

I want to quit but it is gonna be pure hell

I agree. Notice how it's pushed as happy and normal? The pro-coffee propaganda is incredible if you look for it. I love coffee, but I also know that caffeine is worse for me than alcohol or tobacco.

LOL im so healthy its ridiculous, crazy stamina too, and I never work out.

I regrew bone after a surgery in 2 months that takes normal people at least a year to regrow

try eating healthy (meat and raw dairy, low carb/high fat, no chemicals) instead of eating junk food all day and thinking your healthy because you dont smoke

>And? They did push it to hurt people. It's why they pushed it in movies too

But now would be a great time for the final push to destroy whites in the USA. Why aren't they?